Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2985: Chu Nianwei

   Seeing Chu Nianwei's exaggerated reaction, Tang Yi also took a pair of chopsticks and picked up the eggplant in the plate to taste.

   I have to say that high-tech is high-tech.

   This braised eggplant is much better than Tang Yi's cooking!

   And it's not one and a half, but many times!

   is comparable to the dishes cooked by a chef in a seven-star hotel.

   Even the braised eggplant cooked by the chef of a seven-star hotel may not be as delicious as this one.

   "It seems that Nianwei's reaction is not exaggerated. This braised eggplant is really delicious!"

   Tang Yi thought in his heart.

   However, Tang Yi just commented in his heart, and then turned his head to look at Chu Nianwei.

   I saw that Chu Nianwei had already swept away this dish of braised eggplant, leaving a smooth dish.

   Even the side dishes and soup of braised eggplant are all eaten clean...

   And on Chu Nianwei's mouth, there are still all kinds of ‘criminal evidence’...


   Chu Nianwei looked like she hadn't eaten in years, and Tang Yi stayed where she was.

   Of course, even if it is such a look, even if there is still soup and residue on his mouth, Chu Nianwei is still beautiful and beautiful, all over the country.

   No matter what kind of posture she poses, what is on her face, she can't hide her beauty.

  Don't say, in addition to beauty, Chu Nianwei's posture at this moment is even more lovely than the usual appearance of the imperial sister.

   is like a little girl who has never seen the world.

Feeling Tang Yi's gaze, Chu Nianwei seemed to realize something. She turned her head quickly, wiped out all the'marks of crime', and then turned her head back before pretending that nothing happened. : "Woo, it's delicious."

   "It's delicious."

   Tang Yi smiled and said, "You have already seen my operation just now. Try it yourself."

   Hearing the words, Chu Nianwei herself came to the automatic vegetable cooker, learned Tang Yi's previous operations, and performed a few operations in front of the automatic vegetable cooker's screen.


   "Ding Dong!"

   "Ding Dong!"

   "Ding Dong!"

   There were several sounds in a row, and several dishes appeared at the exit of the automatic vegetable cooking machine.

Seeing that the dishes she wanted to eat were actually made under her own control, Chu Nianwei was excited like a child, and said with joy: "Tang Yi, it's out, it's out, and the dish I just selected is out. I chose these!"


Tang Yi nodded, and said, "You can teach you, right now, right? Next time you choose what you want to eat. The food here seems to be unlimited. You can eat as much as you want. Eat whatever you eat."

   Tang Yi just checked, there are plantations and breeding gardens inside the battleship.

   A large number of crops are grown in the plantation, and there are all kinds of fruits and vegetables!

   There are even some fruits and vegetables that Tang Yi has never seen.

  In the breeding park, all kinds of meat and poultry are also raised.

  Whether it is a plantation or aquaculture, it is all automated management.

  Automatic planting, automatic feeding, integrated automatic management throughout the process.

   Time-saving, labor-saving and quality assurance.

   The fruits and vegetables grown in this way and the meat and poultry raised are not only fast, but also of very good quality.

   Fruits and vegetables are very sweet, delicious and juicy.

   The meat and poultry are very tender.

   Besides, in the battleship, Tang Yi also saw a monster garden.

   even cultivates some foods that can be used and are a great supplement for humans.

   If Tang Yi needs it, he can also eat delicacies made with this kind of meat!

   In short, Tang Yi didn't have to worry about eating at all. He really wanted to eat, and there was a steady stream.

   "Really? Whatever you really want to eat, you can eat as much as you really want? This is really great."

  While talking, Chu Nianwei had already moved her chopsticks and started to act, constantly picking up delicious dishes and delivering them into her mouth.

   That look, compared to just...

   But let alone, the beauties gobbled up in front of me, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is still very cute.

   Looking at Chu Nianwei's appearance, Tang Yi couldn't bear to disturb her, just standing by and watching her eat.

   About an hour later, Chu Nianwei finally finished her'eating' and wiped her mouth satisfied.

   At this moment, she was completely immersed in the stimulation of the food, feeling the delicious aftertaste brought by the food, she did not notice or remember at all, and there was a handsome man staring at her beside her.

   When Chu Nianwei reacted, Tang Yi had already made a cup of coffee and walked back with the coffee in his hand.


   "Tang Yi, were you watching it all by the side just now?" Chu Nianwei screamed, her face flushed.

   Secretly said in his heart, it was broken, so disregarding the image of eating, was seen by Tang Yi, and he didn't know what Tang Yi would think.

   His image of a lady must have collapsed in his heart!

   Thinking of this, Chu Nianwei suddenly felt anguish and regret.

   I regret not blocking the temptation of food.

   At the same time, the more I think about it, the more embarrassing I feel.

   She is a girl after all.

   How can a girl eat like this?

   The girls eat things slowly, and they all eat in small bites.

   That's what every lady should look like.

   But her.

   gobbled it up, hungry and hungry, completely losing its image.

   Does this look like a girl?

   "It's awful. When Tang Yi saw me like this, my image in his mind must be greatly reduced. Maybe I will not be so