Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3019: Let me help you

Bai Zishi frowned, thinking hard. He didn't have any decision to kill Bai Zifeng or not. After all, killing Bai Zifeng meant that he was about to break with the Bai family. Killed the children of the Bai family without authorization, and they were still direct children, and they were the future heirs of the Bai family. This is a very serious matter. But the Bai family was the place where he was born and raised, and he couldn't bear to break with the Bai family. So at this moment he is very hesitant. Seeing Bai Zishi hesitate very much, Tang Yi faintly guessed what Bai Zishi was thinking, and said: "Are you worried about the family? Worried that if you kill him, the family will break with you?" Bai Zishi did not speak, but he ordered. nod. Seeing Bai Zishi's confession, Tang Yi suddenly smiled and said, "Brother Bai, do you know? This world is very realistic. Whoever is strong will have the right to speak, and will be embraced. On the contrary, whoever is weak, others will Will bully him! Now that you are weak, the family will not take you seriously. But if you are strong... Haha! Don’t say killing a clan, even if half a clan is slaughtered, no one dares to say you. Half of them are not! They will even serve you as their masters! So, I don’t think you need to worry or hesitate. If you should kill, you should kill or you should break! Otherwise, if you back down once today, you will continue to have trouble in the future. Hearing Tang Yi's words, Bai Zishi did not speak yet, but Bai Zifeng yelled, "You dare! You dare to do it to me, the family will not let you go! There is also Bai Zishi! Killing the same clan, but Serious sin, if you act against me, you will not only be expelled from the family, but you will even be chased by the family! In the future, you and the family will have an endless relationship! You have to think about it!" Noise!" Hearing Bai Zifeng yelling there, he dared to threaten until this moment, Tang Yi waved his right hand and slapped it over. Bai family? The future heir? He doesn't care about it at all. This kind of threat can threaten others. It was ridiculous to threaten him. "Pop!" A clear voice sounded. Bai Zifeng was slapped on the face by Tang Yi. A flushed palm print appeared on his face in an instant. At the same time, because Tang Yi's strength was very strong, Bai Zifeng was also knocked over with a slap, and his body rotated dozens of times before he fell to the ground. Lying on the ground like a dead fish. "You!" "You dare to do something to him!" The Shadow Guard looked at Tang Yi with an incredulous expression, and wanted to do something or say something. But the next moment. Tang Yi slapped it out again. "Pop!" There was also a clear voice. Tang Yi also saw the Shadow Guard with a big mouth, his body turned dozens of times in an instant, and then he fell to the ground. At this moment, the shadow guard was also very embarrassed, and the red mark on his face was clearly visible. Even the Shadow Guard was slapped! and! There is no resistance! This is the shadow guard of the Bai family! If someone from the Bai family saw this scene, they would definitely be shocked. "I didn't ask you, what do you guys say." Tang Yi said lightly. Then he continued to look at Bai Zishi. Bai Zishi looked at the miserable two people, but opened his mouth, did not say anything, and continued to ponder and think. The same as Tang Yi said. This is the world of a strong Wei Zun. Whoever is strong will be supported. Whoever is strong has the absolute right to speak. As long as he is strong enough to occupy a place in the Bai family, let alone killing Bai Zifeng, even if it is killing the shadow guard, killing half of the Bai family, others dare not say anything! And the key is... how can he become strong? How can we gain the right to speak in the Bai family? With his current strength, he simply couldn't do it! Even with Tang Yi's help this time, he temporarily gained the right to speak, then when Tang Yi left? This is where he is most hesitant. After thinking for a while, he didn’t come up with a reason. Bai Zishi asked Tang Yi immediately, “Brother Tang, what should I do? I’ve long been uncomfortable with him. I wanted to kill him a long time ago. And again and again, I am also a man, how can I bear it. However, he is the heir of the family, killing him, the family will definitely not let me go. This time although Brother Tang is pressed by you, they may not How about it. But what about after you leave? How can I overpower the family with my strength?" "I can help you become stronger!" Tang Yi said. The look is very serious. "Brother Tang, you..." Bai Zishi looked at Tang Yi in surprise. "Well! I can help you become stronger. You heard it right. This is not a joke, but serious. It depends on whether you dare." Tang Yi said lightly: "I just heard them say that you are in the family If you don’t take it seriously, even your father doesn’t wait to see you. Even this kid keeps looking for you, jealous of your talent. You are in a very bad situation. In that case, why not choose to change it? Someone? If you find your fault, then just get rid of him. It is not taken seriously in the family. Then you can raise it to a certain height and let everyone in the family take it seriously. Your father doesn’t wait to see you, then You just work hard to let him see your strength! That's it!" "Although that is the case, but..." Bai Zishi seemed to be worried. But Tang Yi interrupted: "Before you could not do it because of insufficient resources and no one to help. Now, with my help, it will definitely be possible, and you don’t have to worry! With my help, you It will surely rise quickly and become an existence that the Bai family can't ignore." "But Tang Yi, you have helped me a lot. This time you saved my life, if it is..." Bai Zishi said. "Eh, that's not what I said." Tang Yi interrupted before finishing talking. Tang Yi stared at Bai Zishi closely and asked, "Brother Bai, do you think we are friends or brothers." Bai Zishi didn't know why Tang Yi asked, but he didn't even want to answer. "Of course it is! We used to fight together in the Haoyue battlefield. It is a friend in need. Of course it is a friend, and of course it is a brother." "Since it is a friend and a brother, what do you care about so much?" Tang Yi said . "Uh, this..." Bai Zishi choked for a while. That's right. Since they are all friends and brothers, they still care about so many things, what yours and mine, and what help you help me. Why bother? Isn’t it right for friends and brothers to help each other? but. <divid><aonclick> Anti-collection, automatic loading fails, click to load manually, reading mode is not supported! 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Qiqi novel first published on the whole network