Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3346: Failed to strengthen 4 times in a row?

According to previous experience, if the enhancement is successful, in addition to the reminder in the mind, the Sky Thunder Great Sword will also shine with golden light.

If the enhancement fails, in addition to the hint in your mind, the Sky Thunder Great Sword will also reflect it, shining red light.

In short, regardless of success or failure, Tianlei Great Sword will respond!

And at this moment, with the passage of time, the plus 12 enhancement of the Sky Thunder Great Sword came to an end!


With a soft sound, the Sky Thunder Great Sword lit up!

Tang Yi looked carefully.

I found the Tianlei Giant Sword shook slightly, emitting a golden light!

It's a success!

Tang Yi is overjoyed!

And the next moment, a reminder came in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for his successful enhancement. The Sky Thunder Giant Sword is currently enhanced by +12."



Seeing the success of Strengthening Plus Twelve, Tang Yi was pleasantly surprised!

And at the same time!

His greater ambitions have also emerged.

He wants to strengthen and add thirteen!

The strengthening stone can strengthen up to 13 plus!

He wants to add thirteen to success!

But the problem came again.

Only one scroll of enhanced protection is left.

It can only protect Tang Yi's strengthened Heavenly Thunder Sword once without damage.

It can only be strengthened once. Under such circumstances, it can be strengthened by adding thirteen once, which is obviously wishful thinking.

"If you want to directly strengthen the plus thirteen success, it is impossible! I have to think of something!"

Tang Yi Ning eyebrows in thought.

But after a moment of contemplation, Tang Yi's eyes lit up, and he thought of a way!

"Yes! I can use the mat! I have to do it a few times first, and after a few consecutive failures, I will strengthen it, so even if there is only one enhanced protection scroll, I have a chance to get thirteen!"

"Yes, that's it!"

Tang Yi decided.

Give it a try, a bike becomes a motorcycle!

Tang Yi felt that as long as he dared to fight, there would be miracles.

And this miracle needs to be created artificially!

Tang Yi calculated the strengthening stones left by him.

Tang Yi originally bought a total of two hundred strengthening stones from the void shop.

After the previous strengthening, Tang Yi's strengthening stones still had one hundred and seventy-one!

Only twenty-nine were used.

With one hundred and seventy-one strengthening stones, Tang Yi could get a lot of cushions!

After a little planning, Tang Yi entered the system store.

Then purchased three supreme supreme weapons in the system store.

Tang Yi didn't choose, let alone attributes.

In the system store, he sees which weapon is the most expensive, so he chooses which one.

Finally chose the three most expensive weapons.

Anyway, supreme-level weapons are not worth any supreme crystal coins.


Tang Yi's Supreme Crystal Coins are now very large, and they are completely enough for him to use.

After choosing three weapons, Tang Yi began to strengthen.

Start to strengthen one by one.

The first weapon, Tang Yi's strengthening plus ten, spent a total of seventeen strengthening stones.

The second weapon, Tang Yi's strengthening plus ten, spent a total of twenty strengthening stones.

For the third weapon, Tang Yi was rather unlucky. It took a total of 18 strengthening stones to strengthen and add eleven.

Three weapon enhancements plus ten, Tang Yi spent a total of fifty-five enhancement stones!

There is a lot left!

After adding ten to these three weapons, Tang Yi took a slight breath, and then began to strengthen by eleven.

The first weapon is strengthened plus eleven!

"Ding, I regret to inform the player that your weapon blood spirit sword enhancement +10 failed."

"Ding, I regret to inform the player that your weapon is damaged."


And the weapon is damaged!

Seeing that the weapon enhancement failed, Tang Yi was not unhappy at all, on the contrary, he was very happy.

Continue to strengthen the second weapon.

The second weapon enhancement plus eleven!

"Ding, I regret to inform the player that your weapon blood spirit sword enhancement +10 failed."

"Ding, I regret to inform the player that your weapon is damaged."

Continue to fail!

The weapon is damaged again!

After all, the success rate of adding eleven is only 15%!

The success rate is still very low.

Successive failures are not surprising.

But continuous damage...

This is a bit outrageous.

Because the damage probability of adding eleven is only 25%.

In other words, strengthen four times in a row, and damage it once at most!

However, his two consecutive enhancements plus eleven were damaged!

This situation made Tang Yi feel that things were a bit difficult.

Continue to strengthen the third weapon.

The third weapon enhancement plus eleven!

"Ding, I regret to inform the player that your weapon blood spirit sword enhancement +10 failed."

"Ding, I regret to inform the player that your weapon is damaged."

Failed for the third time!

The weapon is damaged for the third time!

Three consecutive failures are understandable.

After all, the enhancement success rate of plus ten is only ten percent.

It's not surprising to fail three times in a row.

Not to mention three consecutive failures, even if he failed ten consecutive times, Tang Yi would not be surprised.

But the weapon was damaged three times in a row, which is a bit weird.

Strengthening plus eleven, the probability of damage is only 25%!

Only once will be damaged four times!

Under this probability, two consecutive damages are outrageous enough.

It is a bit exaggerated to damage it three times in a row!

Seeing that the weapon he had strengthened was damaged three times in a row, Tang Yi pondered slightly for a while.

Then decided to start strengthening the Sky Thunder Great Sword!

Damaged three times in a row, this is definitely not normal.

The next time it is strengthened, it is likely to succeed.

So Tang Yi hesitated and chose to strengthen!

Although he only has one chance!

But he feels that the next strengthening is an opportunity!

Has failed to strengthen three times in a row, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com has been damaged three times in a row.

The next time it is strengthened, there is a high probability of success!

In this way, Tang Yi took out the Sky Thunder Giant Sword again, used the enhanced protection charm, and then began to strengthen it!


The strengthened light flickered again, flickering and dimming, beating back and forth like a marquee.

After a while, the beating frequency of the marquee-like light gradually slowed down, becoming slower and slower.

In the end it was completely dimmed.

next moment!


The dazzling light bloomed again.

Tang Yi looked carefully, wanting to see what kind of light the Sky Thunder Giant Sword was blooming at this moment.

If it is golden, it means the strengthening is successful.

If it is red, it means the reinforcement has failed.



The Tianlei Giant Sword gleamed with dazzling red light.

Following that, a reminder entered Tang Yi's mind.

"Ding, I regret to inform the player that your weapon Tianlei Greatsword Strengthening +13 failed."

"Ding, I regret to inform the player that your weapon is damaged."

"Ding, because the player uses the enhanced protection scroll, your weapon and enhanced level have been preserved."


It failed!

Moreover, it was damaged!

If it weren't for the enhanced protection scroll, Tang Yi's Heavenly Thunder Great Sword would be gone!

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi showed an unbelievable expression.

He didn't expect that this time strengthening would actually fail!

Before he wanted to come, he had failed the first three times, and the weapon was damaged, so this time he would definitely succeed.

Unexpectedly, this time it still failed!

Four consecutive failures, four consecutive weapon damage!

This is too outrageous.