Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3182: Return to God Thunder in an instant

The 3181st chapter returns to the **** thunder in an instant

"I lost."

The Lord God Lei readily admits defeat.

Seeing the Lord God Lei admit defeat, Tang Yi arched his hands, did not say anything to hurt people, and did not show a complacent look.

After all, the face of the Lord God Lei, that still has to be given.

Can't even attack God Thunder Emperor Lord, right?

Originally, the Lord God Lei wanted to give up readily and didn't plan to ask the reason, but he couldn't resist the curiosity in his heart, and finally asked: "Tang Yi, how did you do it?"

Tang Yi smiled, did not explain, but said: "Your Majesty put away the Wind and Thunder God battleship first."


The Emperor God Lei didn't understand why Tang Yi had such a request, but he put away the Wind Thunder God battleship in accordance with Tang Yi's request.

After seeing the God Lei Emperor put away the Wind and Thunder God battleship, Tang Yi said again: "How on earth did I do this? Your Majesty only needs to take my Black Demon battleship to know."

"Aboard your dark warship?"

The Lord God Lei was slightly taken aback.

At this moment, he finally suddenly realized why Tang Yi asked him to put away the Feng Lei Shen battleship.

So I wanted him to ride the Dark Demon Battleship!

"Okay. I want to see, Tang Yi, how fast your Dark Demon battleship is!"

God Lei Di leads the way.

Indeed, if you want to know how fast the Dark Demon battleship is, it is naturally easiest to understand by taking a ride and experiencing it yourself.

Just listening to others say or explain, it is not clear and unintelligible.

Therefore, after hearing Tang Yi's request, the Emperor God Lei readily agreed.

In this way, the two were ready to take the Dark Demon battleship back to the Palace of Gods Thunder.

However, at this moment, a group of people suddenly flew into the sky.

Feeling the change, Emperor Lei and Tang Yi suddenly turned their heads and looked at the group of people.

Suddenly, it was discovered that there were more than a dozen people here, the head of which was a middle-aged man in a white robe.

After these dozens of people came to the front of the Lord of Thunder and Tang Yi, the middle-aged man in white clothes who was in the lead suddenly knelt down in the void, and said respectfully towards the Lord of Thunder: Far away, I have seen your Majesty."

That's right, the people here are the people from Xiang Leicheng City Lord's Mansion.

The Lord God Lei had also seen this not far from Xiang Lei Cheng Pei, but after a glance, he nodded and motioned for them to get up.

After Pei did not go far, stood up, and said to the Lord of God Lei: "I didn't expect to be really your Majesty. I felt a little familiar from a distance before. I didn't expect that it was really your Majesty's visit. I don't know what your Majesty is doing?

Originally, the Emperor God Thunder was going to inform Pei Buyuan about the competition and let him know about it.

After all, although he is the Lord of God Thunder, it is a fact that he trespassed in the airspace of the city, and he has to give others an explanation.

However, he hadn’t spoken yet, but he saw Pei not far away and continued: "Your Majesty, who is this son? Is that flying device his? He stayed in the sky above us for a long time. I was originally I planned to send people to encircle and suppress, but because this flying device is so peculiar, I didn't dare to act rashly. I didn't expect it to be your Majesty's.

Hearing Pei's words not far away, His Majesty Shen Lei swallowed all the words originally intended to explain.

‘He stayed for a long time above us towards Leicheng? ’

Hearing these words, the Lord God Lei's face was extremely ugly.

The Lord God Thunder only thought that he had lost a little, but he did not expect to lose so much!

People have been waiting here for so long!

Hearing such words, for the sake of face, how could Emperor God Lei tell the truth to the city lord Pei of Xiang Lei City?

I saw the Lord God Lei said: "Oh, we are here to inspect. As for the one next to me, his name is Tang Yi, and he is the top name of this world competition."

"It turns out to be the top name in the world martial arts competition, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

Although Pei Buyuan is not in the imperial city, he still understands what the world competition is.

He also knows how important the top name of the world competition is.

To win in the world competition and get the first place, its strength is bound to be terrifying.

Such a strong man, no matter his status or status, is extremely lofty.

Therefore, after hearing that Emperor Lei said that Tang Yi was the number one martial artist in the world, Pei looked at Tang Yi not far away, and he was full of respect.

Tang Yi also bowed his hands slightly to show his politeness.

Pei didn't think far away and then said, "Since your Majesty and Young Master Tang are here to inspect, it is better to visit us at the City Lord's Mansion in Leicheng, and let me entertain him. How do your Majesty and Young Master Tang feel? "

Emperor Shen Lei refused: "No, let's take a look, there is still something to rush back to Shen Lei, next time you come here as a guest."

Hearing that the Lord God Lei said so, the city lord Pei not far away could only give up and said: "Okay! Then look forward to your Majesty and Young Master Tang's visit."

The Lord God Lei nodded, and said to Tang Yi: "Let's go!"

Tang Yi nodded, then he arched his hand towards Pei not far away, and then boarded the Black Demon battleship with the Lord God Lei.

After the two got on the Black Demon battleship, they went directly to the cab. Then, the **** Lei Di said, "Tang Yi, you have to say that this flying equipment is really good. Standing in this is called the'cab'. Place, not only can you see the front view, you can even see farther or all directions through your "display screen" treasure. This feeling is better than standing on a battleship."

Tang Yi smiled and nodded, and asked: "Your Majesty, shall we leave now?"

The Lord God Lei nodded and replied: "Well! Let's go now! I want to see how fast your aircraft is!"


Tang Yi answered a word, and then stopped talking.

The Lord God Lei looked at the floor-to-ceiling windows in the control room of the Black Demon Battleship and the display screen beside him, silently waiting.

However, after waiting for a while, about ten seconds, there was no response from the Dark Demon Warship.

Not to mention any movement of Tang Yi on the side.

Tang Yi and the Black Demon battleship seemed to be stunned, motionless.

Seeing this scene, the Emperor God Lei was extremely puzzled, and turned to Tang Yi and asked, "Tang Yi, what's the matter? Didn't you say that you have set off? Why doesn't it move?"

Tang Yi replied, "I set off and moved!"


The Lord God Lei asked in confusion: "Going out? Moved? Then why didn't I feel anything? The scenery in front of me hasn't changed in any way..."


The Lord God Lei just wanted to say that there was no change in the scenery in front of him. UU read www.uukanshu.com, but when he turned his head and looked at the floor-to-ceiling windows and display screens in front of the Dark Demon battleship, he was suddenly stunned.

Because he found that the floor-to-ceiling windows in front of him and the scenery of the display screen had undergone tremendous changes.

At this moment, they are no longer in the sky of Xianglei City.

But in...

In the palace of Shenlei Kingdom, above Shenlei Square!

Yes it is!

They returned to Shenlei Square.

Through the display screen, the Lord God Lei can see the surrounding scenery, and at the same time can see the people like Xiangxu, Nangong Longcheng and others who are standing on the square with surprised expressions...

(End of this chapter)