Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3238: Treasure House of Amu House

Chapter 3237 Amu Palace Treasure

"Yes, son, if you don't accept it, how can the conscience of all of us in the Amu Mansion be relieved?"

"My son, accept our thanks!"

"The things in the treasury are stored anyway. It's better to give it to the son, thank you for your life-saving grace."

"If it's not the son, our Amu Mansion still doesn't know how much to die. If my companion, or the colleague who gets along day and night, dies, I will be very sad. So the son must accept our gratitude."

"Master, accept it, don't refuse our kindness."


Everyone in Amu Mansion also said one after another.

Seeing that the kindness is difficult, Tang Yi nodded and said, "Well, if that's the case, then I will accept it!"

Since others have already talked about it, if he doesn't accept it, it will be too shameless.

"Good, good! Just accept it! If you don't accept Tang Yi, we don't know how to repay the kindness of the son."

Prince Amu said.

Immediately afterwards, he pulled Su Yixuan to Tang Yi's side and said, "Okay, since the son has accepted it, then I won't say more. There is such a big thing that happened today, and I still have a lot of things to deal with. I’m going to report it to Sea King and let me deal with these things first, and when I get back, I will treat Master Tang Yi well. Now, let Xuan'er take the place of Master Tang Yi for me.”

Prince Amu turned his head again and said to Su Yixuan: "Xuan'er, you take the son to the treasure house of our Amu Mansion to select treasures. No matter what Tang Yi wants to take, no matter how many pieces Tang Yi wants to take. Satisfy Young Master Tang Yi. After selecting the treasures, you will take Young Master Tang Yi to the secret realm of our Sea Clan."

"Okay, father. I will treat Tang Yi well."

Su Yixuan nodded obediently.

"Then leave it to you."

Prince Amu said.

"Young Master Tang Yi, then we'll see you later."

Prince Amu turned to Tang Yidao again.

"The prince can do his own thing, as long as the princess accompanies me."

Tang Yi nodded.

Several people then bid farewell, and Prince Amu hurriedly left Amu House.

After all, the rebels have joined forces to deal with such a big matter in Amu Mansion. As the master of Amu Mansion, Prince Amu is naturally going to report it to the Sea King.

By the way, I want to reveal the plans of Arabel and others, etc.,

There are also the fall of the guards in the Amu Mansion, the problem of compensating their families, and the maintenance of the mansion, and so on.

A lot of things have to be dealt with.

Prince Amu really didn't have time to entertain Tang Yi.

"Let's go."

Su Yixuan turned towards Tang Yidao.

Having said that, he took the lead and led the way.

However, Tang Yi arched his hands towards Madam Amu and the powerhouses of Amu Mansion, and followed Su Yixuan to leave.

The two left the waiting room and walked towards the backyard of Amu Mansion.

The treasure house is in the backyard and is guarded along the way.

If ordinary people are heading towards the treasure house, they may be stopped by the guards in Amu's house before they reach the treasure house.

But at this moment, since the guards were all rushed to the waiting room, there was no one to guard all the way forward at this moment.

In addition, Su Yixuan was carrying it at this moment, and even if there were guards, no one would stop them.

So the two went all the way, and soon reached the treasure house.

The treasure house of Amu Mansion, which is a loft, is divided into upper and lower floors. The appearance is like a library of books, and the whole is gray.

It is a very retro decoration style.

And the material of the outer wall...

It seems to be some kind of special metal.

Although Tang Yi didn't know what kind of metal it was, from the outside, he felt it was very strong.

"Inside is the treasure house of our Amu Mansion, Tang Yi, go in by yourself."

Arriving outside the treasure house of Amu Mansion, Su Yixuan said to Tang Yi.

"Aren't you going in together?"

Tang Yidao.

"I won't go in together. After all, it's you who choose the treasures, not me. It doesn't make any sense for me to go in. Maybe it will affect your judgment. So I'll just wait for you here. What do you want? Take it yourself. Take it out and then come out."

Su Yixuan said.

Su Yixuan meant that Tang Yi took what she wanted, no matter how much she took or what she got, she didn't care.

If she also went in, she might be reluctant because the treasures Tang Yi took were too precious, which would affect Tang Yi's judgment and even affect the relationship between the two.

That's why she chose not to go in.

After Su Yixuan said so, Tang Yi didn't worry, he went straight into the treasure house of Amu Mansion.

ten minutes later.

Tang Yi walked out of the treasure house.

"I came out so soon?"

Su Yixuan was very surprised when she saw Tang Yi came out in ten minutes.

After all, Su Yixuan knew how big their treasure house in Amu Palace was and how many treasures they cherished!

In terms of the number of treasures and the area of ​​the treasure house, it is impossible to finish shopping in ten minutes.

So seeing Tang Yi come out, Su Yixuan was very surprised.

"Why? Can't you come out?"

Tang Yi smiled.


"I mean why don't you go shopping? The treasure house of our Amu Mansion is still quite large, and there are still many treasures in the collection. Wouldn't you just look at it? What if there are other treasures you want?"

Su Yixuan said.

Tang Yi waved his hand and said, "No need!"

Then he smiled and said: "What treasures I took, I shouldn't need to report to Her Royal Highness."

"No, no matter what you take, you don't have to tell me."

Su Yixuan looked at Tang Yi and said, "If you ask this, it seems that you have taken something. That's good. I thought you came out of the treasury without taking anything. Now that you took it, it's fine. Now, I can also explain to my father."

After a pause, Su Yixuan asked again: "Are you really not going to see it anymore?"


Tang Yi nodded, then said: "Let's go, go to the secret realm."

"it is good!"

Since Tang Yi said that he didn't need it, and he did take something, Su Yixuan didn't force Tang Yi again.

He immediately took the lead, leading Tang Yi towards the secret realm.

Tang Yi followed Su Yixuan, and his consciousness sank into the system backpack.

Going to the treasure house of Amu Mansion, Tang Yi had no hope at first, nor did he plan to obtain anything, let alone choose any treasures.

After all, for him who has a system store, the treasure house of Amu Mansion definitely has no items worthy of his heart.

But he did not expect that in the treasure house of Amu Mansion, he really found a good treasure!

And these treasures, he really has to!

First is the first treasure!

That is three wooden signs.

The three wooden signs are about the size of a palm, pure gray, and there are no special inscriptions or patterns on them. They are just plain wooden signs.

Moreover, the wooden brand seems to have gone through a long period of time, and some signs of corrosion have appeared on it, and it looks tattered, not like a treasure at all.

However, Tang Yi, who possessed the Sky Eye Technique and opened the Gate of Six Spirits, knew that this was just a blinding technique!

(End of this chapter)