Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2802: Shadow God King, Li Haoyue

At this time, Li Haoyue was there.

The terrifying and strong black air has completely covered this area.

The area covered is huge, with Li Haoyue as the center, at least hundreds of kilometers!

And in the most central area, where Li Haoyue was located, the strong black air already made this place invisible, and the eyes were full of pitch black!

Even Tang Yi, who had opened the Gate of Six Spirits, couldn't see anything here.

Even he was affected by the terrifying black air.

The evil aura exuded by the black energy continuously infested him.

Fortunately, Tang Yi used means to defend and keep these evil spirits out.

Otherwise, Tang Yi's state would be greatly affected.

The so-called influence is not physical, but soul.

Because evil affects the soul! !

And evil spirits will not directly invade the soul, nor will it cause harm to Tang Yi's soul.

However, it can affect the soul and change Tang Yi's nature.

Long-term infested by evil spirits, Tang Yi will become more evil, and evil thoughts will increase.

If evil thoughts slowly increase, Tang Yi will go the road of no return in the future.

This is more serious than injury!

Therefore, Tang Yi used means to defend these evil spirits.

With the passage of time, the volume of that black gas grew larger and stronger.

When this black gas covered a thousand kilometers, covering half of the Black Moon battlefield.


I saw the location of Li Haoyue, and suddenly there was a soft noise.

Immediately afterwards, a huge momentum burst out!

As the terrifying aura spread out, the black energy that had spread for thousands of kilometers, as if being summoned, as if attracted by something, immediately gathered towards the location of Li Haoyue!

Falling into the magic way, the black air flows back!

The black energy that spread from Li Haoyue returned to Li Haoyue's body.

However, as the black energy flowed back and continued to enter Li Haoyue's body, Li Haoyue's aura rose rapidly! The fastest updated novels https://

Moreover, it is a doubling of the climb.

If Li Haoyue's momentum is described by numerical values, then the original momentum is one hundred points.

With the passage of time, Li Haoyue's momentum increased rapidly, from the first 100 o'clock onwards, soaring rapidly.

Two hundred points.

Three hundred points.

Four hundred points.

Five hundred points!

Constantly climbing, constantly climbing, Li Haoyue's momentum suddenly jumped to two thousand points!

Twenty times that!


This is not the point, it is not the end.

Two thousand one hundred points.

Two thousand two hundred points.

Two thousand three hundred points.

Two thousand four hundred o'clock...

Finally stopped at 2700 o'clock.

If Li Haoyue's momentum had a value, it could be raised from one hundred to two thousand seven hundred!

The momentum has turned 27 times!

Of course.

In fact, the real improvement in strength cannot be counted as such.

Because every time the momentum rises, the strength will increase many, many times.

The momentum has increased by 27 times, and the strength has actually increased by 27 steps.

It's not clear how much strength has been improved by the 27 steps, in short, it is very strong.

In short, after being enchanted, Li Haoyue's strength has been greatly improved.


Countless black energy entered Li Haoyue's body, and the black energy that enveloped the entire venue was slowly absorbed by Li Haoyue.

In the end, the entire venue regained its clarity due to the disappearance of the black air.

With the disappearance of the black energy, Li Haoyue's figure reappeared in Tang Yi's line of sight.


Li Haoyue, who appeared in the venue at this moment, had undergone tremendous changes.

After he used the method before, his whole person turned black, and his hair was longer than his body like a waterfall.

The whole person looks like a black monkey.

But after being enchanted, his body color changed again, from black to gold!

Become a golden man.

At the same time, a pair of three-meter-long six-winged golden wings appeared behind him, becoming a birdman.

A golden unicorn with a length of more than 30 centimeters grew on his head!

After being enchanted, Li Haoyue changed from a normal person to a bird man!

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi's eyes widened again, as if he had discovered something, and said in surprise: "Transformation? Transformation like Luli? Isn't Li Haoyue, the lord of Haoyue, not a human? But a lurking human. An alien in the world?"

Seeing Li Haoyue's change, Tang Yi immediately threw it away.

Name: Li Haoyue (Dark Demon-level BOSS.)

Level: Level 1900 (???)

Identity: Lord of Bright Moon, Lord of Ancient Gods, Lord of Shadows.

Race: Shadow

Description: Li Haoyue, the ancient god, commonly known as the Lord of Haoyue, dominates a large world.

The actual identity is the Shadow God King hidden in the human world, from the Shadow Demon Realm.

History: He had a grudge between a woman and another strong ancient man. Then the two built the Haoyue battlefield, and agreed to lead their men in this battle and determine the woman's ownership. This battle lasted more than three hundred years. In the end, Li Haoyue and another ancient powerhouse and their subordinates, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com all fell on the Haoyue battlefield. At this point, this endlessly stunning showdown has come to an end.

Note: Actually, the reason why this woman had grievances with other strong men was because this woman discovered Li Haoyue’s identity. Because of fear of her identity being revealed, he wanted to kill this woman. The woman was very clever, found another peerless strong man, and received the asylum of this peerless strong man, so she was not killed by Li Haoyue.

But because of her, it caused a peerless battle, and countless people died for it. The fastest updated novels https://

History: Li Haoyue, the shadow **** king, seems to know that there is no possibility of winning this world-shaking battle, so he prepared the Refining Demon Huitian Formation in advance to wait for his resurrection!

After his countless years of accumulation, this unparalleled super large array was set up. After countless years of operation, Li Haoyue was finally resurrected. And the body was replaced with an extremely powerful body of gods and demons, and his strength greatly increased.

Note: In fact, the Refining Demon Huitian Array is a special type of formation in the Shadow Demon Realm, which cannot be arranged by non-Shadow Demon Clan members.

The effect is not resurrection, but awakening and ascension. Awaken the dark blood of the shadow demon clan, enhance the strength, and strengthen the physique of the gods and monsters!

Using this great formation, as long as a ray of soul is immortal, the body can be reshaped.

Li Haoyue didn't really die back then, but kept a ray of her soul in this great formation. After years of accumulation, she finally reshaped her body.

Supreme Divine Power Index: 90 million points.

(Due to lack of energy, there is a huge defect when the body recovers, and its strength only recovers 8% of the body. The current Supreme Divine Power Index is actually: 720,000 points.)
