Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2571: Come to the God Realm of Tianzhou Realm


Hearing such words and feeling such contempt, how can Dong Zhiwen endure?

Even if Dong Zhiwen could bear it, their disciples of Feiyan Sect could not bear it.

So after hearing Tang Yi’s words, Dong Zhiwen suddenly said: "OK, since the son does not need our help, then we will not help, but we still go with the son to see. After all, we also want to see, this holy What kind of force is the door? How strong is it to dare to come boldly to establish the entrance to Feiyanzong! How strong is it to let the son speak words that we cannot help."

"Then go together."

Tang Yi said to Yunzao: "Jiang Yun, lead the way."

"Okay, son!"

Jiang Yun respectfully said.

With that said, he first stepped into the golden crack.

Following the cloud, Tang Yi and his party also went in.

Feiyanzong's Taishang elder Dong Zhiwen thought about it for a moment, and then commanded: "The one who has reached the level of the Holy Spirit comes with me, and the others are on the spot!"


The people of Feiyan Zong responded.

In this way, Feiyan Sect, including Taishang elder Dong Zhiwen, a total of 16 people, followed Tang Yi and his party into the golden crack.


Everyone entered the golden crack, and the golden crack shook a little, and then closed.

Tang Yi and his party came to the ground of Feiyanzong with Yunzao.

This is a very wide hall, in the center of the hall, depicting a huge magic circle.

As Tang Yi and others entered the crack, Dong Zhiwen, the Taishang elder of Feiyanzong, surveyed slightly and then asked, "Here is..."

"This is the ground of your flying Yanzong." Tang Yi replied.

"Underground? Just now that entrance, actually entered the underground of our Feiyanzong?" Dong Zhiwen said with surprise.

The others in Feiyan Zong also looked around in surprise.


Tang Yi said: "From the top of Houshan Mountain, the first thing we enter is the ground of your flying Yanzong. Then, through the magic circle, we can enter the Holy Gate."

Hearing Tang Yi’s words, Dong Zhiwen nodded and said, “That’s what it is! But this holy gate is really abominable. Actually, the teleportation circle was built to the ground of our Flying Smoke Sect! Those who have come to the Holy Door, I must make them look good!"

"Yes! We have to teach the Holy Door! Let them know that our flying Yanzong is not so annoying."

"This holy door doesn't take our Flying Smoke Sect too seriously! If we don't teach them a lesson, then they will still be able to measure in!"

"Today, either the Holy Door was killed by us, or we were killed by the Holy Door!"

"This time we passed, we must let them know the power of our Flying Smoke Sect, and let them know that those who dare to spread wild under the Flying Smoke Sect will not end well!"


Everyone in Feiyanzong said.

Hearing the words, Yunza suddenly sneered, thinking that this flying smoke sect is simply a group of fools, not overstretched.

Without knowing what the opponent's power is and what his strength is, it is ridiculous for this Feiyanzong to dare to be so clamoring.

Dealing with the Holy Door?

Make the Holy Door look good?

Can it be dealt with?

Not to mention dealing with the entire Holy Door.

Even if it is the first one of their holy gate, this Flying Smoke Sect can't deal with it!

Only a first seat can make the Feiyan Zong disappear.

In addition, don't look at Cloud Block has lost his hands, but in fact the combat power has not affected much.

If it were not for Tang Yi here, it is estimated that the Feiyan Sect had been destroyed.

Too self-confident.

Tang Yi and Mu Xianling also shook their heads.

Although they wanted to laugh about Feiyanzong's overconfidence, they didn't say anything or show it.

After all, those who don’t know are not to blame, and Feiyanzong doesn’t know what kind of power the Holy Gate is, right?

Since I don't know what kind of power the Holy Gate is, what's the problem with Feiyanzong saying this kind of overconfidence?

Can they blame them?

Tang Yi said to Yunzao: "What should I do now? How can we pass the magic circle?"

Yunza said: "Son, wait a minute, I immediately start the circle."

After talking, the cloud base moved.

I saw his eyes fixed, his body startled, and a token flew out of him!

This token flew over the circle immediately.

And the next moment this token flew out, the formation at the foot of Tang Yi and others reacted.

I saw the light of the magic circle flickered, shining a dazzling golden light.

Seeing that the golden light was on, Yunza quickly said, "Son, now stand on the magic circle."

Wen Yan, Tang Yi and Mu Xianling and others quickly stood on the circle.

On the other side, everyone in the Flying Smoke Sect quickly squeezed into the circle.


The golden light of the magic circle flickered, and then Tang Yi and his party disappeared to the ground of Feiyanzong.

The next moment will appear again.

They appeared on the top of a mountain with a wide view.

And this mountaintop is not the back mountain peak of Feiyanzong, but a very strong aura, which is very strange to everyone in Feiyanzong.

However, when Tang Yi and his party had just stepped on the top of this mountain, they only heard a suspicious voice coming from their ears: "Jiang Yun? You are not in Moyun Palace, how come back? And, these people Who is it? What about your hands? Why is it gone?"

After hearing the words, the crowd looked down at the sound and suddenly saw a dozen martial artists standing not far from the top of this mysterious mountain.

Almost all of these dozen martial artists wore white robes with a holy word on their chests. Everyone's breath was extraordinary.

And one of them, the breath is as vast as the abyss, terrifying like the sky, endless.

This terrifying warrior, probably in his forties or so, is dressed differently from others, but he is wearing a golden robe. The whole person is extremely imposing, and he is also full of a taste of high and high taste. It is not an ordinary person.

And the doubtful words just now were what the golden robe warrior said.

"Hong Yang? I didn't expect that you were actually sent to guard the teleportation array~lightnovelpub.net~ Yunza was surprised, then turned around and introduced to Tang Yi: "Master, the one over there is like me It is also the first seat of the Holy Gate, named Hong Yang, and is known as the Yang seat. The reason why he appeared here was that he was sent to watch the teleportation team. "

"Oh? Is it also the first one?"

Tang Yi glanced slightly and found that Hong Yang in front of him, like Yunza, was also a supreme.

However, it is only a low power!

Such a supreme, for Tang Yi, there is no threat at all!

Of course, there is no threat for Tang Yi and others, but for Fei Yanzong, the threat is great.

After all, the strongest person in the Feiyan Sect is their great elder Dong Zhiwen.

And Dong Zhiwen is just a top holy god. It is not too easy for the Supreme to deal with such a top holy god.