Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3553: Leave

Remember in one second【】

Chapter 3280 Guqin Left By Sea Queen And Mysterious Humans

The guqin is about two meters long, which is slightly longer than the average guqin.

I don’t know if it’s because of the age, the color of the guqin is a little dark, gray-black.

It was covered with moss and dust.

The strings looked rusty, and they were also covered with a thick layer of ash.

And because the dust is too full, the strings are connected to one piece by the dust. If you don't know that it is a piano, if you know that the strings are on the piano, you can hardly see it with the naked eye.

There is an altar in a valley in the dimension space?

And on the altar, there is actually a piano?

And the energy that I felt before was actually emitted by this piano?

What kind of violin is this?

Seeing the altar and the guqin, Tang Yi didn't lean over for the first time.

Because he was worried about the danger here!

After all, the appearance of the altar in such a place is very abnormal.

If there are any restrictions or guardian beasts, that would be bad.

So even though Tang Yi saw the altar, he didn't lean towards it, but kept wandering around the valley to observe.

But after checking it for a while, I didn't find any danger in it.

I didn't see any prohibition or anything.

There was nothing in the valley.

There are neither prohibitions nor any guardian beasts.

"Could it be that the Naga Sea Monster just now was the guardian of this altar? Because I was killed, there was no guardian beast on the altar?"

Tang Yi guessed.

Of course, guessing is after all guessing. Whether it is the case or not has to be confirmed.

After a series of investigations and trials, Tang Yi slowly approached the altar.

Although it was determined that there were no alien beasts around, and there was no restriction, Tang Yi just in case, he was still careful as he moved forward and took a slow step.

But all this caution is obviously unnecessary.

Until he reached the altar, Tang Yi did not encounter any danger, nor was he blocked by any guardian beasts or prohibitions.

In this way, Tang Yi came to the altar.

At this moment, he really saw the guqin suspended on the central stone platform.

When I looked at it from a distance before, the guqin had a quaint atmosphere, and its length was extraordinary.

When he came closer, in addition to feeling an unspeakable mysterious power, Tang Yi also saw the mysterious and mysterious inscriptions on the guqin.

Although these inscriptions can only be vaguely seen because of the dust, but even at this point, Tang Yi also felt the various principles of heaven and earth carried on these inscriptions, as well as various unspeakable powers.

These inscriptions are not simple!

Of course, these inscriptions are not the most peculiar.

The most peculiar thing is that there is a pattern on the back of the guqin.

Standing on the altar, Tang Yi could look up at the back of Guqin from this angle.

And because the guqin is suspended in the air, the back is not polluted by dust for a long time, and everything on the back is clearly visible.

At this moment, the pattern on the back of the guqin clearly caught Tang Yi's eyes.

And there is a female creature in the pattern.

This creature...

Tang Yi felt very familiar!

After thinking slightly, Tang Yi suddenly felt.

Isn't this the female pattern painted on the stone wall at the entrance of the secret?

Fish tail, crown, peerless face.

It is exactly the same as the female pattern painted on the stone wall.

According to Su Yixuan, the pattern is a portrait of the first queen of the Sea Clan.

In other words, is the female creature inscribed under the Guqin the first queen of the sea clan?

The queen of the sea clan was actually engraved on the bottom of the guqin?

And this Guqin...

Could it be the piano that the queen of the sea clan caressed?

At the entrance of the secret realm, the pattern on the stone wall is a picture of the queen of the sea clan playing the piano.

That piano is very similar to the one in front of me.

The length is so long, the appearance is similar, but the color is a bit different.

The violin at the entrance is golden, but the violin in front of me is dark and black.

Although the colors are different, the others are the same!

So Tang Yi guessed whether this violin would be the one stroked by the Queen of the Sea Clan!

If there was no portrait of the Queen of the Sea Clan at the bottom of the guqin, Tang Yi would still not think so.

At this moment, I saw the portrait of the Queen of the Sea Clan appearing on the back of Guqin, and then I contacted the picture at the entrance of the secret realm.

Tang Yi immediately connected all these things together.

"That is to say! This guqin belongs to the Queen of the Sea Clan? The guqin used by the Queen of the Sea Clan in the pattern at the entrance of the secret realm is this guqin?"

Tang Yi looked at Guqin in surprise.

He didn't expect that since the Guqin appeared in it, it actually belonged to the Queen of the Sea Clan!

What's more unexpected is that the treasure of this secret realm is actually the guqin used by the Queen of the Sea Race!

And this guqin is not in the secret realm.

But in the dimensional space in the secret realm.

In the mustard!

Hidden deep!

^0^Remember in one second【】

At the same time, there is a powerful siren guardian!

If this is for ordinary people to come in.

Or if Su Yixuan and the Sea Clan came in, I'm afraid they couldn't find this dimensional space at all, and couldn't find this piano.

Of course, even if they found this dimensional space, the Sea Clan entered here.

It is impossible for them to see this violin.

Because they can't be the opponent of Naga Siren.

The moment they enter, they will be killed by the Naga Siren.

That is, he can enter the dimensional space and defeat the existence of the Naga Sea Monster before he can enter here, and then see this piano.

At this moment, the context in Tang Yi's mind gradually became clear.

Slowly analyze, and gradually understand the truth of the matter.

"In other words, the Naga Sea Monster is the guardian of this place? And the item it guards is this guqin? And this guqin is the guqin in the hands of the first sea clan queen? It is the treasure of the entire secret realm. The establishment of this secret realm is to hide this guqin? What kind of guqin is this?"

"The secret realm of the sea clan actually has a huge connection with the queen of the sea clan."

Tang Yi guessed, suddenly Yu Guang had scratched something at the bottom of the Guqin, and his pupils suddenly expanded and he was shocked.

"This is......"

Tang Yi found some small characters on the bottom of the guqin, below the sea queen's pattern.

For the tenth year in this world, I will give to Queen Agulis.

"I came to this world for the tenth year, UU reading www.uukanshu.com presents Queen Agulis!"

"Who came to this world for the tenth year? Another system owner? Traverser? Agulis is the Queen of the Sea Clan? Who gave this piano to the Queen of the Sea Clan?"

Tang Yi's eyes widened, his expression unbelievable.

Unexpectedly, at the entrance of the secret realm before, all his guesses were correct!

A person who also has the system came here countless years ago and met the first queen of the sea clan and helped her build the underwater kingdom.

And this piano was also a treasure given to the Queen of the Sea Clan by the person with the system at that time!

This secret realm was also used by the Queen of the Sea Clan to treasure this guqin!

I see!

It turned out to be like this.

(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^