Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3773: Clearance begins!

At this moment, no matter how stupid the forces at the scene were, they understood what was going on.

Here comes the super strong.

And it is a terrifying powerhouse on the human side.

This strong man has the strength to slaughter any team they are present!

In front of this human being, they didn't even have the strength to resist!

The only thing I can do is run away!


The various teams at the scene fled.

Run away as long as you're not stupid.

After all, if you continue to stay, you will surely die without a corpse!

However, can the various teams on the scene escape if they want to escape?

Of course not!

How could Tang Yi let them escape?

"I just want to escape now? It's too late! You are not rare when I gave you a chance just now, but you still want to escape? You have to ask me if I will answer!"

With that said, Tang Yi chased after each team!

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Bandit Suppression Butcher

[Level]: 10 (God Level)

[Shinto Passive Effects]: Shinto Barrier

【Shinto Point】: 6456100/2000

[God coin]: 48950

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

[merit]: 1635600

[Galaxy]: Twenty-two Galaxy (66022 Star Power Point)

[Power of Gods and Demons]: 100000000

[Supreme Divine Skill]:

Supreme Divine Skill 1: Extreme Slave Sword (10000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Sanqing Divine Light (3000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 3: Poisonous Mist Barrier (5000000) The fastest updated novel https://m.qq*717^m.q^q717.c^om/

Supreme Divine Skill 4: Immortal God Thorn (5000)

Supreme Divine Skill 5: Instant Kill (10000000)

[Supreme Movement]: Divine Thunder Walk (100)

[Ending Technique]: Eye of God (10000000)

[Sub-professional]: Shinto-level alchemy (alchemy quasi-god), Shinto-level blacksmithing (forging quasi-god), Shinto-level puppet technique (puppet quasi-god)...

[Special column]: Jiuyou Endless Boundless Fire (10000000)

【Special parts】:

Eye part: Deified Eye (---)

Body: Extreme Battle Body (10000000)

Hand: Deified Hand (---)

[Halo]: Sky Dome Halo (10000000)

[Special item column 5/5]:

Special Item Column 1: Heaven and Earth Promise Hand Card (5000)

Special Item 2: Thor Ball (150)

Special Item Slot 3: Universal Amulet (5000000)

Special item column 4: Power Amulet (5000 points of the power of the Five Galaxy)

Special item column five: none

[Forging column]: Shen Gong Tianzheng Hammer (200000), Yehuo Burning Furnace (200000)

[Vehicle]: Dark Demon Ship (---)

[Weapon column]:

Main Weapon: Dagger of Star Flash (50,000 points from Eight Galaxy)

Sub-weapon: Dragon and Phoenix Tianqing Divine Bow (One Galaxy)

【Armor Bar】:

Helmet: The Heart of Ming Dynasty (60)

Mask: Wolf King Mask (2000)

Armor: Source of Darkness (10 points per galaxy)

Cloak: Tianxuan Cloak (Samsung River 3000 points)

Gauntlets: Ring of Ice Spirit (10000000)

Armguards: God and Demon Armguards (---)

Gloves: Evil Gloves (5000)

Belt: Siren Belt (200)

Ornament: Emperor Jade (5000)

Pants: Siren Trousers (200)

Leggings: Dimensional Leggings (200)

Shoes: Black Dragon Boots (10000000)

【Accessory column】

Necklace: Black Star Necklace (20000000)

Ring 1: Flower healing ring (---),

Ring 2: Heavenly Star Ring (---)

Ring 3: Ring of the Heavens (Samsung River 8000 points)

Ring 4: Eternal Diamond (---)

[Array flag 3/3]:

Array Flag One: Five Elements Tiangong Flag (---)

Array of Flags II: The Flag of Truth (---)

Array flag three: Fengshen flag (---)


Special Items: Sky Curtain Purple Phoenix Bottle, Earth Spirit Orb, Shinto Enhancement Stone X116

Temporary items: Battlefield Coins X33006252, Dark Soul Stone X104, Shadow Soul Stone X4214, Abyss Soul Stone X2104, Frost Soul Stone X4652, Demon Spirit Promotion Pill X1000, Wuyou Pill X1000, Dark Alliance Special Envoy Order.

