Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3481: Leaving the stormy battlefield

   Chapter 3480 Leaving the Snowstorm Battlefield

   "15 million points? You cheated? How can you get such a high score in a normal game!"

   Some players questioned.

   "It's really outrageous. From entering the battlefield until now, I have been fighting with foreign races all the time, and even have done missions during the period, but only scored a few hundred points!"

   Some players did not understand.

   "Absolutely cheating! Nothing to say! It is impossible to get such a high score without cheating!"

   Some players vowed to say.

"This person is too courageous. He dares to cheat so blatantly, and so exaggerated. I think he really doesn't want to live. Even if he cheats in his own world on weekdays, he still dares to cheat now when he comes to the palace. Cheating."

   Some players thought so.

"Tang Yi? God Thunder World? This God Thunder World is not a top-level world! How could the players from them get such high scores? This is very unreasonable! At first glance it is very fake. Hope that the world palace will come out. Deal with it, otherwise 15 million points, which is too exaggerated. How does this compare to us players?"

   Someone said so.

   In short, all the players who participated in the Jiezhizi competition questioned Tang Yi's score.

   After all, only those who participate in the game know how difficult this game is.

   Such a difficult game, it is extremely difficult to get hundreds of points, let alone more than ten million points.

   This score is too exaggerated for the players, so everyone questioned this score.

   A certain preparation hall.

   Zhou Tian looked at the leaderboard, his face was extremely gloomy.

   Zhou Tian, ​​also the number one seed player in this World's Son competition, has attracted the attention of countless people, and many warriors in the World Palace are looking forward to his performance.

  Many families are waiting for the end of the World's Son competition, and then recruiting this peerless genius.

  Before the game, many families also contacted him and promised to recruit him.

   But Zhou Tian did not respond, only that he would make a decision at the end of the game.

   Because he didn't respond, the eyes of the major families were all on him.

   Countless people want to see his performance, waiting to be recruited.

but now!

   Everything has changed.

   Everyone's eyes turned to Tang Yi.

   are all placed on this super dark horse that scored 15 million points.

   Seeing the score on the leaderboard on Sunday, he guessed the result too!

   It's just that he doesn't understand.

   He really doesn't understand what this ranking is all about.

   didn't understand why Tang Yi, who ranked first, could get such a high score.

"This is the second day of the competition. I killed more than 300 aliens, completed three small incidents, three missions of medium difficulty, and one mission of high difficulty. Among them, the high-level missions are extremely difficult, nine deaths and a fluke. It was completed. In this way, only 6,000 points were obtained! And this man named Tang Yi...15 million points...How did he do it? How did he do it? To get such a high score?"

Frowning, Zhou Tian said again: "If his score is true, then I will challenge him. I want to see what kind of skills a person with 15 million points has. .If his score is false, then...I need him to pay the price he deserves! After all, he disrupted the entire Son of the World Tournament and made the players of the entire Son of the World Tournament lose their fighting spirit. The Son of the World Tournament appeared so high. The score, how can others catch up? Who has the motivation to continue the game?"

the other side.

   Sun Yong, who was ranked third at the moment, looked at the rankings, and his face was extremely dark.

   "Tang Yi is it! Very good! 15 million points, right, very good! When the Son of the World Contest is over, I want to see what kind of strength your 15 million points have!"

  Sun Yong also bitterly said, appearing extremely unconvinced.

   as the initiator.

   Our Tang Yi is still in the stormy battlefield.

   Although it is said that the patrol mission and the reconnaissance mission are over.

   However, Tang Yi's game is not over yet.

   So Tang Yi continued to practice in the wind and snow battlefield.

   In the snowstorm battlefield, it is not always possible for the Ice Clan army to encounter it.

   So in the following time, Tang Yi didn't encounter the large group of Frost Clan, but he encountered a lot of small groups of Frost Clan patrols.

   There are even some orders.

   Encountering these cold ice races, without exception, Tang Yi solved them easily.

   After all, the two armies are at war. They humans and the Ice Race are hostile forces, and there must be no reason to let them go.

   In this way, Tang Yi stayed in the stormy battlefield all day.

   During this whole day, Tang Yi not only hunted down the Ice Clan, but also tried the Ring of Ice Spirit, trying to control the ice.

   I have to say that the sacred treasure is indeed the sacred treasure, and it is really extraordinary!

   Tang Yi did not expect the lethality of the Ice Spirit Ring to be so powerful!

   Today, he took a cold ice clan to test and summoned a hard ice to attack the cold ice clan.

   And the ice clan was frozen into an ice sculpture without reacting.

   And the next second, fragmented.

   directly into thick water!

   Very fast and extremely lethal!

   Moreover, this is not a skill or method. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   is the most common technique for controlling ice in the Ring of Ice Spirit!

   The most common control technique is so powerful... Then how terrifying is the active skill?

   This is simply unimaginable.

   Ice Spirit Ring not only improved Tang Yi's overall strength, but also gave Tang Yi more attack methods.

"It seems that the Ring of Ice Spirit is indeed extraordinary. No wonder it can be the treasure of the Frost Clan! But...why does it have Earth characters? Is it also related to the previous one? Whether or not it is , This is not important to me at the moment. After all, the strength is not enough to know the truth."

   Thinking of this, Tang Yi was relieved, and ignored the origin of the Ice Spirit Ring.

   Anyway, it can be used now, as long as it is easy to use, no matter where it comes from.

   Tang Yi stayed in the snow storm battlefield for another night, killing a dozen cold ice races, and then withdrew from the battlefield the next day.

For Tang Yi,    Snowstorm Battlefield had no experience value.

   It is said that by adjusting in the nightmare room, you can enter another nightmare-level battlefield.

   Tang Yi intends to go back and fix it, and then enter another nightmare-level battlefield.

   So, after staying for another night, Tang Yi withdrew from the wind and snow battlefield.

   Back to the preparation hall, Tang Yi did not enter the battlefield immediately.

   but it was trimmed for a long time.

   There are food and drink in the preparation hall, although Tang Yi can't eat or drink even for ten and a half months.

   But as a human being, we still need something to eat and drink.

   So the first thing he did when he came back was to eat and drink.

   After repairing for a long time, he came to the nightmare room again.