Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3471: People's reaction

   But what's the use of Luo Youcai's heartache?

   Tang Yidu has already sent the materials into the Pill Furnace, and the fate of these materials has been set, what else can he do?

   Can these materials be taken out of the pill furnace?

   It's useless to take it out. . . !

   The material that has been in the pill furnace and has been roasted by the flame, if it is not extracted and taken out forcibly, will be destroyed immediately. The moment it comes out of the pill furnace, it will immediately turn into fly ash.

   Therefore, whether it is ordinary materials or rare materials, as long as you enter the pill furnace, there is no room for maneuver.

   Even if Luo Youcai is very cruel to Tang Yi at the moment, even if he kills Tang Yi, these materials will not come back, and will have no effect at all.

   Therefore, at this moment, he had no other way besides waiting and waiting for Tang Yi's alchemy to end.

   On the other hand, Tang Yi didn't care what others thought, and no matter what others were saying at the moment, his hands moved quickly, the alchemy furnace, and the three thousand flames were constantly burning.

   Under the control of the system, three thousand flames separated 20 small flames, and these 20 small flames maintained 20 different temperatures.

Each flame is responsible for a kind of material, and the temperature of each flame is kept at a constant temperature. This temperature does not exceed the endurance limit of the'medicine' material in the pill furnace, nor does it fall below this limit. At the midpoint, it can be said to be just right!

The materials of the'medicine' material are continuously refined at an unimaginable speed at such a temperature, and then turned into a solution, those pure and pure green and crystal clear'medicine' liquid' essence 'Hua, was finally extracted perfectly, and all the impurities were burned out by the three thousand flames.

   After a short while, the first type of material ‘Jing’ Hua was extracted, followed by the second, third, fourth...

   Within ten minutes, the ‘essence’ of twenty kinds of materials was slowly extracted.

These materials are "fine" and flowery, with common green "color", unusual red "color", mysterious purple "color", comfortable white "color", and depressive black "color". In short, they are various and different.

However, the only thing in common is that these materials with various colors and colors are shining with shining light, and these materials with colors and colors are also crystal clear. It looks very extraordinary.

   It looks very pleasing to the eye.

   Seeing the ‘color’ and appearance of these materials’ ‘precision’, as long as the eyes are not blind, you know what they represent.

   Of course, everyone present now can't see them, because they are still in the pill furnace and are still being extracted. They will not be seen until the extraction is completed and released.

   After a few more minutes, the first material, ‘Jing’, was all extracted and released.


   With a soft sound, under the ‘operation’ of the system, the solution of ‘jing’, the material, flew out of the pill furnace, and the luminous light flickered in the air, drawing a beautiful arc.

   At this moment, it only took less than twenty minutes to start the extraction. Therefore, seeing that something flew out of the alchemy furnace in such a short time, all the alchemists present were taken aback, a little surprised.

   When the material enters the furnace, there are only two results, either the extraction is successful or the extraction fails.

   Regardless of the purity, the successfully extracted materials will be transformed into material ‘jing’, which will fly out of the alchemy furnace under the control of the alchemist.

   And the material that fails to be extracted will not come out of the furnace.

  The failed materials will be burned out in the pill furnace and no longer exist.

   Something flew out of the pill furnace at this moment, then it means that the extraction was successful.

"This is…"

   "I didn't expect that kid was really capable, and the extraction was successful."

   "Although only one of the twenty materials has been extracted, it is a rare material. It is already very good to be able to extract one kind of rare material."

   "It turns out that he is not as unbearable as we thought. Although the'wave' used 19 kinds of materials, he still extracted one. This level, whatsoever, should be of a master level."

   "At this age, it is really good to have this level."

   "Huh, it's only a master, and it is not qualified to enter our'pharmacist' alliance. What's more, he is such an arrogant kid."

   "That's right. A master-level alchemist, his ‘hair’ has not grown, and he is so proud and complacent with a little skill, it’s really not suitable for our ‘pharmacist’ alliance."

   "He also said that he would pass the special-level admission test, but now he has only extracted a kind of material, "Jing" Hua. How can he pass the special-level admission test?"

   "Anyway, he can't pass the test anyway and cannot enter our pharmacist alliance."

"If you have a better attitude and a little bit more humility, you can only extract a kind of material, "Jing" Hua, which can not pass the admission test. I also support him to join us. However, he is so arrogant that he is qualified to let us all. People waited for him and said they could pass the special-level admission test. Oh, such a person, even if the talent is good, our'pharmacist' alliance does not want it."

   "That's right, there are 20 kinds of materials, but only one kind of material is extracted. It is impossible for UU to read www.uukanshu.com and our "pharmacist alliance".


Seeing the material "Jing" Hua flying out of the pill furnace, Tang Yi really succeeded in extracting a kind of material "Jing" Hua. A group of alchemists were talking about it. However, in their opinion, Tang Yi only extracted one material. This kind of material is'refined', and this kind of alchemy strength can only be seen a little bit, but it still does not meet the standards of their hearts.

In addition, due to Tang Yi’s big tone, all the alchemists present were very dissatisfied with him. They felt that even though Tang Yi had a good talent, even if he extracted the rare material, the material'jing' Hua, he still could not enter their medicine. 'Division Union.

   "Oh? It seems to have a little strength, but..."

Seeing that a kind of material'essence' Hua was extracted, Luo Youcai was startled for a moment like others, and then said disdainfully: "However, with this strength alone, only one of the twenty materials has been extracted. Bragging that we can pass the special-level membership test, and saying that we are qualified to wait without shame, isn't this a bit too arrogant?"

   On the other side, Ouyang wanted to see Tang Yi extract a rare material. Not only did he not be stunned, but he took it for granted.

Of course, he knew Tang Yi's strength. He knew that Tang Yi had at least the strength of a master-level alchemist, and he was not inferior to him. He could extract a kind of rare material, Jinghua, and Tang Yi , There is no reason why it cannot be extracted.

Therefore, Ouyang Jin was not surprised that Tang Yi was able to extract the rare material'jing' Hua. He was just a little surprised that Tang Yi could extract so quickly, it took only twenty minutes. , This has greatly exceeded Ouyang Jin's expectations.