Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3542: You haven't seen it

"Don't say it!"

"Yes, let alone, there are still many people who haven't watched Tang Yi's game. We have to give them a little surprise."

"Yeah! If you say it, the surprise is gone."

"Chang their appetite."


This is the argument of those warriors who have watched the Tang Yi competition.

"What's the matter, it's mysterious! Don't say it! Heh!"

"Yeah! It's so mysterious, it's like Tang Yi can beat nine. I don't believe that he can beat nine in the World's Son Competition."

"Isn't it! There is no need to sell this kind of pass, and there is no need to create this kind of suspense, no matter how powerful Tang Yi is, it is impossible to beat nine."

"I really convinced these people. They watched the game as if they had found a treasure. They didn't know what to keep secret."

"Follow them, anyway, I don't believe that Tang Yi can beat nine. He put forward such a condition, he should just want to embarrass others. Now they have accepted the challenge on Sunday, that Tang Yi is waiting to be abused."

"Even though Tang Yi is the first place in the World's Son Competition, I don't like his character like this! It's too arrogant. Everyone is a contestant in the World's Son Competition. Why is he so arrogant? Why does he make the request of one dozen nine? "

"Yes! Even facing Zhou Tian, ​​he may not be able to win, and he dare to ask Zhou Tian and others to join him."

"I'm not optimistic about this Tang Yi either. His number one is probably a fluke."

"It must be a fluke! Haven't you seen that everyone is not convinced!"



Everyone talked a lot.

Regarding this matter, the major families have tacitly said nothing.

Everyone knows what's going on, and can guess what the result will be, but everyone just doesn't speak, letting the warriors in the palace guess the discussion by themselves.

In the space left vacant, Tang Yi stood opposite Zhou Tian and others.

At this moment, Zhou Tian and others are discussing who will take the first shot, and they are arguing.

It seems that everyone wants to be the first to shoot.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi said indifferently: "Don't fight, I asked you to take the shot together, and I didn't let you discuss who shot first! Now that it's over, let's take the shot together according to the agreement, and don't waste time one by one. ."

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Zhou Tian and others stopped the discussion.

Zhou Tian said: "Tang Yi is right! I have to say that you are arrogant! I hope your strength can match your arrogance."

Wu Fang said: "If you dare to look down on me, I will make him pay."

Feng Tianyue: "Well, since you let us go together, then we go together, don't say we bully you later."

Jiu Buxian: "I never pay attention to arrogant people. You are the first one to let me take action."

Obsessed: "Tang Yi, right? Although saying that will offend you, I still say that I will blow you up and let you know how good I am."

Wu Xi: "Let me see your strength."



Tang Yi said, "Stop talking nonsense, do you want to make a move first? If you don't make a move, then I will make a move."

"Of course we won't shoot first."

Zhou Tian said.

"Okay! I'll go first, are you ready? I'm going to shoot."

Tang Yi said.

"bring it on!"

Zhou Tiandao.

Tang Yi nodded, didn't say much, and shot directly.

I saw Tang Yi standing in place without moving, but a gust of wind rushed towards Zhou Tian and the others.


In the next second, Zhou Tian and others were blown into the air by the wind, and then they fell down.

Just like sandbags, falling to the ground in all sorts of things.

Because this process was so fast, it was so fast that only a breath of time had passed.

Before Zhou Tian and others knew what had happened, they fell to the ground.

After falling to the ground, Zhou Tian and the others were still dumbfounded, their minds were blank, they couldn't react for a while, and they didn't understand what had just happened.

Even more, I don't understand why I fell to the ground.

Not to mention that Zhou Tian and others did not react as the authorities, and the millions of bystanders at the scene could not react at all!

They also saw a flower in front of them, and they saw Zhou Tian and others falling to the ground.

As for why Zhou Tian and others fell to the ground, something fell to the ground.

They didn't see anything clearly.

The warriors at the scene were stunned, watching this scene blankly, not knowing how to react.

For a while, the scene was silent, and the needle drop was audible.

In the next second, the millions of brains that had crashed in the scene reacted, and all of a sudden there was a lot of discussion.

"What's the matter? What was that just now?"

"I don't know! With a flower in front of my eyes, I saw them falling to the ground on Sunday."

"You can still see a flower in front of you. I didn't see anything. I only heard Zhou Tian say let Tang Yi take the shot first, and then Zhou Tian they fell. It was as if they were knocked out and fell from the sky. "

"It wasn't Tang Yi who made the shot just now, right?"

"It must be Tang Yi who made the move, otherwise Zhou Tian and others would not be able to lie on the ground. I have to say that Tang Yi is also too powerful! Through the light curtain before, we can still see how Tang Yi made the move. Now we are here. At the scene, we actually couldn't even see how he shot."

"Yeah! Tang Yi is not as powerful as we can imagine~lightnovelpub.net~ Although he is only at the level of the god-body, his strength has reached the level of the god-blood and the infant-level, or even higher!"

"What Tang Yi shot! Tang Yi is clearly in place, what are you talking about."

"Yeah, what are you talking about nonsense, even if this player named Tang Yi is more powerful, where can he go? How could he stand still and knock Zhou Tian into the air?"

"Yes, I also think. It's totally impossible! It's definitely not Tang Yi's hand. Because it's impossible for anyone to stand still and defeat the opponent. How strong is this to be done? They are both the children of the world competition. The players of, are all about the same strength, how could Tang Yi stand still and defeat Zhou Tian and the others, this is completely impossible."

"Heh! It's really a group of ignorant things. If you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean it's impossible."

"Isn't that right? They didn't think it was impossible because they hadn't watched Tang Yi's game. If they had watched Tang Yi's game... heh! No matter how bizarre things are, they won't think it's impossible."

"Yes! Tang Yi's game is much more exaggerated than this. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it was true. I couldn't believe that we humans can be so powerful."

"What did Tang Yi do during the Son of World Competition? Why did you keep touting him from the beginning?"

"I don't understand, what exactly did he do to make these people worship so much."

"Done something more exaggerated than now? Can't believe that humans are so powerful? Your descriptions are too exaggerated. No matter how strong we humans, are we stronger than alien races? Can a person beat many alien races? Can one? People annihilate a large alien force? Impossible, right?"

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