Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 296: Say, what do you want to die

How to do?

Seeing Xiaofu take off his clothes, Mu Xianling's three daughters were even more flustered, and her body shivered uncontrollably. They didn't dare to look at Xiaofu.

"Brother Tang Yi, save me!"

Tang Shu shouted towards the sky again in fear, and seemed to feel that there was not enough. She pulled her throat and yelled Tang Yi's name constantly.

"Call, call, the louder you call, the more excited I will be!" Xiaofu smiled sourly and let Tang Shu call.

He came to Mu Xianling's three women and began to take off their clothes.

At this moment, the three women have no resistance, how can they stop Xiaofu's actions?

They yelled and fought desperately, but they were useless.

"It's thorn!" First of all, the deer's clothes were torn apart by Xiaofu's mercilessly, revealing a piece of white flowers and flowers, and the spring light was infinite, so that Xiaofu could see the saliva.

Xiaofu no longer hesitated, quickly pulled the clothes of the other two women, and made two soft sounds. The clothes of Mu Xianling and Tang Shu were instantly torn by Xiaofu.

The clothes of Mu Xianling's three daughters turned into pieces of rags like this. The shoulders were completely exposed in front of Xiaofu's eyes. Except for the trousers and tube top blocking the intimate parts, the rest of the clothes were ripped by Xiaofu.

The scene at this time was very glorious and incredibly fragrant. Although I didn't see the place I wanted to see, it aroused Xiaofu's desire even more.

And Mu Xianling's three daughters were violated by Xiaofu step by step, and they screamed and rebelled madly. They were desperate and terrified.

Tang Shu’s crying sounded throughout the forest, and the sound of ‘wow wah wah’ sounded pitiful.

"Xiaomei people, I'm here!"

Xiaofu likes to see beautiful women crying, the despair of Mu Xianling's three women makes him more excited, he rubbed his hands, ready to get rid of the last **** of the three women, and then the whole person pounced up and threw the three women Eat it.

And this time...



There was a sudden explosion in the sky, and then a huge cold hum came from the sky!


Xiaofu hurriedly stopped his movements and looked up into the sky.

At this moment, a black shadow fell from the sky, and then a ‘poo’ sounded, like a sandbag, and fell beside Xiaofu.

Xiaofu was curious about what it was, and walked over carefully to find out, and suddenly found...this turned out to be a corpse.

Turning over the front of the corpse and seeing the appearance of the corpse, Xiao Fu suddenly panicked.

Jiao Zhiming's body!

Why did Jiao Zhiming die here?

Seeing Jiao Zhiming's body, Xiao Fu was a little shocked. Jiao Zhiming's strength Xiao Fu knew, even if it was not good, Jiao Zhiming also had the strength of the war king. The general candidate number could not be his opponent, let alone kill Jiao. Zhiming!

Moreover, he still acts with Shao Yushan. The two warlords, as long as they don't encounter monsters like the scorpion giant frog, in this small holy place, it is simply invincible, unless...

Unless they meet the candidate who is second in the ranking!

Thinking of this, Xiao Fu suddenly remembered that Yu Pei had received news from Jiao Zhiming before...

After glancing around to make sure there were no more people besides the corpse and Mu Xianling's three daughters, Xiaofu hurriedly shook his hand and took out Yu Pei to check the above message.

I saw the first message from Jiao Zhiming on Yu Pei.

"Fuye, we found the second candidate in the Xifu ranking! The location is at XXXXX! This candidate's strength is very powerful, even the fire scorpion giant frog also died in the hands of this candidate! Shao Yushan and the two had no chance of winning against him, so the news was sent back to see the team leader’s instructions. Please get a quick reply after getting the news."

After the first message, about ten minutes later, the second one came.

"Fuye, it's not good. This candidate forced us to withdraw from the entrance exam, otherwise we will kill us. The situation is very optimistic. If you receive news, please increase your speed."

Article 3.

"Fuye, we instigated hundreds of candidates in the three districts to fight desperately with that candidate, and then escaped secretly, but that candidate was only one trick, killing hundreds of candidates in one trick! Not even gray The rest! And... and they are chasing towards us, Lord Fu!

Article 4.

"I was secretly carrying out this news because the candidate had stopped us, and he seemed to have discovered our identity and began to question us. I and Lao Shao decided to run away now!"

The fifth.

"Fuye! When you received this message, I don't know if we were still alive. That candidate was too strong. It was just a trick, just a trick. Lao Shao was already dead in his hand! He Chased towards me, chased!"

The news on Yu Pei ends here...

From these news, we can see the development and course of things, and we can also see the tension and fear of Jiao Zhiming and Shao Yushan and the strength of the candidate!

The candidate who ranked second in the ranking?

Actually met him?

Killed hundreds of Xifu candidates in one move?

Kill a warrior with the strength of a warlord in one move?

This is too powerful, right?

Although Xiaofu already knew that the candidate who entered the second place in the ranking is very powerful~lightnovelpub.net~, but to such a degree, it is still beyond his expectations.

Xiaofu frowned into a few words, and felt that things were very bad. At this moment, even if Mu Xianling's three daughters are beautiful and tempting, he has no mood to do that kind of thing anymore. Pass it to He Anmin!

That candidate is so powerful, they are in big trouble this time!

Taking out another piece of jade, Xiaofu wanted to pass on the news. After all, this is a big deal. Between the business and the woman, Xiaofu can still distinguish between the lighter and the lighter!

However, just when Xiaofu wanted to deliver the message, it was another black shadow, which quickly fell from the sky, and was accompanied by a strong sound of breaking the sky.


This figure fell to the ground, and when the feet stepped on the ground, a huge noise was made, and the power was amazing.

Xiaofu looked towards the figure and found that the person who fell from the sky was a candidate in the costume of the North District. His appearance was not handsome, but he was okay and belonged to the upper middle level.

The strange thing is that the candidate from the North District just fell from the sky, so powerful, but from his body, Xiaofu did not feel any strong breath, just like an ordinary person!

How is this going?

Who is he?

Wouldn’t it be the candidate who was second in the Xifu Ranking?

In doubt, Xiaofu saw the North District candidate, with strong anger, as if he were burning, staring at the scarlet eyes, stepping towards him step by step, and said with a hoarse mouth : "Speak, how do you want to die!"