Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3676: 7 races

Chapter 3675 Seven Races Dispute

Of course, although Niu Haobo felt that the plan would fail, as a qualified captain, he would definitely not show it.

He even comforted the team members: "Don’t be too frustrated. Although the appearance of the Shadow Race and the Bright Race is not a good thing for us, we are not without a chance! After all, chaos has already been created, and who knows what happened? How will it develop. What if all the alien races are destroyed together. What if the mysterious powerhouse who helped us before makes another move? Before the end, who is right."

"Yes, brothers, don't be too depressed. We still have a chance."

"If only the Shadow Race will come, or only the Light Race will come, we may not have any hope. But when the Shadow Race and the Light Race come and check each other, then we have a chance."

"Let's wait and see, we will return to the Palace of the Palace if there is no chance, and we haven't lost anything! The original thing to look for ten altars was to try it, and we didn't have much hope."

"Yeah, we didn't have much hope, but because it went too smoothly, we felt that we had won nine altars, but the last one was not reconciled. In fact, we didn't have any losses! care."


The players said one after another.

With that said, everyone is no longer so depressed and feels a little better.

And on the altar.

Seeing six consecutive races appeared on the scene, the forest tribe, the occupier of the altar, was also blinded.

At first they thought which race was provoking, but they didn't expect it was not one, but six!

A forest tribe said to their leader: "Master Mu Yun, it seems that we are calculated by them. It must be some race who wants to take the altar, but it can't compete with us alone, so the plan summoned all the other races. Up."

"Ok, I know."

Li Muyun nodded, and then said loudly to the alien races: "What do you mean?"

The leader of the Shenlei clan said: "What do you mean? What else does it mean? Isn't it obvious."

The leader of the Beishui tribe said: "The altar on the Profound Sky Battlefield does not belong to whoever occupies it."

The leader of the Frost Clan said: "We came to a team earlier, but all of them are missing. I suspect it is related to your Forest Clan. After all, only your Forest Clan has the ability to solve them without knowing it. So this Once, we have to come and lie down in this muddy water."

The leader of the Abyss Clan said: "This is the first time we have entered the Profound Sky Battlefield. We all say that this is the world of the Forest Clan, and that the Forest Clan is very powerful here. We are in the abyss to see if the Forest Clan is as strong as the rumors. ."

The leader of the shadow clan said straightforwardly: "We, the shadow clan, do not have any reason to act.

The leader of the Guangming clan smiled and said: "It is said that there is a treasure in the Profound Sky battlefield, and the key to obtaining the treasure is ten altars. We, the Guangming clan, are not interested in your fight, but are interested in the treasure, so you just have to give up the altar. , And tell us the key, then our Guangming clan will let everyone here."


Hearing the words of the leaders of the foreign races, the leaders of the forest tribe sneered and said, "I want to come and get a share, right? Although I don't know which race is the one that exposed the location of the altar, no matter which race it is, I will I won’t let him go! In addition, you races who want to come over to get a share of the pie...you have to weigh your own strengths. This is the Profound Sky Battlefield, but the territory of our Forest Race! On our territory, let alone You God Thunder Clan, Beishui Clan, or Ice Clan, even if it is the two upper-level races, Shadow Clan and Bright Clan, as long as we attack our Forest Clan, we will make him unable to eat!"

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Suppress Bandit Butcher

[Level]: 10 (divine body level)

[Shinto passive special effects]: Shinto barriers

【Shinto Point】: 2456100/2000

【God Coin】: 78950

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

【Achievement】: 1635600

[Xinghe]: One Star River (12 star power points)

【Supreme Magic Skill】:

Supreme Skill One: Extreme Slave Sword (10000000)

Supreme Magic Skill 2: Sanqing Shenguang (3000000)

Supreme Skill Three: Poisonous Mist Barrier (5000000)

Supreme Magic Four: Immortal Thorns (5000)

Supreme Skill Five: Instant Kill (10000000)

[Supreme Body Method]: Walk of God Thunder (100)

[Finishing Skills]: Eye of God (10000000)

[Vice Profession]: Shinto-level alchemy (alchemy quasi-god), Shinto-level blacksmithing (forging quasi-god), Shinto-level puppetry (puppet quasi-god)...

[Special column]: Jiuyou endless endless fire (10000000)

【Special parts】:

Eyes: Deified Eyes (---)

Body: body of extreme warfare (10000000)

Hand: Deified Hand (---)

[Halo]: Skydome halo (10000000)

[Special item column 5/5]:

Special item column 1: World Promise Hand Card (5000)

Special Item Column 2: Thor Ball (150)

Special Item Column 3: Universal Talisman (5000000)

Special item column 4: None

Special item column five: none

[Forging Column]: God Gong Tian Zheng Hammer (200000), Yehuo Burning Furnace (200000)

[Vehicle]: Black Demon Warship (---)

【Weapon Bar】:

Main weapon: Skyfire double sword: (100000000 power of gods and demons)

Secondary weapon: Sky Thunder Great Sword (1500000)

【Armour Bar】:

Helmet: Mingyue Chuxin (60)

Mask: Mask of the Wolf King (2000)

Armor: Black Source to Armor (3000000)

Cloak: Poisonous Wings (4000)

Gauntlets: Ring of Ice Spirit (10000000)

Armguards: God and Demon Armguards (---)

Gloves: Evil Gloves (5000)

Belt: Sea Monster Belt (200)

Ornaments: Jade pendant of the emperor (5000)

Pants: Sea Monster Pants (200)

Leggings: Dimensional Leggings (200)

Shoes: Black Dragon Boots (10000000)

[Accessories column]

Necklace: Black Star Necklace (20000000)

Ring 1: Flower Healing Ring (---),

Ring 2: Sky Star Ring (---)

Ring 3: God Lord Ring (---)

Ring 4: Eternal Diamond (---)

【Array Flag 3/3】:

Array Flag One: Five Elements Tiangong Flag (---)

Array Flag Two: The Flag of Reality (---)

Array Flag Three: Fengshen Banner (---)


Special items: Purple Phoenix Vase on the Sky Screen, Earth Spirit Orb, Shinto Strengthening Stone X116

Temporary items: Battlefield coins X33006252, Dark Soul Stone X104, Shadow Soul Stone X4214, Abyss Soul Stone X2104, Ice Soul Stone X4652, Demon Spirit Promotion Pill X1000, Worry-Free Pill X1000, Order of the Dark Alliance Special Envoy.

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Suppress Bandit Butcher

[Level]: 10 (divine body level)

[Shinto passive special effects]: Shinto barriers

【Shinto Point】: 2456100/2000

【God Coin】: 78950

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

【Achievement】: 1635600

[Xinghe]: One Star River (12 star power points)

【Supreme Magic Skill】:

Supreme Skill One: Extreme Slave Sword (10000000)

Supreme Magic Skill 2: Sanqing Shenguang (3000000)

Supreme Skill Three: Poisonous Mist Barrier (5000000)

Supreme Magic Four: Immortal Thorns (5000)

(End of this chapter)