Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3358: 1 The guesses of the leaders of the forc

Chapter 3357 the speculation of a group of leaders


   The powerhouses of all the forces were all surprised, but Tang Yi left without saying a word.


   And, it's so easy to go!




   Although Tang Yi has left, the powerful forces still haven't moved for a long time, nor dared to say a word.


   Except when Tang Yi just left, they were surprised, and they never made a sound again.




   The atmosphere did not dare to breathe.


   Until the past ten minutes, when they were sure that Tang Yi had really left, they would not attack them or make any claims.


   The stiff bodies of the powerful people present at the scene relaxed. Everyone relieved their tightness and breathed a sigh of relief.


  At this moment, everyone discovered that the backs of the powerful people present, no matter who they were, were already wet with cold sweat.


   At their level, the control of the body is already extremely good.


   It’s easy to control your sweat.


   But at this moment, they are still wet with cold sweat.


   It can be seen how much pressure Tang Yi gave them!


   Seeing that Tang Yi was really amazing, the king of Zhongxu World finally breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The pressure is so great! This is the first time I have felt such a huge pressure after practicing for so long!"


   The Sect Master of the High Heaven Sect nodded and said: "Yes! The pressure is too great, I almost couldn't breathe just now."


   The sect master of Wutianmen also said in horror: "Just now he saw it with a single glance, and I thought I was going to die! It was terrible."


   The Lord of the Huntian Temple also opened his mouth and said: "It is unbelievable that he has just entered the Shinto level! Just entering the Shinto level, he has such a powerful strength, it is unbelievable."


"Yes! With my strength, even if I face a strong Shinto, there will be no such horrible pressure, but facing him, it is like a big mountain pressing down, making me stressed! He is more than the old Shinto-level strong It's horrible."


The master of the Heavenly Prison Gate said: "This mysterious young man is indeed very powerful! Originally I thought it was a powerful mysterious creature that killed the Insect King. But as time went on, after seeing this young man, I thought I would kill The Dead Insect King should be a veteran Shinto powerhouse. But after seeing him just break through, I knew that he had just entered the Shinto level! In other words, when the Insect King was killed, he was still at the supreme level! The strength of killing the insect king who has been in the Shinto level for a long time is unbelievable. His strength is as strong as the ten-separation spectrum! Even if there is a level gap, it can be easily crossed! This is the case at the supreme time. Enter the Shinto, then Not to mention. That’s why he puts such a huge pressure on me at this moment! His divine way is a hundred times stronger than other divine ways, even more!"


"The sect master of the Heavenly Prison Gate analyzed very well! I think so too! You have seen the scene just now! He is definitely a stronger existence than many veteran Shinto powerhouses! Look at him when he is promoted. You know, just the energy that he spills can increase our strength! Some people are even promoted directly from the ninth-level supreme to the top supreme! From here, you can see how terrifying his divine way is!"


   The old monk of Xingyu Temple, who had never spoken, said in horror at this moment.


   Until now, the shock on his face has not disappeared!


   When hearing the words of the old monk of Xingyu Temple, everyone present nodded.

   Everyone agrees with his words.


   After all, everyone present just got a gift!


   Everyone's strength has been greatly improved.


   "It seems that another peerless strongman has been born. I just don't know who this person is and what force he comes from."


   The king of the virtual world sighed.


"What kind of power do you come from? Who can have such a terrifying power, besides the realm palace? I think this person must be from the realm palace, maybe he is a genius in the realm palace. Because there can be no one except the realm palace. With such terrifying strength, it is impossible for anyone to leapfrog the supreme level to challenge the gods, this is an insurmountable gap!


   The King of Mid Valley World said.


   The Sect Master of the Lingxiao Sect also said: "Yes! Except for the Realm Palace, it doesn't seem to match that young man anywhere!"


   "I have also seen the warriors of the Kejie Palace, I have never seen such a terrifying existence!"


   The Sect Master of Lingxiaozong said.


   "I haven't heard of any geniuses in Jie Gong recently."


   The sect master without Tianmen also said.


   "I haven't heard of any genius in the palace."


  Zhongling Wangzhu echoed.


"Since he is not a genius who just came out of the palace, who is this person? Could it be that he is a member of our big world? No? Although the big world is vast, it is still difficult to produce such a genius. In addition to talents, this also requires a lot of resource training. It requires a very strong aura of heaven and earth! Judging from the amount of energy he absorbs when he is promoted, if the aura of heaven and earth is not strong enough, it will not be enough to improve his strength!"


  Zhong Xu Wang said.


The Lord of the Spirit World agrees: "Indeed, he just absorbed the energy so terrifying, if there is no certain energy, he will certainly not be able to promote him to such a level! In other words, he should not be a person in our big world. It must be the realm palace. No doubt."


The Sect Master of the High Heaven Sect nodded and said: "Well, this is my previous point of view. I think he must be a member of the Realm Palace. The reason why we don’t have any news from him should be because he is the Realm Palace. A peerless genius cultivated in secret, so we don’t know this person!"


   "Isn't the Jiezi Contest about to begin? By then, we will all be invited to watch the Jiezi Contest! We will know if that person is from the Jie Gong."


   The sect master of the Heavenly Dao Prison Gate said.


"I think so too!"


King Zhongxu nodded and said: "If he is really a member of the World Palace, we will go to watch the World Children Competition, maybe we can see him at the World Children Competition! No matter how hidden the World Palace is, it is impossible not to let people come out to watch the game. Right? In addition, he is very young, and he has just been promoted to the Shinto level. Maybe he will participate in the Jiezi Contest! If he really participates in the Jiezi Contest, it will be a good show!"


  Zhongling King Lord said in surprise: "No? He might participate in the World's Son Contest? With his strength, he will participate in the World's Son Contest, and anyone will be his opponent?"


   "Who knows?"


King Zhongxu said: "The strength of the realm palace is so powerful. There is not necessarily only a genius, maybe there is a stronger existence? The young man just now has a strong strength, but the realm palace is so big, maybe Is there even more talented genius? It is not impossible to participate in the World's Son Competition."




   (end of this chapter)