Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3748: The order of the gods

"Let's go, keep looking for the remaining teams!"

Tang Yi said.

Now they have found four teams of Earth God Sect, and five teams have not yet been found.

In this way, Tang Yi and Mu Yun's team continued to search for the team of the Divine Gate.

In order to find the Divine Gate team quickly, the Muyun team also searched separately.

And when Tang Yi and others were looking for the Divine Gate team, a group of black robes gathered together somewhere in the chaotic battlefield.

At this moment, a man in black robe inlaid with gold border asked, "How is the situation?" remember

"Reporting to the throne, we have sent ten teams to the battlefield to sweep, and we are currently sweeping. As for the center of the chaotic battlefield, we have sent teams to monitor and report the situation at any time. At present, our assembly point, each team is also gathering. , will be assembled soon.”

A black robe replied.

"Has the identity of the powerhouse who destroyed several ethnic stations been found out?"

The man in black robe in Phnom Penh asked again.

"Excuse the incompetence of the subordinates, and we were not able to find out the identity of the strong man, because the information we got is really limited. The most important thing is that there are almost no survivors in the station of each race, even if we just want to get a little information , can't be obtained. So we can't determine the identity of the strong man."


Heipao's men hesitated to speak.

"But what?" asked the leader of the black robe with a golden edge.

"However, we found the footprints of some human warriors in the ruins of those race stations!"

The black robe said.

"Footprints of human warriors?"

The leader of the Phnom Penh black robe asked: "The residences of various ethnic groups were destroyed. Is it possible that it was done by human warriors?"

"It's a little unlikely! Because the footprints only found the footprints of a team of human warriors. A team of human warriors wants to annihilate the station of a race, which is more difficult than going to the sky. So my subordinates think it's impossible."

The black robe subordinates analyzed and said.

"This is really impossible. Human warriors are inferior to other races in talent. It is impossible to win more with less. What's more, attacking a race's station, not only has to face endless alien attacks, but also It is indeed impossible to face a powerhouse at the Earth God level with the strength of a team of human warriors. But…”

The leader of the black robe in Phnom Penh squinted his eyes and said, "Although it cannot be done by human warriors, this team of human warriors is very suspicious. Their footprints can appear in the stations of various races, then it means that this matter must be related to They have a direct or indirect relationship. Each race has been destroyed, and the human warrior team has absolutely no courage to go in and investigate! That is to say, it is absolutely impossible for this human team to enter later! It must arrive before the race is destroyed, that is Say, they are likely witnesses, or even indirect participants!"

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Bandit Suppression Butcher

[Level]: 10 (God Level)

[Shinto Passive Effects]: Shinto Barrier

【Shinto Point】: 6456100/2000

[God coin]: 48950

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

[merit]: 1635600

[Galaxy]: Six Galaxy (3022 Star Power Points)

[Power of Gods and Demons]: 100000000

[Supreme Divine Skill]:

Supreme Divine Skill 1: Extreme Slave Sword (10000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Sanqing Divine Light (3000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 3: Poisonous Mist Barrier (5000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 4: Immortal God Thorn (5000)

Supreme Divine Skill 5: Instant Kill (10000000)

[Supreme Movement]: Divine Thunder Walk (100)

[Ending Technique]: Eye of God (10000000)

[Sub-professional]: Shinto-level alchemy (alchemy quasi-god), Shinto-level blacksmithing (forging quasi-god), Shinto-level puppet technique (puppet quasi-god)…

[Special column]: Jiuyou Endless Boundless Fire (10000000)

【Special parts】:

Eye part: Deified Eye (---)

Body: Extreme Battle Body (10000000)

Hand: Deified Hand (---)

[Halo]: Sky Dome Halo (10000000)

[Special item column 5/5]:

Special Item Column 1: Heaven and Earth Promise Hand Card (5000)

Special Item 2: Thor Ball (150)

Special Item Slot 3: Universal Amulet (5000000)

Special item column 4: none

Special item column five: none

[Forging column]: Shen Gong Tianzheng Hammer (200000), Yehuo Burning Furnace (200000)

[Vehicle]: Dark Demon Ship (---)

[Weapon column]:

Main Weapon: Skyfire Double Sword: (100000000 God and Demon Power)

Sub-weapon: Dragon and Phoenix Tianqing Divine Bow (One Galaxy)

【Armor Bar】:

Helmet: The Heart of Ming Dynasty (60)

Mask: Wolf King Mask (2000)

Armor: Source of Darkness (10 points per galaxy)

Cloak: Tianxuan Cloak (Samsung River 3000 points)

Gauntlets: Ring of Ice Spirit (10000000)

Armguards: God and Demon Armguards (---)

Gloves: Evil Gloves (5000)

Belt: Siren Belt (200)

Ornament: Emperor Jade (5000)

Pants: Siren Trousers (200)

Leggings: Dimensional Leggings (200)

Shoes: Black Dragon Boots (10000000)

【Accessory column】

Necklace: Black Star Necklace (20000000)

Ring 1: Flower healing ring (---),

Ring 2: Heavenly Star Ring (---)

Ring 3: God Lord Ring (---)

Ring 4: Eternal Diamond (---)

[Array flag 3/3]:

Array Flag One: Five Elements Tiangong Flag (---)

Array of Flags II: The Flag of Truth (---)

Array flag three: Fengshen flag (---)


Special Items: Sky Curtain Purple Phoenix Bottle, Earth Spirit Orb, Shinto Enhancement Stone X116

Temporary items: Battlefield Coins X33006252, Dark Soul Stone X104, Shadow Soul Stone X4214, Abyss Soul Stone X2104, Frost Soul Stone X4652, Demon Spirit Promotion Pill X1000, Wuyou Pill X1000, Dark Alliance Special Envoy Order. Qiqi's novels are first published on the whole network

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Bandit Suppression Butcher

[Level]: 10 (God Level)

[Shinto Passive Effects]: Shinto Barrier

【Shinto Point】: 6456100/2000

[God coin]: 48950

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

[merit]: 1635600

[Galaxy]: Six Galaxy (3022 Star Power Points)

[Power of Gods and Demons]: 100000000

[Supreme Divine Skill]:

Supreme Divine Skill 1: Extreme Slave Sword (10000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Sanqing Divine Light (3000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 3: Poisonous Mist Barrier (5000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 4: Immortal God Thorn (5000)

Supreme Divine Skill 5: Instant Kill (10000000)

[Supreme Movement]: Divine Thunder Walk (100)

[Ending Technique]: Eye of God (10000000)

[Sub-professional]: Shinto-level alchemy (alchemy quasi-god), Shinto-level blacksmithing (forging quasi-god), Shinto-level puppet technique (puppet quasi-god)…

[Special column]: Jiuyou Endless Boundless Fire (10000000)

【Special parts】:

Eye part: Deified Eye (---)

Body: Extreme Battle Body (10000000)

Hand: Deified Hand (---)

[Halo]: Sky Dome Halo (10000000)

[Special item column 5/5]:

Special Item Column 1: Heaven and Earth Promise Hand Card (5000)

Special Item 2: Thor Ball (150)

Special Item Slot 3: Universal Amulet (5000000)

Special item column 4: none

Special item column five: none

[Forging column]: Shen Gong Tianzheng Hammer (200000), UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Yehuo Burning Furnace (200000)

[Vehicle]: Dark Demon Ship (---)

[Weapon column]:

Main Weapon: Skyfire Double Sword: (100000000 God and Demon Power)

Sub-weapon: Dragon and Phoenix Tianqing Divine Bow (One Galaxy)