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Bandit Suppression Butcher

[Level]: 10 (God Level)

[Shinto Passive Effects]: Shinto Barrier

【Shinto Point】: 6456100/2000

[God coin]: 48950

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

[merit]: 1635600

[Galaxy]: Twenty-two Galaxy (66022 Star Power Point)

[Power of Gods and Demons]: 100000000

[Supreme Divine Skill]:

Supreme Divine Skill 1: Extreme Slave Sword (10000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Sanqing Divine Light (3000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 3: Poisonous Mist Barrier (5000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 4: Immortal God Thorn (5000)

Supreme Divine Skill 5: Instant Kill (10000000)

[Supreme Movement]: Divine Thunder Walk (100)

[Ending Technique]: Eye of God (10000000)

[Sub-professional]: Shinto-level alchemy (alchemy quasi-god), Shinto-level blacksmithing (forging quasi-god), Shinto-level puppet technique (puppet quasi-god)...

[Special column]: Jiuyou Endless Boundless Fire (10000000)

【Special parts】:

Eye part: Deified Eye (---)

Body: Extreme Battle Body (10000000)

Hand: Deified Hand (---)

[Halo]: Sky Dome Halo (10000000)

[Special item column 5/5]:

Special Item Column 1: Heaven and Earth Promise Hand Card (5000)

Special Item 2: Thor Ball (150)

Special Item Slot 3: Universal Amulet (5000000)

Special item column 4: Power Amulet (5000 points of the power of the Five Galaxy)

Special item column five: none

[Forging column]: Shen Gong Tianzheng Hammer (200000), Yehuo Burning Furnace (200000)

[Vehicle]: Dark Demon Ship (---)

[Weapon column]:

Main Weapon: Dagger of Star Flash (50,000 points from Eight Galaxy)

Sub-weapon: Dragon and Phoenix Tianqing Divine Bow (One Galaxy)

【Armor Bar】:

Helmet: The Heart of Ming Dynasty (60)

Mask: Wolf King Mask (2000)

Armor: Source of Darkness (10 points per galaxy)

Cloak: Tianxuan Cloak (Samsung River 3000 points)

Gauntlets: Ring of Ice Spirit (10000000)

Armguards: God and Demon Armguards (---)

Gloves: Evil Gloves (5000)

Belt: Siren Belt (200)

Ornament: Emperor Jade (5000)

Pants: Siren Trousers (200)

Leggings: Dimensional Leggings (200)

Shoes: Black Dragon Boots (10000000)

【Accessory column】

Necklace: Black Star Necklace (20000000)

Ring 1: Flower healing ring (---),

Ring 2: Heavenly Star Ring (---)

Ring 3: Ring of the Heavens (Samsung River 8000 points)

Ring 4: Eternal Diamond (---)

[Array flag 3/3]:

Array Flag One: Five Elements Tiangong Flag (---)

Array of Flags II: The Flag of Truth (---)

Array flag three: Fengshen flag (---)


Special Items: Tianmu Purple Phoenix Bottle~lightnovelpub.net~Earth Spirit Orb, Shinto Strengthening Stone X116

Temporary items: Battlefield Coins X33006252, Dark Soul Stone X104, Shadow Soul Stone X4214, Abyss Soul Stone X2104, Frost Soul Stone X4652, Demon Spirit Promotion Pill X1000, Wuyou Pill X1000, Dark Alliance Special Envoy Order. [Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Bandit Suppression Butcher

[Level]: 10 (God Level)

[Shinto Passive Effects]: Shinto Barrier

【Shinto Point】: 6456100/2000

[God coin]: 48950

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

[merit]: 1635600

[Galaxy]: Twenty-two Galaxy (66022 Star Power Point)

[Power of Gods and Demons]: 100000000

[Supreme Divine Skill]:

Supreme Divine Skill 1: Extreme Slave Sword (10000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Sanqing Divine Light (3000000)

Supreme Divine Skill 3: Poisonous Mist Barrier (5000000)

Supreme Magic 4: Immortal God Thorn (5000) Fastest Update Qiqi Novel https://m.qq*717^m.q^q717.c^om/

Supreme Divine Skill 5: Instant Kill (10000000)

[Supreme Movement]: Divine Thunder Walk (100)

[Ending Technique]: Eye of God (10000000)

[Sub-professional]: Shinto-level alchemy (alchemy quasi-god), Shinto-level blacksmithing (forging quasi-god), Shinto-level puppet technique (puppet quasi-god)...

[Special column]: Jiuyou Endless Boundless Fire (10000000)

【Special parts】:

Eye part: Deified Eye (---)

Body: Extreme Battle Body (10000000)

Hand: Deified Hand (---)