Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3575: Color change

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"Of course it can be withstood, if the husband can't withstand it, then who can withstand it!"

"The husband didn't know what was refined, and it caused such a big movement."

"Isn't he trying to refine something for us?"

"Thinking too much. I also want my husband to give us a surprise! But it looks like it can't be."

"Indeed, the husband wants to surprise us, and the refined things cannot be so strong. At least not as strong as they are now! The strength of the objects refined by the husband now has caused the world to become too strong. Obviously, I don’t want this tool. It was born, so it is impossible to want to refine it for us. I think the husband should refine his own items!"

"The probability really big number. Ooo, ooo, but I also want the husband personally refining treasure."

"This is very simple. After the husband finishes refining what we want, we can ask him to practice it for us sometime."

"Lian'er is still smart! Then wait until the husband's forging is over, and then let him refine one for each of us!"



On the side, Ni Shiqing and Liang Zizhen were very complicated when they heard the words of Mu Xianling and other women. They didn't know what to say.

That's a treasure, a treasure of the Shinto level.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to obtain one.

But now, this group of women, this group of beautiful women actually want one?

Let Tang Yi, a genius, do it?

This is too...too wasteful.

Hearing the dialogue between Mu Xianling and other women, Ni Shiqing made up his mind to join the family.

Must be one of them.

And Liang Zizhen was thinking about what price should be used for Tang Yi to forge the Wu Ling family.

If the price is okay, then he asks Tang Yi for help.

If the price is too high...

That can only be forgotten.

And just as everyone present was thinking, when Tang Yi stood in the air doing nothing, the robbery cloud in the sky changed again!


The dark clouds in the sky whirl wildly, and a wave of heaven and earth energy is attracted by the dark cloud vortex, and then merged into the three-color energy ball, which makes the three-color energy ball become bigger and bigger, from the original huge change of 100 meters Become a giant of several hundred meters!

At least two to three times.

However, this is not the point!

The point is that the tri-color energy ball sent a breath of destruction.

The original three-color energy ball was filled with three breaths.

They are violent breath, destruction breath and holy breath.

But now, the violent breath and the sacred breath can no longer be felt.

The only thing that can be felt is destruction.

Endless destruction!

Of course, not being able to feel it does not mean that the violent aura and the sacred aura have really disappeared.

It was because the aura of destruction was too strong and covered the other two auras, so I couldn't feel the other two auras.

But at this moment, I can't feel the other two auras, the destruction aura suppresses the other two auras, this is very weird!

Because the three-color energy **** balance each other and contain each other, so they blend together.

However, the composition of the three-color energy ball has not changed. It is still three-color, but only two breaths can be felt...

And just when Tang Yi wondered why the three-color energy ball exuded the aura of destruction.


I saw the tri-color energy ball burst out with dazzling light.

And this time the light is a bit dim compared to before!

Heavenly Tribulation is getting stronger and stronger, but now, as the Heavenly Tribulation is getting stronger and stronger, the light it shows is dimmer than before, which is a bit strange.

However, the most surprising thing is not this, but the color of the light bursting out of the tri-color energy ball at this moment.

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