Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3230: real identity

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  Arable frowned, looked at Tang Yi straight, and asked: "My son, you can think about it! Are you sure you want to participate in this matter, are you sure you want to be an enemy of our entire sea clan?"

   "Not sure."

   Tang Yi immediately changed his mouth again.


  Arable's eyes lit up, thinking that Tang Yi had changed his mind.

However, I saw Tang Yi said: "Of course I am not against the entire Sea Clan, I am just against you! You can't represent the entire Sea Clan! Even if you represent the entire Sea Clan, I will tell you that Amu House will protect you today. Now, if any of you want to make a move, just come on! I'll take it all!"

  Arable glanced at each other with Barbini and the five mysterious humans, as if they were exchanging opinions.

After ten breaths of time, several people seemed to have reached a consensus. Arabel turned his head again and said to Tang Yi: "This son, do you really regret it? Enemy with our Sea Clan! This is not the case. Wise choice."

   "Stop talking nonsense. If you want to make a move, hurry up!" Tang Yi said impatiently.

   "Okay! In that case, don't blame us for being cruel!"

  Arable said, and then waved his right hand, commanding: "Go on! Take this person down! Life and death!"

   Although Tang Yi showed great strength, the rebels did not feel that Tang Yi was too strong to defeat.

   Even if Tang Yi is very strong, they think Tang Yi can still be defeated!

   At least, they have the means to win.

   In other words, some of them have the means to win.

   Therefore, they are not very afraid of Tang Yi.

   The reason for deceiving and persuading with rhetoric was just to spend a little less.

   Under Arabel's order, the remaining rebels surrounded Tang Yi one after another.

  Because the methods Tang Yi demonstrated before were too terrifying, they gave these rebels a huge deterrent, and when they surrounded them, these rebels were extremely cautious.

   did not dare to rush forward.

   "My son, they leave it to our Amu Mansion to deal with it! You only need to help us solve Arabel, Barbini, and the few human powers."

   Seeing the rebels make another move, Prince Amu said towards Tang Yi.

   He originally wanted to share the pressure for Tang Yi, after all, two fists are hard to beat four hands.

   But Tang Yi waved his hand and said, "No. I'll deal with them. You don't need to increase unnecessary casualties!"


   "The prince can rest assured, I can handle it."

   Tang Yi believes in himself.

   Su Yixuan also said: "Father, don't worry, Tang Yi can handle it!"

   After all, Tang Yi killed countless sea beasts with his own power!

   With such a strong strength, isn't it simple to deal with the hundreds of rebel sea clan in front of you at this moment?


   Su Yixuan said so, what else can Prince Amu say.

   In this way, under the order of Prince Amu, the powerhouses of Amu Mansion all retreated behind them.

   Leave Tang Yi alone to deal with the rebel Sea Clan.

   I saw hundreds of rebel sea clan getting closer, and soon surrounded Tang Yi in an arc-shaped encirclement.

   At this time, I don’t know who screamed and killed.

   I saw hundreds of rebel Sea Clan rushing towards Tang Yi!

   For Tang Yi, these actions were futile.

   It doesn't matter whether it is surrounded or attacked and killed at the same time at the same time, it doesn't make any sense.

  Under the crush of absolute strength, quantity can't make up the gap in quality at all.

and so!

   These hundreds of oncoming rebels, the Sea Clan, have only one end.

   That is destruction!

   I saw Tang Yi as before, extending his right hand.

   waved slightly towards Qiu.

   Because of the lessons learned from the past, these rebel Sea Clan were very wary of Tang Yi and kept their eyes on Tang Yi.

   So the moment he saw Tang Yi stretch out his hand, the rebels in front of Tang Yi dodged one after another.

"Be careful!"

   At this moment, Arabel, the prince of the Haitian Sea Clan, and Barbini, the leader of the Skypirate Sea Clan, also spoke to remind them.

   [player]: Tang Yi

   [Title]: Suppress Bandit Butcher

  [Level]: 979

   [Supreme Point]: 452124 billion/100 trillion

  【Supreme Coin】: 135525 billion

  [Angel Coin]: 34773100

  【Meritorious Service】:1635600

  【Supreme supernatural power】: 342.6 billion points.

   [Shindo Power]: 341 points

  【Supreme Magic Skill】:

   Supreme Magic Skill One: Bathe in the Light of God

   Supreme Divine Skill II: Divine Power Barrier

   Supreme Skill Three: Ding Shen Quan

   Supreme Skill Four: Fog Cloud Slash

   Supreme Divine Skill Five: Small Move LV3

   [Supreme Body Method]: Walk through the Thunder

  【End Skill】: Demon Realm Refining Soul Slash LV5

   [Vice Profession]: Supreme Alchemy, Supreme Second-Order Blacksmithing, Supreme Puppet Art...

   [Special column]: False God Fire

  【Special parts】:

  Eyes: Deified Eyes

  Body: the body of deification

  Hand: Deified Hand

   [Halo]: Divine Will Halo

   [Special Item Bar 5/5]:

  Special item column 1: Thor Ball

  Special Item Column 2: God's Hidden Spirit Orb

  Special item column 3: Bacchus pot

  Special Item Column 4: Foggy Forest Stone

  Special Item Column 5: The Mirror of Clone

  【Forging Column】:Shen Guang Wan Forging Hammer, Sky Fire Forging God Furnace

  【Vehicle】: Black Demon Warship

  【Weapon Bar】:

   Main weapon: Laser Magic Blade

   Secondary weapon: Star Gold Carver

  【Armor Bar】:

   Helmet: Mingyue Chuxin

   Mask: God Lord Mask

   Armor: Iron God Armor

   Cloak: Nightmare wings

   Gauntlets: Starry sky

   Armguards: Gods and Demons Armguards

   Gloves: God Lord Gloves

   Belt: God Lord Belt

   Ornaments: God Lord Jade Pei

  Pants: God Lord Pants

   Leggings: God Lord’s Leggings

   Shoes: Steel Treasure Boots

  【Accessories column】

   Necklace: Shadow Necklace

   Ring 1: Flower Healing Ring, UU Reading www.uukアnshu.com

   Ring 2: Sky Star Ring

   Ring Three: God Lord Ring

   Ring 4: Eternal Diamond

  【Array Flag 3/3】:

   Array Flag One: Five Elements Tiangong Flag

   Array Flag Two: The Real Flag

   Array Flag Three: Fengshen Banner


  Materials: Lingxi Supreme Gem, Celestial Gold Iron, Dark Moon Stone, Divine Power Stone, Void Spirit, Divine Gift, Blood Crystal, Golden Divine Iron Fragment, Blood Skull Seal...

  Special items: Sky Screen Purple Phoenix Vase, Earth Spirit Orb

   Temporary items: Battlefield coins X13006252, Dark Soul Stone X104, Shadow Soul Stone X100

   [player]: Tang Yi

   [Title]: Suppress Bandit Butcher

  [Level]: 979

   [Supreme Point]: 452124 billion/100 trillion

  【Supreme Coin】: 135525 billion

  [Angel Coin]: 34773100

  【Meritorious Service】:1635600

  【Supreme supernatural power】: 342.6 billion points.