Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3754: Palace, compete!

Chapter 3753 Palace, competition!

"The treasure is about to be born!"

Seeing the vision, I do not know who shouted.

When they heard the voice, everyone was in a state of preparation, their eyes burning.

All eyes turned to the center without blinking.


The soil flew, and a black pyramid-shaped object broke out of the soil and rose in exchange.

However, when it rose to one or two meters, it was discovered that this was not a pyramid, but just a roof.


Triangular roof.

Over time, this unearthed thing became clearer, more complete, and more and more displayed.

The black triangular roof, the huge and full of textured gray walls, the scattered windows, the feeling of splendor and splendor blows.

What broke out of the ground was a huge palace!

And the stone pillars on all sides are actually the pillars of this huge palace!



The palace rose suddenly, as high as the stone pillars that reach the sky, standing in front of everyone.

When the palace was first unearthed, everyone didn't feel it, and they didn't think it was huge.

But when the palace was completely raised and fully displayed in front of everyone, everyone realized that the palace in front of them was so huge!

There are countless aliens in front of this palace, but they are just ants!

No wonder!

No wonder the four stone pillars are so far apart!

No wonder the central location is so empty, it was originally reserved for the palace to appear!

"A palace, there is actually a palace here?"

"Is the treasure in the palace?"

"It's amazing. After entering the chaotic battlefield for so long, it was the first time I knew that there was a palace hidden in the center of the chaotic battlefield!"

"Whose palace is this palace?"

"Palace? For such a big palace, I am afraid there is more than one treasure? I have sent it!"

"Is the treasure in the palace? Let's go in and find it."


Seeing the appearance of a palace, all the aliens were in an uproar, and everyone's eyes were full of uproar!

If they can, they can't wait to rush into the palace immediately and compete for the treasure.


At this moment, the palace has no entrance at all. Even if they want to enter, they cannot enter at all.

And at this time.


I saw a sudden tremor in the front of the palace, and the thick and quaint hidden door slammed open to the inside.

A quaint and decadent aura rushed towards the face, entering the sense of smell of all aliens and humans.

"The door is open! Run! Fight for the treasure!"

Seeing that the gate of the palace was opened, the leader of the Abyss Clan lit up, and immediately ordered loudly.

Hearing this, all the abyss races rushed through the gate.

Since the Abyss Race was the first to act, they entered the palace without any hindrance.

But other forces were not so lucky.

Other forces have been slower to respond.

By the time they reacted, the abyss had already entered the palace.

And several other races also reacted and collided with them.

As a result, a large number of aliens crowded at the gate of the palace, making the gate of the palace crowded.

At this moment, no matter how restrained the alien races are, no matter how they don't want to have disputes with other races, they have to have disputes.

Because this is a competition, only the final winner can enter the palace.

Only by winning in the end can they capture the treasure!

After all, they didn't react the fastest like the Abyss Race and entered the palace ahead of time.

Since they cannot enter the Advance Palace, they can only compete with other races.


"Dare to stop our Shenlei clan from killing without mercy!"

"When our Shadow Race is easy to bully?"

"Ridiculous! Ordinary races dare to compete with our Bright Race?"


In this way, a war broke out in front of the palace gate, and countless aliens scuffled together.

Even the Abyss Clan had to participate in this dispute.

Although the Abyss Clan entered the palace ahead of time, there are a large number of Abyss Clan, at least several thousand, only a part of them can rush into the palace, and a large part has not yet entered.

And this large part has three or four thousand.

The three or four thousand were finally stopped at the gate of the palace due to their slow response.

No matter how unwilling they are, they have to fight with various aliens.

In this way, there was chaos in front of the palace gate.

On the other side, the human camp, looking at the chaos in front of the palace gate, Ning Tianmu frowned.

On the side, a captain asked Ning Tianmu: "City Lord, what should we do now? Shall we rush in?"

Hearing this, Ning Tianmu hadn't spoken yet, but the leader of the Tianmo Squad was the first to speak.

"No! It's too chaotic in front of the palace gate. We rush over and we will definitely fight with various alien races. With our strength, if we are entangled by them, it will be finished. It will definitely be swallowed up by various alien races. , In the end, the entire army was wiped out! So we must not take action!"

The Demon Captain said.

"Then what should we do? Now that the abyss has rushed in, if we don't go in, I'm afraid the treasure will be captured by the abyss."

The captain said anxiously.

Captain Tianmo said: "It doesn't matter, let's not talk about whether they can get the treasure, even if they get the treasure, they can't take it away at all. How can various alien races let the abyss take away the treasure? There are so many high-ranking races here, and the abyss also It is inevitable that they will not be able to grab the treasure! In addition, what if they go first? Can they get the treasure if they go first? This palace is so mysterious, and there must be other arrangements in it. It's a good thing! So we don't have to worry about it, just wait for the moment quietly."


"Captain Tianmo's analysis is very good! I also think it is necessary to wait and see."

"Yes, if we go in now, the whole army will definitely be wiped out. For safety, let's take a look."

"I support Captain Tianmo."

"I'm not in favor of taking risks either. Let's follow what Captain Tianmo said. Just wait!"

One of the captains spoke up.

Hearing this, Ning Tianmu thought for a moment or two, and then said, "Then according to what Captain Tianmo said, let's wait for the moment to wait for the moment! It's really not wise to rush over at the moment. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

In this way, the human camp did not move at all, still standing in place, maintaining vigilance, and watching the changes.

And like the human camp, there are several races who are watching the changes.

For example, the upper race Chaos Clan, Tian Ting Clan, Dragon God Clan, Tianfeng Clan.

There are also ordinary races such as Asuka and Beishui.

These races did not choose to attack the gate of the palace, but waited quietly, appearing extremely patient.

In the face of such a patient alien race, Ning Tianmu was extremely afraid.

The other races that didn't do it were also in the same mood. They saw that some races did not go to compete to enter the palace, and they were very jealous of these races.

On the other side, the Muyun team is located.

Seeing the situation in the palace and in front of the palace, Zeng Huan also asked Tang Yi, "Tang Yi, what should we do now?"

(End of this chapter)