Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3536: End of the World's Son Contest

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Chapter 3535 The Son Of The World Competition Is Over

After the three-piece suit, the Black Star Necklace, like the Black Dragon Boots, received a terrifying upgrade.

The increase in strength level has increased from 300 times to 2000 times.

All resistance enhancements have also been increased from 100 times to 500 times.

Recovery ability, lifesteal effect, and damage reduction have also been increased from 10 times to 100 times.

In addition, the HP recovery effect per second in active skills has been increased from the original 5% to 10%.

The active skill Black Star Guardian reduced 500% from the original damage to 800%.

The strength index has also changed from a question mark state to a numerical state, and the numerical value has reached 20 million points!

The overall has been a terrifying promotion.

Regardless of the effect of the skill, just this panel alone, this black star necklace is already extremely powerful.

After taking a look, Tang Yi didn't hesitate and put on the Black Star necklace.


After changing into the Black Star Necklace, Tang Yi's momentum climbed again, and his whole person became even more extraordinary.

At this moment, Tang Yi's divine power index changed again.

The basic divine power index has increased from 42833910 points to 62833910 points.

The percentage index has increased from the original 81275% to 281275%.

Total Shinto Power Index (62833910+62833910x281275%)

That is 176798914262.5 points!

170 billion!

After equipping the Black Star Necklace, Tang Yi not only has more methods, but at the same time the divine power index has more than ten times, and it has become more terrifying!

Tang Yi felt that his strength had increased by at least a hundred times compared to the previous one.

An existence like the Shadow Race, as long as it is of the same level, or even one level higher, not to mention one hundred thousand, even one million, can not pose any threat to him.

It will even become the fish on his cutting board.

At present, Tang Yi's divine power index, I am afraid that he does not even have a Divine Infant Realm.

Not to mention the Divine Infant Realm, I am afraid there is not even the Little Divine Realm!

Although Tang Yi didn't know the divine power index of the Little God Realm.

Although he didn't know what level his Divine Dao Power Index reached, he was sure that the Divine Infant Realm definitely did not have his Divine Dao Power Index!

His divine power index has surpassed the magnitude of many realms.

With such a divine power index, Tang Yi is confident, even if he encounters the Divine Infant Realm, he has the power to fight.

As for the Little God Realm...

Because he didn't have a clear concept of the Little God Realm and other realms, Tang Yi didn't know whether he could win when facing them.

in addition.

Tang Yi also didn't know how far his divine power index could be.

According to the current situation, every piece of equipment he gets, and it is the best equipment, or the magical skills.

Shinto power index can be improved by leaps and bounds.

After all, there is a percentage of divine power.

There is a percentage of divine power, even if Tang Yi is usually upgraded, the divine power index will increase very terribly.

Every time you raise the power index of God's power, the total power of God's power will be like riding a rocket, rushing out for a long distance at once.

Therefore, Tang Yi was also very curious as to where his limits were.

How far can the power of the gods be raised?

Of course, Tang Yi couldn't get the answer to this question now.

When his strength rises to an unimaginable point in the future, he may be able to get the answer.

After the Black Star Necklace is equipped, the harvest of this battle is all sorted out.

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Suppress Bandit Butcher

[Level]: 210 (One-star Quasi-God)

[Shinto passive special effects]: Shinto barriers

[Shinto Point]: 55100/2000

[God coin]: 35600

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

【Achievement】: 1635600

[Shindo power]: 13552196352.5 (32833910+32833910x41275%)

【Supreme Magic Skill】:

Supreme Skill One: Extreme Slave Sword (10000000)

Supreme Magic Skill II: Sanqing Shenguang (3000000)

Supreme Skill Three: Poisonous Mist Barrier (5000000)

Supreme Magic Four: Immortal Thorns (5000)

Supreme Skill Five: Small Move lv3 (---)

[Supreme Body Method]: Walk of God Thunder (100)

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