Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3641: Weird figure

Chapter 3640 strange figure

Although Niu Haobo was confident, he was not confident enough to wipe out two hundred alien races with the strength of a squad of ten people.

This is too exaggerated.

They can't do it yet.

So Niu Haobo changed his mind.

"Good! Since the captain said so, let's go back."

"I also want to go back and see what is going on."

"Me too, want to see who won the Shenlei tribe and the Beishui tribe."

"Looking at the attack intensity of the two parties just now, I think they should be similar. At this moment, they may have lost both! As the captain said, we may find a chance when we go back at this moment. Of course, although the chance is slim, there is always a little bit. Chance."

"Actually I want to go back and see how Tang Yi is doing."

"Yeah, I want to see his situation too! If he is still alive, that would be great."


Niu Haobo said: "Let's go, then we'll go back and have a look."

The group just returned.

Along the way, everyone was able to see that the area affected by the shock wave was already in a mess, and the forest was completely invisible.

Because everything has been razed to the ground.

The ground is at least half a meter shorter than the ground in other areas.

This is the area affected by the shock wave.

If it is the area where the collision is located, it is even more terrifying.

When the Shenniu team came to the collision area, they suddenly saw that the ground here was more than 30 meters shorter than other areas!

It's like a deep pit.

Inside the deep pit, there is nothing but loess except for loess.

It can be seen how terrifying the power of the shock wave just now.

Seeing such a doomsday-like scene, the members of the Shenniu team were all speechless, and once again lamented the strength of the alien race.

"Let's be more careful. The alien race is so powerful, even if they lose both sides, we won't necessarily be their opponents."

"Yeah, with our ten-man team, it is completely impossible to compete with their 100-man team. In time they are exhausted, we can't be able to play."

"Usually we are not opponents one to one, let alone ten to one hundred."

"Even if you see an opportunity later, don't go on it, so you should be more careful and just check the situation."

"Captain, what do you think."


The players said one after another.

Hearing this, Niu Haobo thought for a while and nodded: "Well! Even if there is a chance later, we still won't be able to be on the safe side. After all, the alien race is too powerful, even at the end of the war, we can't beat it. Be careful."

After a pause, Niu Haobo ordered again: "Stay alert and walk slowly!"

The sacred cow team maintained a high level of vigilance and focused on moving forward in the same posture as when it first entered the battlefield.

After spending the same amount of time before, it was time to return to the previously hidden area where the alien battle was viewed.

But that area...

Great changes have taken place.

Under the impact of the aftermath, everything has been turned into powder, only a pile of loess and a mess.

No matter how good the Shenniu team's memory, no matter how strong it is to detect, they almost can't recognize this area.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is...

There was no trace of the alien in front of me, and the scene was quiet.


In such a quiet environment, there is actually a figure standing upright?

Seeing this scene, the sacred cow team was blinded!

What makes them feel incredible!

This figure was actually a newcomer who they thought had fallen... Tang Yi?

how is this possible!

The sacred cow team looked silly.

All the alien races were gone, Tang Yi stood there safe and sound?

What happened to this?

"I...I'm not mistaken, right? That person...that person is Tang Yi, right?"

"Ok...it seems to be."

"Hey, Tang Yi is okay? This..."

"The aftermath just now was so terrifying, Tang Yi had no time to run, so he must be the first to bear the brunt, why..."

"The most important thing is that the atmosphere at this moment is too weird. The alien race was gone, and Tang Yi stood there safe and sound..."

"How weird this scene is, how weird it is!"

"Have you noticed that Tang Yi just stood there, matched with the surrounding atmosphere, matched with the scene just now, matched with the disappearance of the foreign race, suddenly it was so terrifying."

"It's really scary! It's oozing when you look at it."

"Look, Tang Yi found us. He also greeted us and smiled happily!"

"I'll go! He greeted us with a bright smile, even more terrifying."

"Couldn't this Tang Yi be... a fake? Is it a foreign race or some kind of creature? Really Tang Yi has fallen?"


Niu Haobo saw Tang Yi standing safe and sound not far away, and his whole person was also stunned in place, his expression full of disbelief.

The most important thing is that Tang Yi was not only safe and sound, but even waved to greet them?

There is no feeling of being left behind!

And they abandoned Tang Yi here before, and he didn't have any look of upset and anger?

You know, they abandoned Tang Yi just now.

But let him wait in place to die.

Is Tang Yi not angry about such a serious matter?

Don't get angry at them?

Still beckoning like them?

A smile on his face?

This is too weird, right?

What happened?

Where did the alien go here?

Why didn't Tang Yi die?

Too many questions.

Niu Haobo was blinded.

All the people in the Shenniu team were stunned.

Slightly stunned for about five minutes, they didn't come back to their senses until Tang Yi called them.

Niu Haobo brought everyone from the Shenniu team to Tang Yi.

After arriving in front of Tang Yi, everyone in the Shenniu team did not speak immediately, but looked up and down around Tang Yi, seeming to want to see what is different in Tang Yi.

Or want to see what's happening.

But no matter how they look at it, they can't see any difference, nor can they see any clues at all.

Tang Yi in front of him is Tang Yi.

It's the one before.

And he is indeed intact, UU reading www.uukanshu. There is nothing weird about com either.

After looking at Tang Yi up and down, Niu Haobo said: "Tang Yi?"

He was still determining whether the person in front of him was Tang Yi.

Hearing this, Tang Yi suddenly wondered: "Huh? Captain Niu, what's the matter? Why do you look at me like this, and everyone, why do you look at me like this? Is there anything wrong?”

"Nothing is wrong, it's just..."

Niu Haobo looked at Tang Yi and said, "Are you okay? Are you injured?"

After Tang Yi showed himself for a while, he said, "Me? It's okay, what can I do, do you think I am injured?"

Seeing Tang Yi's unharmed appearance, the Shenniu team was even more puzzled.

Niu Haobo asked: "The aftermath just now is so terrifying, you haven't had time to escape, why didn't you get any harm. And, where is the alien? Where did the alien go? Didn't they fight against each other? Where did you go now?"

(End of this chapter)