Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3446: Moment of crisis

  , upgrade beyond violent

   The answer is of course yes!

   block is definitely able to block, but it will be very embarrassing.

   Because the opponent's speed is really fast!

   is so fast that even he can barely keep up.

   is so close that he can't even see the opponent's face.

   Of course, it is understandable that the opponent can be so fast.

   After all, these white shadows are alien.

   And it's a cold family who is very adaptable to the snow.

   In the snow, their combat effectiveness can be doubled several times, and their speed can be doubled.

   plus their god-level strength, as well as that powerful racial talent...

   The speed is faster.

   "Close the formation! Get up!"

   Wu Wei shouted coldly.

   At this moment, he was serious to the extreme, also serious to the extreme, and calmer to the extreme.

   Because he knows that as the commander of the team, the lives of everyone present are in his hands!

   As long as he makes some mistakes, someone will die, or even die!

   just like those warriors just now.

   So he must not make any mistakes.

   He needs to remain absolutely calm to lead everyone in the team back alive.

   Hearing Wu Wei's order, everyone moved closer again to fill the vacant position.

   Due to the absence of four people, the defensive circle has become smaller.

   At this time, Zhong Xing said towards Tang Yi: "Tang Yi, go to the middle! You don't need to defend this side!"

The warrior beside    also said: "Yes, Tang Yi, go to the middle!"

   Wu Wei seemed to have heard the words of the two, and said towards Tang Yi: "Listen to them! Enter the defensive circle."

   Tang Yi originally wanted to say that it could help everyone defend, but thinking that everyone would not believe it, and at the same time, he had no choice but to enter the defensive circle.

   At this moment, the human warriors have become more cautious. They watch six directions, listen to all directions, and constantly observe the surrounding environment to prevent the cold ice clan from sneaking.

   But a few minutes passed, but the Ice Clan still disappeared.

   After they attacked once before, they disappeared without a trace and never appeared again.

   If it weren't for the corpses of a few human warriors under their feet, if it weren't for the horror scenes of the previous attacks, they had already been imprinted in everyone's minds.

   The Ice Clan seemed to have never appeared before, and lost all traces.

   At this moment, the human warriors are very nervous, everyone is holding their breath and dare not give any care.

   did not dare to blink or breathe.

   I was afraid that when I blink or breathe, the Ice Race would appear and attack them.

   Therefore, the human warriors are tense than ever at this moment, and everyone is tense.

   If the Ice Clan appeared immediately, the human warriors might not be so nervous yet, and their expressions might be more relaxed.

   is because the Frost Clan hasn't appeared after an attack, which immediately brought a huge sense of oppression and tension to the human warriors!

   makes everyone have to maintain a state of high alert at all times.

  Because of this state, the human warriors on the scene are very tired.

   Although there is no fighting, this state is very exhausting.

   Only a few minutes have passed, these human warriors who have reached the level of the divine body, their foreheads are already covered with sweat.

  The situation at this moment is extremely unfavorable for the human warriors.

   They are bright, the enemy is dark, they are very passive.

   With just such a defense, they couldn't reverse the situation at all, and it was even easy for the Frost Clan to find a chance to sneak attack.

   was finally broken one by one by the Ice Clan.

   Now, they are like prey, waiting to be shot, while the Ice Race are like hunters, waiting for the opportunity to encircle and suppress the prey.

   The situation is very unfavorable for the human warrior.

   can even be said to be very crisis.

   Seeing this scene, the people in the palace who were watching Tang Yi's perspective were all nervous.

   Each family.

   "I'm going! These are the Divine Body-level powerhouses of the Ice Clan? They are so strong! Whether it is speed or concealment methods, they are extremely powerful. I searched the entire snowy area, and I couldn't find their tracks!"

   "Nonsense, that's a god-body level powerhouse! Tang Yi is now entering a snowstorm battlefield that can only be entered by a god-body level powerhouse! Can the opponents encountered in it not be strong? Are those simple battlefields and ordinary battlefields comparable?"

   "That's not it? The Ice Clan we can meet is only Quasi-God level. How strong can such strength be? How much impact can it bring us? It's definitely not as good as it is now!"

   "Unexpectedly, even the predecessors of the Divine Body level face the alien race so hard! It seems that we humans are really the weakest existence among all races."

"Can't say that! Although we humans don't have those talents, we have fast learning ability! They want a strong person to grow up, and it takes a lot of time to cultivate, but what about us humans? Ten years will do. To train a strong person for decades, and to train a strong person for hundreds of thousands of years from a different race, can the two be the same?"

   "Well, it's meaningless to discuss these things, let's continue to see how Tang Yi resolves it! I don't know if Tang Yi can survive this attack!"

   "According to the current situation, it is very difficult! This attack, even those seniors at the physique level, may not be able to survive! Let alone Tang Yi a contestant in the Son of the World Competition."

"Yes, now the predecessors are in a great disadvantage, very passive, a bad one, it is very likely that the whole army will be wiped out! In this case, the probability that Tang Yi will survive is very good. Very low! It can be said that Tang Yi and those seniors are now in a very dangerous situation."

   "That's not necessarily. Tang Yi has created a miracle in a difficult battlefield, maybe he can also create a miracle in it?"

"How can miracles be so easy to create! Moreover, under the suppression of absolute strength, how can this create miracles? Can Tang Yi take the seniors back to the camp? Don't think about it, it's impossible! This time Tang Yi is difficult. ."


   There is a lot of discussion among the big families.

   Wuling family.

The patriarch of the Wu Ling family said with a somewhat ugly expression: "This is over, Tang Yi is really right, it's okay, why would you want to challenge a nightmare-level battlefield? Wouldn't it be alright to honestly challenge a difficult battlefield? Then, Isn’t the number one in the World’s Son Contest stable! It’s good now, something has happened! Hey!"

"Maybe Tang Yi wants to challenge himself. The genius's ideas are often different from ours! Moreover, didn't Tang Yi fail to do well? He also chose a safer patrol mission. Who knew he was attacked by the Frost Clan! Don’t blame Tang Yi, you can only blame bad luck!"

   Liang Zi really defended Tang Yi.


The patriarch of the Wu Ling family sighed and said, "Then what should we do now? It seems that Tang Yi's team has encountered the hunting team in the Frost Clan. Such a team is not comparable to the average Frost Clan. Yes! Although there are not many Frost Races in this hunting team, perhaps only five, six, or even less, but it is very dangerous. Even if the team led by Senior Wu can escape and ascend to heaven, that’s for sure. It will suffer heavy losses. And Tang Yi, the Son of the World Contest player, is even more difficult to survive in this encounter."