Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2998: Murder

"Hahahaha!" Hearing Tang Yi's words, Wu Wu God Seat laughed wildly, as if he had heard something funny. After laughing for a while, he looked at Tang Yi and said, "I have to say, you are so arrogant." "Are you arrogant? Ha ha! I think I am confident! Unlike some people... "Tang Yi looked at Wu Wu God Seat with contempt, and said: "Unlike some people, they don't even have this confidence. If they are not better than others, they will leave the family to find another way out!" "Well? Who are you talking about?" It seemed that Tang Yi was referring to something else, and the **** seat frowned. "Who else can I say? Who can't compete with the family's genius, and then leave the family, I will say who is it, heh!" Tang Yi sneered. Hearing this, the **** seat reacted instantly, widened his eyes, looked at Tang Yi in surprise, and said: "Who are you? How do you know this! Did you recognize me?" At this moment, Wu Wu **** seat Looks extremely surprised. Because when he entered Xingyue Sect, he came in anonymously. No one knows where he comes from, and no one knows who he is! It stands to reason that even if the entire church is the leader, he doesn't know his details. It is even more impossible for the children of the family to find him, because the family members do not even know that he has joined the Xingyue Sect. I don't even know if he is dead or alive. Therefore, it stands to reason that no one in the world except himself can know his details. It is even more unlikely that anyone knew that he had left the family because he lost to the genius in the family. But now! The other party unexpectedly told him all at once! This is too strange. "Haha! If you want people to know that you can't do anything for yourself! It's your thing, who doesn't know! Do you think you can hide your weakness for a lifetime? Do you think you escaped the family, escaped the competition, escaped the competition with you? The genius of, can you hide the whole world? Ha! You can't hide it, you can't escape, you can't hide the world, you also can't hide yourself! This matter will stay with you forever. No matter how long, Will be deep in memory!" Tang Yi sneered! "Enough! Who are you!" Wu Wu's eyes burst out with endless killing intent. Before? He didn't actually want to kill the opponent. At least it won't be killed in a short time. At least he had to get the chance of the Haoyue battlefield before he could kill. but now! No matter whether he can get the opportunity of Haoyue Battlefield? He wants to kill the opponent! Because the other party knew his secret! And also made this secret public! At this moment, he not only wants to kill the opponent, but even everyone present, he wants to kill! As long as it is someone who has heard his secret? He will kill him? No one will be left alive! After all, this is a secret hidden deep in his heart. At the same time, it is also the shame of his life! He will never let this secret and this shame pass on! Never let anyone know about this! and so! Everyone? He will kill! "Wow!" Thinking, the murderous aura overflowing from Wu Wu's body became more intense? Covering the entire warship. Feeling the murderous aura overflowing from Wu Wu's body, Tang Yi suddenly sneered and said: "What? I revealed the old man, and I told you your secret? Want to kill me? Want to kill me? Huh? Me See how strong your murderous aura is? I’m afraid it’s more than just trying to kill me, right? Do you want to kill everyone present? After all, for you? Escape the family and escape the competition. What? Is your life's biggest failure? Is your life's scandal? It is also your demon! Being exposed in public? Being told a secret? And being heard by so many people, how can you sit still? How could it be possible not to kill everyone who knew this secret? Ha ha, am I right?" Hearing Tang Yi's words, Wu Wu God Seat hadn't said anything? All the black-robed people on the side were all at the same time. The body was shocked? Infinite fear emerged in his expression. Everyone is full of fear. Because they understand the character of Wu Wu God seat and know that he is a cruel person. If he really did what the other party said, what he just said was the secret of Wu Wu God Seat! Then, it is really possible for Wu Wu God Seat to kill them all! So, how can the people in black robes not be shocked! They were terrified. Some timid people even shivered! "Heh!" Seeing the reaction of his subordinates, Wu Wu Shenzuo sneered and said to Tang Yi: "You can really provoke discord, how could I kill my subordinates!" However, Wu Wu spoke. Suddenly he raised his hand, and a ball of light lit up in his hand! "Wow!" The ball of light burst out, dazzling light flickering. At the next moment when the light flickered, a terrifying energy burst out! When telling Wu Wu's details, Tang Yi was always on guard against Wu Wu's violent shots. So at this moment, facing Wu Wu suddenly violent, Tang Yi couldn't react too much! At the moment when the light flickered and the energy burst, Tang Yi immediately waved his hand, UU reading www.uukānshu. Com used his power to wrap himself and Chu Nianwei. Of course, wrapping yourself is just by the way, mainly to protect Chu Nianwei. After all, Chu Nianwei could not resist this force. And Chu Nianwei was protected by Tang Yi, so there was no danger, but those in black robes were different. Although these people in black robes are also elites of Xingyue Sect, there are even Xingyue Sect's protectors, their strength is very powerful. but! Compared with Wu Wu, it is still a lot worse. After all, Wu Wu is the ninth-order supreme, only one step away from the top supreme! Such strength is not something that the people in black robes can resist! Coupled with Wu Wu's sneak attack at this time, these people in black robes are even more difficult to resist. Seeing Wu Wu's sudden violent action, trying to kill someone, the people in the black robes suddenly looked terrified and desperate. They fled one after another, trying to escape the warship. And the black-robed man wearing a silver badge shouted desperately: "God, the old man has been with you for eleven years! Eleven years without credit and hard work, you really want to be so unfeeling, even me Do you want to kill?" However, Wu Wu turned a blind eye, as if he hadn't heard it, and didn't even look at the black-robed man wearing the silver badge. Seeing Wu Wu's reflection, the black-robed man wearing the silver badge was desperate and said, "It's nothing, since the **** seat is about to die, the old man can only die!" Then, the man wearing the silver badge The black-robed man immediately took off the black robe on his body, exposing his true face in front of everyone, showing a posture of waiting for death. however! When this black robe man with a silver badge took off the black robe and revealed his true face, Wu Wu showed a shocked expression when he saw his true face. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://m.qq*717^m.q^q717.c^om/

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