Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2807: The last resistance

Just when Tang Yi displayed twenty divine power barriers in front of him and prepared for all defenses, he saw a flash of cold light in Li Haoyue's pupils, and shouted: "Golden spear to destroy God! Die!"


Li Haoyue threw the dazzling golden spear like the sun in her hand.

The golden spear whizzed out under Li Haoyue's throw and flew towards Tang Yi.

"Boom boom boom!"

Where the golden spear passed, every inch of space was cracked, dust was flying, and the ground collapsed.

The whole world seemed to have been hit hard and shook suddenly.

Before the spear approached, Tang Yi felt the terrifying power on the spear from a distance, and felt a huge pressure from a distance.

This pressure was like a mountain, making Tang Yi unable to breathe.

Whether it is visual or perceptual, it is extremely terrifying.

You don't need to think about it, you can know that this blow is extremely powerful.

Facing this blow, Tang Yi gritted his teeth.

Before this blow was about to blast at him, he flicked his right hand and took out his Tier 10 secondary weapon, the Sun Tower.

After taking out the Sun God Tower, Tang Yi didn't even think about it, but first displayed the auxiliary skills of the Sun God Tower!

"Peerless Tianzun!"

Peerless Tianzun: Casting this skill can increase its full attributes, attack power, defense power and skill damage to oneself.

After displaying the auxiliary skills, Tang Yi immediately launched an attack.

"Lei Zhen Five Nights!"

"Lei Zhen Five Nights!"

"Lei Zhen Five Nights!"

"Lei Zhen Five Nights!"

"Lei Zhen Five Nights!"


A series of twelve Lei Zhen five nights were displayed by Tang Yi.

Of course, it wasn't that Tang Yi didn't want to do more, it was because Tang Yi didn't have time to do it. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

The golden spear had already blasted over with incomparable momentum.

If Tang Yi used it again, it would be too late to defend.

So twelve thunderstorms and five nights are already Tang Yi's limit.

And the twelve thunders shook the five nights, and each thunder had five gods.

Add up to a total of sixty divine thunders.

At this moment, sixty golden divine thunders suddenly shot at the golden long spear thrown by Li Haoyue.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The terrifying divine thunder blasted on the golden spear, and there was a series of rumbling noises, and the whole world trembled continuously with the rumbling sound.

Some spaces even collapsed directly, revealing a dark void.

And the land of the Black Moon battlefield is even more flying, and pieces of land are constantly being overturned!

The aftermath of horror shakes.

After sixty consecutive rumblings, Li Haoyue's golden spear broke through the encirclement, shattering the encirclement of golden thunders, and continued to attack Tang Yi.

The power is still fierce, and the power is still terrifying.

Soon, the extremely fierce golden spear blasted on the divine power barrier that Tang Yi had previously used!

However, Tang Yi's divine power barrier used twenty layers.

And also superimposed together, forming a fortress-like barrier.

Stacked together, at least more than six meters thick, it looks terrifying defense.

What is the defensive power of the six-meter-thick divine barrier? Needless to say, it must be stronger than before.

Moreover, more than 20 divine power barriers are superimposed on each other, which is not as simple as one plus one.

But the defense power has been doubled.

In short, the 20 divine power barriers that Tang Yi displayed were extremely astonishing.


What Tang Yi didn't expect at all was that his divine power barrier, when facing Li Haoyue's golden spear, seemed to be papery and fragile.

Twenty divine power barriers, and superimposed, did not even block the golden spear!

Just a little touch, it broke apart.

Seeing the divine power barrier shattered, Tang Yi was shocked.

Originally, Tang Yi thought that his defensive power was already high enough, and his preparations were already good enough.

However, when Li Haoyue's attack came, he knew that the previous preparations were far from enough.

These preparations, these various defenses, were simply not enough to stop Li Haoyue's attack.

This golden spear that Li Haoyue poured all his power into was really terrifying and infinitely powerful.

Wanting to resist with a few defenses is just a dream.

Seeing his divine power barrier quickly shattered, Tang Yi attacked again without even thinking about it.

Now the things that should be used are also used, and all the things that should be used are used. Except for a fierce attack, to consume the energy of the golden spear as much as possible, and to resist this golden spear as much as possible, Tang Yi can do nothing.

and so!

After the divine power barrier was broken, Tang Yi sent a fierce attack at the golden spear.

The tower of the sun **** was in his hands and was brought to the extreme, and the gods thunder burst out like no money.

Tang Yi didn't expect his own attack to destroy the golden spear, let alone block the golden spear.

His only hope now is that his attack can have an effect on the golden spear.

Can slightly weaken the power of the golden spear.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novels|w~w~

In this way, his body can still hold one or two, and can also block the attack of the golden spear ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ otherwise.

If such a terrifying golden spear hits him, then...

No matter how strong his body's defenses are, even if his body looks like a divine tool, even stronger than the divine tool, it cannot be blocked!

And the unstoppable end...

Is this still necessary?

Tang Yi hasn't lived enough yet and doesn't want to fall here.

Therefore, Tang Yi is now frantically attacking, consuming the energy of the golden spear frantically, and wants to reduce the power of the golden spear.

"Boom boom boom!"

The gods thunder blasted on the golden spear, making a rumbling sound, and golden mushrooms bloomed continuously on the golden spear.

A wave of terrifying shock waves continued to oscillate at the collision location, spreading towards the surroundings.

With Tang Yi's fierce attack, the surrounding space all shattered, shattered into countless small pieces like glass, and the fragments of countless spaces were flying around, just like falling cherry blossoms scattered everywhere.


No matter how Tang Yi attacks, no matter how violent Tang Yi's attacks are, no matter how many divine thunder he casts, he cannot shake Li Haoyue's golden spear.

That golden spear is like a steel battleship, falling straight down, no matter what it hits, it will not change its direction or shake it!


Seeing this scene, Li Haoyue, who was exhausted in the distance, let out a disdainful sneer, and said: "It's useless! Don't do unnecessary struggles! This is a shot I have tried my best. Took all my energy,

You can't resist it! No matter how you struggle, you will definitely die this time! Haha, to be honest, if it wasn't for you to force me, I wouldn't be so desperate, all of this was forced by you, you can only blame yourself. "