Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3265: A mysterious creature in the dimension?

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   After waiting for a while, the feeling of palpitations reappeared.

   At the first time the heart palpitations appeared, Tang Yi immediately ran the Thunder to take a quick escape.

After    hid, Tang Yi immediately concentrated on looking for the golden light.

   And after Tang Yi escaped, Jin Guang appeared in the place where he had stayed!

   Tang Yi took a closer look at Jin Guang at this moment.

   Looking through him carefully, Jin Guang was instantly insightful by him.

Everything in   , although not clear, is also faintly visible.

   At this moment, Tang Yi discovered that the inside of this golden light was actually a triangular scale thorn!

   Yes, scales.

   The scales are exactly the same as the dimensional blade fish!

   Although it is vaguely wrapped by the golden light, it is indeed scaly!

   Tang Yi dared to conclude that he was not mistaken!

   In other words, a scaly thorn attacked him for ten minutes!

   is a scaly thorn, which put him in an extremely unfavorable position.

   is a scaly thorn, which poses a huge threat to him!

   An unremarkable scale thorn that Tang Yi hadn't looked at before, actually had such power?

   This made Tang Yi extremely surprised!

   "What kind of scaly is this thing?! What kind of creatures use scaly to cause such damage!"

   Tang Yi was shocked.

   At this moment, he suddenly became a little suspicious.

   I wonder if the Dimensional Sword Shark King just killed is the last boss!

   If the Dimensional Sword Shark King is really the last boss, it would be too easy to kill!

   Everything is too easy and too easy.

   But if the Dimensional Sword Shark King is not the ultimate boss, then who is the ultimate boss?

  Is this mysterious creature with scaly thorns the ultimate boss?

   There is a high probability!

   Because this mysterious creature with scaly spines is stronger than the Dimensional Sword Shark King!

  The Dimensional Sword Shark King couldn't even touch Tang Yi's clothes corners, but this mysterious creature that used scales to attack Tang Yi repeatedly put Tang Yi in crisis.

   If Tang Yi had not possessed God Thunder Walk, and at the same time had a strong sixth sense, I am afraid that he would not be able to stick to it.

  It can be seen how much stronger the mysterious creatures displaying scales are compared to the Dimensional Sword Shark King!

   Therefore, Tang Yi thinks that this mysterious creature that is hidden in the dark and casts scales on him is more like the ultimate BOSS here!

   But here comes the problem.

   Where is this mysterious creature?

  What method does it use?

   Why does a scaly thorn appear out of thin air?

   Tang Yi wants to deal with this mysterious creature, he must solve these three puzzles!

   If he can't crack it, he still can't escape the passive beating situation.

   still can't beat the opponent!

   "What the **** is going on? Where is it? Now I know that the truth of Jin Guang is the scales, but what can be contacted through the scales?"

   Tang Yi is thinking hard.

   After a while, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Yes!"

"The scales just now are very similar to the scales of the dimensional blade fish. The dimensional blade fish is a dimensional creature, and it is impossible to see it with the naked eye. Since the dimensional blade fish is like this, will the mysterious creature be the same? A dimensional creature? So, I can’t see it?"

   "It is because it is a dimensional creature, and the method used is also a dimensional method! So it appears out of thin air that I can't defend it?"

   Thinking of this, Tang Yi suddenly felt a sense of clarity, and everything made sense.

   Otherwise, why can't he feel the breath of other creatures?

   But there are other creatures attacking him?

   Otherwise, why can't he feel any breath of power, but scales appear out of thin air to attack him?

  Everything is probably because the other party is in the dimensional space!

   The opponent is in the dimensional space, and then used dimensional means to attack him through another dimension.

   Therefore, the attack will appear out of thin air!

   Actually, the attack does not appear out of thin air in the true sense, but crosses the dimension!

   from one dimension to another!

   This has the effect of appearing out of thin air!

   "No wonder! No wonder I can't find where it is. No wonder I can't predict its attack position at all! That's it, it turns out that he is a dimensional creature!!"

   Tang Yi suddenly enlightened.

   But the next second.

  The problem comes again.

   Dimensional creatures cannot be seen or touched. They are in another dimension. How can they attack it?

   Before dealing with the dimensional blade fish, Tang Yi used the space jammer to force them out of the dimensional space.

   At this moment, Tang Yi's space jammer was still on his body, but the mysterious dimensional creature did not appear.

   The visible space jammer has no effect on it.

  Since the space jammer does not work, there is no possibility to use the space jammer to force it out.

  Since he can't be forced out, and he can't directly attack it, how can he deal with it?

   This is a very serious problem!

   For a time, Tang Yi had no clue at all!

   And just as Tang Yi thought about it, the feeling of heart palpitations appeared again.

   But the palpitations that appeared this time are stronger than before!

   seems to be twice as much as before!

   Tang Yi hurriedly dodged as before!



   A golden light appeared, bombarding the place where Tang Yi had stayed.

   And Tang Yi just evaded and moved to a safe position. Just the next second he thought he was safe, a second golden light appeared!

   Yes, there is a second golden light!

   Tang Yi was immediately caught off guard by this second golden light!

   Seeing the second golden light appeared, Tang Yi was completely stupefied!

   But fortunately, his reaction was extremely fast. The moment he found the second golden light ~lightnovelpub.net~ he immediately urged the gods to walk around!

   Shen Lei wandered under the urge of his all-out effort, and was immediately brought to the extreme, and the speed was also increased to the extreme!


   Tang Yi teleported his whole body, extremely fast!

   was the full force of this action, which made Tang Yican hide in the past.

   The second golden light bombarded the location where he had just stayed, blasting that location out of a huge crater.

   And Tang Yi also happened to come to the edge of the giant pit.

   Although it was still affected by the shock wave, Tang Yi could easily resist that little energy.

   This blow was considered dangerous and dangerous to avoid.

   Tang Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

   is almost!

   is so close, maybe he is going to roll over!

   If the reaction was a little slow just now, or the God Lei’s walk is not strong enough, and the moving speed is not fast enough.

   Maybe he is gone.

   Fortunately, this scene did not happen.

   Of course, even though he avoided it, Tang Yi still had lingering fears.

   The whole person rallied tens of thousands of points, and became more serious.

  Because the enemy is dark now, he knows again.

   What kind of means the enemy uses in the dark, he doesn't even know!

   just like just now.

  Who would have thought that after ten minutes of continuous attacks, that mysterious creature in the dimension would perform two scaly attacks?

   Before, it was all one, but suddenly it became two. Was it unexpected? Suddenly?