Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3531: Rich harvest

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However, when Tang Yi searched in Ji Wulu's space ring, after reading every item of Ji Wulu's, he suddenly found that in addition to the two items Ji Wulu showed, there was another one. Pieces of baby lie in the space ring.


It's not so much a piece, it's a bunch...

Yes, there are still a bunch of treasures in the eyes of Tang Yi, lying in Ji Wulu's spatial ring.

It was a pile of milky white stones, about a hundred, neatly stacked in the corner of the space ring.

They seem to have been forgotten, or regarded as useless things, so they are piled up in the corner.

When Tang Yi found these more than one hundred milky white stones, they were still pressed underneath by some other objects.

If Tang Yi hadn't searched for them, I'm afraid they would not be found.

After finding the pile of stones, Tang Yi collected them all, and then took them out of the space ring.

"The Shadow Race doesn't seem to know what these things are. They only sensed the good energy on these stones, so they collected them. However, after collecting them, they forgot them. Heh, the Shadow Race is really brutal. Heavenly objects."

Tang Yi spit out.

Can you not complain?

The Shadow Race actually didn't know what it was, and piled them up in the corner to forget them.

This is too cruel and cruel.

Although Tang Yi is not 100% sure, he has certain treasures by feeling the energy on the stones, confirming that these stones have a strengthening effect.

Yes, these are some stones that can strengthen and ascend.

What is to be strengthened, we have to appraise it before we know it.

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Suppress Bandit Butcher

[Level]: 210 (One-star Quasi-God)

[Shinto passive special effects]: Shinto barriers

[Shinto Point]: 55100/2000

[God coin]: 35600

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

【Achievement】: 1635600

[Shindo power]: 6143540189 (15439910+15439910x39790%)

【Supreme Magic Skill】:

Supreme Skill One: Extreme Slave Sword (500000)

Supreme Magic Skill II: Sanqing Shenguang (100000)

Supreme Skill Three: Poisonous Mist Barrier (6000)

Supreme Magic Four: Immortal Thorns (5000)

Supreme Skill Five: Small Move lv3 (---)

[Supreme Body Method]: Walk of God Thunder (100)

[Finishing Skill]: Fury of the Blood Sword (3000)

[Vice Profession]: Supreme Alchemy (Alchemy Supreme), Supreme Second-Order Blacksmithing (Forging Great Supreme), Supreme Puppet Art (Puppet Supreme)...

[Special column]: False mind and fire (5000)

【Special parts】:

Eyes: Deified Eyes (---)

Body: Deified Body (---)

Hand: Deified Hand (---)

[Halo]: Divine Will Halo (---)

[Special item column 5/5]:

Special item column 1: World Promise Hand Card (5000)

Special item column 2: Thor Ball (150)

Special item column three: Anti-drug beads (---)

Special item column 4: Ling Yu avoid water drops (---)

Special item column five: space jammer (---)

[Forging Column]: Shenguang Wan Forging Hammer (---), Sky Fire Refining Furnace (---)

[Vehicle]: Black Demon Warship (---)

【Weapon Bar】:

Main weapon: Sky Thunder Great Sword (1500000)

Secondary weapon: Tianyin Moqin (10000)

【Armour Bar】:

Helmet: Mingyue Chuxin (60)

Mask: Mask of the Wolf King (2000)

Armor: Black Source to Armor (3000000)

Cloak: Poisonous Wings (4000)

Gauntlets: Ring of Ice Spirit (10000000)

Armguards: God and Demon Armguards (---)

Gloves: Evil Gloves (5000)

Belt: Sea Monster Belt (200)

Ornaments: Jade pendant of the emperor (5000)

Pants: Sea monster trousers (200)

Leggings: Dimensional Leggings (200)

Shoes: Steel Treasure Boots (---)

[Accessories column]

Necklace: Shadow Necklace (---)

Ring 1: Flower Healing Ring (---),

Ring 2: Sky Star Ring (---)

Ring 3: God Lord Ring (---)

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