Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3566: Out of water


"Look, Guan Shi Liang also enclosed the forging room. It seems that he doesn't want us to affect the forging."

"Who is forging, actually causing such a big movement!"

"Yes, I'm curious too."

"Although Guan Shi Liang has enclosed the forging room, we can still watch outside. Since we are curious about who is forging, then we can just take a look outside to know."

"I have some experience in forging. The vision at this moment shows that the items this forge is forging are of the highest level, and items of this level should not be forged in a short time."

"Yes! I can see it too. Forging will not end every three days or more. In other words, if you want to see who is forging and what is forged, you need to wait for more than three days."

"What's the matter? Three days or more is three days or more. Just let me know who this blacksmith is, let alone three days, even if I wait for three months or three years!"

"Indeed! Since I am curious about the blacksmith, since I want to see who is forging, it is okay to wait for some time!"


As Liang Zizhen enclosed the forging room, more and more people gathered around the forging room.

Except for some members who have already entered the battlefield to do tasks, a small half of the members of the Wuling family resident are gathered outside the forging room.

In fact, if the location of the incident was not the residence of the Wu Ling family, it was somewhere else.

Maybe there will be more people watching!

Because in addition to the people of the Wuling family, many people felt the breath of forging and saw the shining golden light.

Only because the location of the incident was in the residence of the Wu Ling family, and because it was inconvenient to enter the residence of the Wu Ling family, there was no onlooker.

In this way, time passed slowly under the waiting of countless people.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

During these three days, Ni Shiqing became more and more familiar with the women, because Mu Xianling and other women are of good character, no one is the kind of narrow-minded person, so the relationship between the two parties is moving towards a good trend. develop.

However, after three days, the golden light blooming in the forging room has become more and more prosperous, the aura that spreads has become stronger and stronger, and the aura has become more and more concentrated!

In the sky, a black cloud is condensing.


That's it!

The shadows are only condensed, but they have not yet condensed into shape.

Although the golden light is very prosperous, although the aura that comes out is very powerful, although the aura is also very strong, it has not reached its limit!

The vision looks like it will disappear for a while.

Seeing this scene, Liang Zi couldn't help but smile and said, "It seems that Tang Yi's forging will take some time."

The girls nodded.

Pei Nianyao said: "Judging from the current situation, it will not be over for a while. At this moment, the vision created by the husband's forging seems to have just been formed, and the most critical part has not appeared! And it seems that it will not happen in a short time. Appear!"

"It's okay, no matter how long the husband has forged, we can wait. Anyway, we have snacks here, chatting and eating snacks, it's not boring at all." Chu Nianwei smiled.

But Bing Lian didn't care about this at all. She looked at Ni Shiqing and said with a smile: "Sister Ni should have heard it! The husband may not finish forging for a while. Do you have to wait any longer?"


Ni Shiqing was slightly taken aback when she heard Bing Lian's words, and she hadn't waited for her to come up with a good answer.

Bing Lian spoke again: "Sister Ni, I'm really curious, what is the important thing about you looking for your husband, you can actually wait for three days."

Hearing these words, Ni Shiqing knew in an instant that Bing Lian was amusing herself.

She understands now that what she had felt before was not an illusion.

This young ghost named Bing Lian really guessed her purpose!

No wonder!

No wonder Bing Lian helped the flames and introduced Tang Yi in various ways, and then suddenly I didn't know when it started, so I didn't mention it.

And it's the kind that never mentions it!

And from time to time, Bing Lian would turn her head to look at her, showing a smile that I had seen through you a long time ago.

It was as if some secret had been discovered.

It turned out that Bing Lian did not discover any secrets, but really discovered her purpose!

After learning about this, Ni Shiqing was suddenly embarrassed and didn't know what to say.


She didn't panic either.

Because she could see that Bing Lian also accepted her.

Not only will she accept her, but will also help her make it happen!

Therefore, being known is not necessarily a bad thing!

Ni Shiqing stabilized his mind, thought for a moment, and said, "Because I have nothing to do recently, so I have plenty of time. If it is usual, let alone three days, even one day can't wait."

"Oh, is it so?"

Bing Lian smiled and said: "Then Sister Ni, you plan to wait a few more days. They said it will take a long time."

"Uh, this! I don't know. Keep waiting. While I'm not busy."

Ni Shiqing said: "It's okay to wait a while when you're not busy! As for how many days you can wait, I don't know how many days you can wait. I just wait until I can't wait."

Ni Shiqing's answer is very clever.

Vague, no clear answer is given.

But Bing Lian answered perfectly.

Bing Lian could no longer proceed on this topic.

Hearing Ni Shiqing's answer, Bing Lian smiled and did not continue to ask.

Click to end.

Bing Lian is still very good at this point.

After this episode, everyone continued to talk about what they should be talking about, snacking on snacks.

The same goes for the crowds around the forging room.

In three days, not only did the number of people not decrease, but on the contrary, as the members of the Wuling clan returned to the clan, they became more and more numerous.

As long as they saw the vision, they all gathered.

Over time, more than 85 percent of the members of the Wuling family gathered outside the forging room.

In addition, there are a large number of people visiting the Wu Ling family.

In the beginning, everyone had a good face and didn't dare to come.

But as the vision became more and more obvious and more intense, the breath that came out became stronger and stronger.

Many people have felt it, and they also know that someone is forging the treasure.

With the increase in the number of people knowing, with the passage of time and driven by curiosity, these people could no longer stand it well, and finally came to the Wu Ling family.

The Wu Ling family naturally has no reason to refuse these curious people.

After all, you can't refuse someone's visit, right?

Especially the status and status of some of them are not low.

Therefore, with the acquiescence of the Wuling family, the people who watched the forging around the forging room, in addition to the warriors of the Wuling family, there are also warriors of other families.

The number of people gradually increased, until finally the forging room was surrounded by water.

(End of this chapter)