Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2815: The horror of hitting the whip is elevat

Although he could not completely kill Li Haoyue this time, the system still gave Tang Yi a very rich harvest.

Except for the level breaking through two levels at once, reaching the ninth level.

He also received 110 billion Supreme Coins.

With the addition of the original Supreme Coin, Tang Yi's Supreme Coin has reached 113.5 billion!

More than 100 billion!

Tang Yi has never received so many supreme coins.

Previously, Tang Yi got the most Supreme Coins, which was more than 60 billion.

Directly doubled at the moment!

With more than 60 billion Supreme Coins, Tang Yi can be armed to his teeth from head to toe.

There are more than 100 billion Supreme Coins, not to mention, you can definitely buy more and better things.

And when playing boss, life can be more protected.

In addition to the rewards of rank and supreme coins, Tang Yi's merits also reached 1.63 million points.

Li Haoyue alone contributed one million points to Tang Yi.

Although Tang Yi still doesn't know what the merits are, according to past experience, since it is an item exploded by the system, even if it is useless at this stage, it will have a great effect in the later stage.

Therefore, the more such things are the better.

Of course.

The biggest improvement this time is the Supreme Divine Power Index, in addition to the Supreme Coins and merits.

With the increase in level, Tang Yi's divine power index has grown by leaps and bounds.

Originally, after changing the equipment and challenging Li Haoyue, Tang Yi's Supreme Divine Power Index was only 1.6 million points.

However, with the promotion of his level, his supreme divine power index at the moment has increased to more than 150 million points!

Yes, the increase in level alone has increased the Supreme Divine Power Index by more than 100 million points!

Such an improvement is simply amazing!

Seeing such a terrifying promotion, even Tang Yi couldn't help but breathe in, and couldn't help being shocked.

Over 100 million points of supreme divine power, this is not supreme combat power.

Each point of supreme divine power is equivalent to 10 million points of supreme combat power!

One hundred million points of supreme divine power, how much supreme combat power is this?


Before that, Tang Yi had just over one million supreme supernatural powers!

With more than one million supreme divine powers, Tang Yi was already extremely powerful.

With more than 100 million points of supreme divine power, how strong should Tang Yi be?

"No wonder, no wonder I felt so good just now. No wonder I can reach a thousand miles with a single leap. It turns out that my Supreme Divine Power Index has risen to this point."

Tang Yi said with emotion.

He clenched a fist at this moment, and the fullness of power he felt from his fist made him very relieved.

In addition to the leaps and bounds of the Supreme Divine Power Index, which rose to more than 100 million points at once, Tang Yi also obtained many items!

Moreover, these items were different from those obtained by Tang Yi in the past. The names of these items contained the word "exquisite".

Tang Yi opened the interface of these special items in turn.

The first is to beat the whip.

Beat the whip: the supreme boutique weapon.

Special attributes: All attacks ignore defense.

Special attributes: each attack and use of skills will produce additional damage, the damage value is half of the attack or skill.

Passive special effects: blood light, fast.

Blood light: Every time you attack or use a skill, a blood light will be produced. Under the influence of blood light, the defense of the enemy target will be greatly reduced.

Speed: Every time you attack or use a skill, you can get a layer of speed attribute. Under the effect of this attribute, the attack speed can be increased to a certain extent, up to 100 layers.

Active skills: Blood Shadow Flurry, Fighting God.

Blood Shadow Flurry: swinging the whip to carry out intensive attacks on the front area, each hit can cause terror damage to the enemy target.

Duration: 5 seconds.

Beat the god: swing the whip to make a fatal blow to the enemy target. If it hits the target, the hit target will be knocked into the air. At the same time, there will be negative states such as bleeding, maiming, and fatigue. Chance of lethal effect.

Supreme divine power index increase: 50 million points.


"The Supreme Divine Power Index is five...50 million points!"

Seeing the attributes of the magic whip, Tang Yi was stunned for an instant. He didn't expect this weapon to be so powerful, and the Supreme Divine Power Index alone reached 50 million points!

This is the first time that Tang Yi has obtained a weapon of this level!

In addition.

This weapon is not only high in the Supreme Divine Power Index, its attributes, passive special effects and skills are also very good.

The first is two special attributes, one can make the attack directly ignore the defense, and the other can increase extra damage.

Needless to say, ignoring defenses, with this attribute, killing people and monsters is like cutting tofu.

And this extra damage... is even worse.

The additional damage can reach half of the attack!

In other words, every normal attack is 1.5 times more powerful.

Of course.

This is not the most important thing, nor is it the most powerful part of this special attribute.

The most powerful part of this special attribute is that even the use of skills has extra damage!

And the extra damage is half of the skill damage!

This is an incredible attribute.

Know that skill damage is not comparable to ordinary attacks.

Skills can often play a thousand times the power of ordinary attacks!

With such a huge power, half of the damage done by UU reading www.uukanshu.com is very scary.

Therefore, an additional half of the damage of the skill can be said to be a very huge improvement.

This attribute is quite powerful.

In addition to special attributes, passive is also very good.

Bloodlight can reduce the defense of enemy targets.

Speed ​​can superimpose attack speed.

Both attributes greatly improve the battle.

As for active skills...

Tang Yiguang looked at the introduction of the two active skills and found it very powerful.

Blood Shadow Flurry is a group skill that can cause damage to enemies within a range.

The god-fighting is a single skill with terrifying offensive power, as well as a variety of effects, and even a fatal effect of one shot.

Of course.

This is descriptive.

Whether this skill is powerful or not, how powerful it is, you have to try it before you know.

Overall, this weapon is still very good.

However, Tang Yi's Tower of the Sun was damaged in the previous battle, and the weapon of the whip could just replace the Tower of the Sun, equipped on the secondary weapon bar.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novels|w~w~

In this way, after checking the attributes of Divine Whip, Tang Yi equipped it.

Deduct the 100,000-point supreme divine power index of the Sun God Tower, plus the 50 million-point supreme divine power index of the **** whip.

Tang Yi's Supreme Divine Power Index suddenly increased from 151,914,700 points to 2018,14,700 points! The fastest updated novels https://

Officially exceeded 200 million points!

A day ago, Tang Yi's Supreme Divine Power Index was just over one million.

After fighting with Li Haoyue for a day, his supreme divine power index has risen to 200 million, an increase of hundreds of times!

This speed of improvement is simply unparalleled.