Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2685: Was misunderstood.

Several of Mu Xianling's wives were married from Tang Yi. They are famous and surnamed, and they are intimate. At this moment, the two beasts, the Little Tiger and the Demon Moon Beast, have received rewards and received promotion. If Mu Xianling did not, That's too bad for them.

Previously, due to insufficient Supreme coins, Tang Yi had no intention of buying gifts for them. At this moment, there are millions of Supreme Coins in hand. He can already show his efforts to choose the right gift for Mu Xianling's five daughters.

Slightly glanced at the five women, Tang Yi smiled, and then quickly sank into the system to buy gifts for Mu Xianling and other five women.

But Mu Xianling's five daughters didn't know Tang Yi's thoughts. When Tang Yi turned back and smiled at them, they felt horrified.

"What's the meaning of Hu Jun's smile this time? Is Zhongxie? I think this smile is terrible for him. He wouldn't want to..."

Bing Lian whispered.

"Lianer, what nonsense are you? How could this smile be wanted... Anyway, definitely not! As for why smile, maybe... what is he going to do? I see what husband wants to do This is the expression when bad things happen." An Huan said.


Mu Xianling snorted coldly and said, "Smile so insidious, certainly not well-intentioned, sisters should be careful. Although he is our husband, we should not be too accustomed to him, let alone make him inferior. If so If we really want to do something bad, we have to unite."

"Yes! Unite!"

Bing Lian clenched her little hands, and looked just like Ran Ran.

Yuwen Jinyu said: "Looking at that smile really doesn't seem like a good thing. We will pay attention to it later, not the way of the husband."

"Did your sisters worry too much, maybe the husband just smiled and didn't have any bad thoughts." Shangguan Siyu said.


Mu Xianling, Binglian, Yuwen Jinyu and An Huanlan, the four girls said at the same time.

After talking, the four women looked at each other with a hearty smile.

And those familiar with Tang Yi know that Tang Yi cannot smile for no reason.

Just that smile, they felt they must have another deep meaning.

As for whether it is good or bad...

They can't judge this.

However, they felt that it was definitely not good intentions.

After all, who would laugh like that?

Obviously, he is upgrading Little Huzi and Demon Moon Beast. Ming Demon Moon Beast has just been upgraded to the top sacred **** level. He suddenly turned back and smiled. This is scary.

and so.

The four daughters of Mu Xianling thought Tang Yi's smile was not a good thing, and refuted Shangguan Siyu.


After being refuted by the four girls, Shangguan Siyu froze for a moment, then shook his head with a smile, and stopped talking.

And Mu Xianling, Binglian, An Huanlan and Yuwen Jinyu are staring at Tang Yi cautiously in case he does anything bad. Kiki's novels are launched online

Even slightly back a few meters, just like a thief to prevent Tang Yi.

At this moment, Tang Yi, who knows nothing, is buying items in the system store.

If he knew that he had caused such a big misunderstanding because of his smile, and let Mu Xianling wait for several women to think that he was going to do bad things, and let Mu Xianling wait for some women to defend themselves like an anti-thief, then he had just confirmed Won't laugh that much.

If you want to laugh, you will definitely laugh more and talk more brightly.

In this way, Tang Yi who is not knowing anything and is buying gifts.

On the other side, watch out carefully, like Mu Xianling's daughters like thieves.

The scene instantly split into two sides and became very interesting.

Looking at this scene, Xiao Huzi was confused, and did not understand what his master and several mistresses were doing, why did they stand so far?

Why do the hostess look at the host with vigilance?

Is it?

What happened to the master?

Thinking of this, Xiao Huzi suddenly worried about Tang Yilai, and his mouth whined from time to time.

The demon moon beast is still immersed in the refreshing ascension, and has not noticed the changes in the scene.

Of course, even if she found out, she wouldn't pay attention to her.

Tang Yi sank into the system store for a long time. After searching and buying, he finally gave the gifts of Mu Xianling's daughters, and he quit the system store with satisfaction.


As soon as he exited the system store, Tang Yi suddenly discovered that except Shangguan Siyu, several other women were far away from him, guarding him like an anti-thief, and staring at him as if looking at one... .. bad guys?


"What's going on? What happened? How do you look at me like an anti-thief?"

Seeing several women's eyes and movements, Tang Yi was a little confused, and couldn't help but asked suspiciously.

Upon hearing the words, Mu Xianling immediately said: "Frankly lenient, resist strictness, and say, what conspiracy do you have, what bad things are you thinking about!"

Bing Lian also said: "Yes, say quickly, what bad things are you thinking! I can warn you, although you are our husband, you can't think of bad things! If you really want to, um... In fact, I think it’s not impossible, and I think we can be more exciting."


Mu Xianling, Yuwen Jinyu and An Huanlan sighed in silence~lightnovelpub.net~ They didn't expect that they originally said they wanted to unite Bing Lian and they would sell them in the next second.

Also, what can be said to be more exciting?

What on earth is Nizi thinking?

What is more exciting?

What excitement do you want?

Seeing Mu Xianling's daughters look at themselves with indignation, Bing Lian threw out her tongue and stopped talking.

On the side, Tang Yi was fooled by Mu Xianling and they, what is it?

What bad things, what excitement?

Why can't you understand?

He just went into the system store and bought something, and it didn’t take long for him to do something bad?

How can it be stimulated?

what happened?

Could it be that what happened here when he entered the system store to buy items?

"Hey no, what are you talking about. Was it something that happened to you in the moment I just froze?"

Tang Yi asked.

"what happened?"

Mu Xianling looked at Tang Yi strangely and said, "You ask us, we still want to ask you, okay, what do you laugh at us? What does that laugh mean? What is the plot?"

"That smile? What smile?"

After hearing this, Tang Yi was still in a daze.

"That's the smile you just smiled at us. You laugh like that, which makes us a little bit creepy. You're honest, you just laughed like that, are you thinking about something bad."

Mu Xianling said.

Hearing Mu Xianling's words, Tang Yi finally came to a sudden and understood.

Feelings are because of the trouble he caused just before entering the system store.

He just laughed because he wanted to buy gifts for Mu Xianling's daughters. That was a gentle smile.

Unexpectedly, they were misunderstood by Mu Xianling and several women.