Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3462: Hunting moment

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Zhongxiangyuan, viewing studio.

Bing Lian looked at Tang Yi and the Two Thousand Cold Bing Clan opposite Tang Yi, and said with excitement: "I like watching her husband carry out this kind of seemingly impossible challenge. Often the more impossible it seems, the husband will The easier it will be realized, the easier it will be done! In the end it will bring an incredible shock to everyone."

"Yeah! Husband has experienced this situation more than once! Every time we see it, it is extremely thrilling, which makes us extremely worried, but in the end there is no danger, and then the husband can easily solve it." Yuwen Jinyu said.

Mu Xianling also said: "Let's look forward to the performance of the husband. I also want to see the heroic figure of the husband beheading two thousand Frost Races with one person. That scene must be very domineering and mighty, right? It must be very shocking. Human heart?"

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Suppress Bandit Butcher

[Level]: 1 (one star quasi god)

[Shinto passive special effects]: Shinto barriers

[Shinto Point]: 1/100

[God coin]: 5621

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

【Achievement】: 1635600

[Divine power]: 100190993.5 (1731910+1731910x5685%) +54000 (1785910+1785910x5685%) = 101528984

【Supreme Magic Skill】:

Supreme Skill One: Dimensional Shark Slash (1000)

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Bathing in Divine Light (---)

Supreme Skill Three: Poisonous Mist Barrier (6000)

Supreme Magic Four: Immortal Thorns (5000)

Supreme Skill Five: Small Move lv3 (---)

[Supreme Body Method]: Walk of God Thunder (100)

[Finishing Skill]: Fury of the Blood Sword (3000)

[Vice Profession]: Supreme Alchemy (Alchemy Supreme), Supreme Second-Order Blacksmithing (Forging Great Supreme), Supreme Puppet Art (Puppet Supreme)...

[Special column]: False mind and fire (5000)

【Special parts】:

Eyes: Deified Eyes (---)

Body: Deified Body (---)

Hand: Deified Hand (---)

[Halo]: Divine Will Halo (---)

[Special item column 5/5]:

Special item column 1: World Promise Hand Card (5000)

Special Item Column 2: Thor Ball (150)

Special item column three: Anti-drug beads (---)

Special item column 4: Ling Yu avoid water drops (---)

Special item column five: space jammer (---)

[Forging Column]: Shenguang Wan Forging Hammer (---), Sky Fire Refining Furnace (---)

[Vehicle]: Black Demon Warship (---)

【Weapon Bar】:

Main weapon: Sky Thunder Great Sword (1500000)

Secondary weapon: Tianyin Moqin (10000)

【Armour Bar】:

Helmet: Mingyue Chuxin (60)

Mask: Mask of the Wolf King (2000)

Armor: Iron God Armor (---)

Cloak: Poisonous Wings (4000)

Gauntlets: Gypsophila (---)

Armguards: God and Demon Armguards (---)

Gloves: Evil Gloves (5000)

Belt: Sea Monster Belt (200)

Ornaments: Jade pendant of the emperor (5000)

Pants: Sea monster trousers (200)

Leggings: Dimensional Leggings (200)

Shoes: Steel Treasure Boots (---)

[Accessories column]

Necklace: Shadow Necklace (---)

Ring 1: Flower Healing Ring (---),

Ring 2: Sky Star Ring (---)

Ring 3: God Lord Ring (---)

Ring 4: Eternal Diamond (---)

【Array Flag 3/3】:

Array Flag One: Five Elements Tiangong Flag (---)

Array Flag Two: The Flag of Reality (---)

Array Flag Three: Fengshen Banner (---)


Materials: Lingxi supreme gemstone, **** gold iron, moon stone, **** power stone, void spirit, **** gift, blood crystal, golden **** iron fragment, blood skull seal...Sky fire **** stone!

Special items: Sky curtain purple phoenix bottle, earth spirit orb, Shinto strengthening stone x116

Temporary items: Battlefield coins x13006252, Dark Soul Stone x104, Shadow Soul Stone x100, Demon Spirit Promotion Pill x1000, Worry-Free Pill x1000, Order of the Dark Alliance Special Envoy, Blood Blasting Spirit Demon God's Cross.

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Suppress Bandit Butcher

[Level]: 1 (one star quasi god)

[Shinto passive special effects]: Shinto barriers

[Shinto Point]: 1/100

[God coin]: 5621

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

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