Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 380: Fighting Phoenix Crown 3 Eyed Tiger

"Heaven guides the way!"


The powerful blue and white sword gas surged out from the tip of the ice sword, and suddenly burst out of the air, where the sword gas passed, all the dirt and sandstone, and everything crossed by the sword gas. A thin layer of ice crystals.

Seeing Tang Yi's movements, and feeling the destructive power contained in the blue and white sword spirit, the instinct of the three-eyed tiger with the Phoenix Crown was a twist, and he hid towards the side.

This blow is so powerful, how can the Phoenix Crown Three-eyed Tiger dare to take it!

Its speed is so fast, and its figure is strong. It is easy to escape Tang Yi's fierce blow.


The Phoenix Crowned Three-eyed Tiger can hide with its powerful strength, and can the monsters behind it, those fourth and fifth level monsters hide?

The answer is of course no!

I saw on the straight line where the Phoenix Crowned Three-eyed Tiger was originally located, the sword gas came violently, and the first four were the level six monsters behind the Phoenix Crowned Three-eyed Tiger!

The four Level 6 monsters are slightly weaker than the Phoenix Crowned Three-eyed Tiger, and the reaction is not as quick as the Phoenix Crowned Three-eyed Tiger. At the moment when the Phoenix Crowned Three-eyed Tiger evaded, they felt the horror power of sword gas, although they also started Dodge, but it was still a little slower, and the sharpness of some aftermath still scratched them.

The horror of the power of blue and white sword gas, although it is only some aftermath, has also caused them to suffer a lot.

Even, there is a sixth-level monster, because the time is too hasty, and the rush is too fast and too fierce, too late to dodge, was hit by the fierce sword gas.


Jian Qi passed through the body of this sixth-level monster, even if it was strong, it was directly cut in half, and countless blood shot out, staining a piece of earth.

A sixth-level monster that is comparable to the war emperor level and extremely powerful is so easily killed by Tang Yi's sword spirit!

However, this is not over yet.

Jian Qi passed through the sixth-level monster, and after killing it, Yu Wei continued to shoot, and still shot the hundreds of fourth- and fifth-level monsters behind him.

"Wow la la", after passing, I saw countless monsters were directly chopped by the sharpness of the blue and white sword gas, and some were frozen into ice under the freezing effect of the ice sword Block, followed by a bang, the body turned into countless frozen fragments, directly crushing the bones.

The monsters in this straight line were all devastated by this fierce blow, which can be clearly seen with the naked eye. As the sword gas crossed, a large piece of monsters was vacant instantly, and there were countless deaths and injuries. Suddenly destroyed at least seven or eighty monsters!

That is to say, Tang Yi's sword-striking technique not only killed a powerful sixth-level monster, but also dozens of fourth-level and fifth-level monsters, it was so powerful!

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for killing the sixth-level monster, gaining 4565213 experience points and 10 gods of war."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for killing level 5 monsters, gaining 565212 experience points, and the God of War value is 0 points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for killing level 4 monsters, gaining 33221 experience points, and the God of War value is 0 points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for killing level 4 monsters, gaining 45412 experience points, and the God of War value is 0 points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for killing level 5 monsters, gaining 467784 experience points, and the God of War value is 0 points."



The effect caused by this blow was beyond Tang Yi's imagination. He didn't expect it to be so powerful. This made him a little unbelievable for a while. Until the mind continued to sound the tips to get experience points, he had some. Slight sense of realism.

Tian Xin pointed the way to the sword, Tang Yi knew that it would cause huge damage to the sixth-level monster, after all, it was also used to kill the sixth-level monster Chiyou.

However, Tang Yi did not expect that after killing the sixth-level monsters with this sword skill, there is still such a great reverence, and he can also kill so many fourth-level and fifth-level monsters!

The attack power is far beyond the ability of the sixth-level monster beast!

Of course, Tang Yi was very excited and very surprised by this effect.

This proves that his strength has crossed several steps, and the fourth and fifth level monsters have been able to kill like ants.

Even if it is a level 6 monster, it is not difficult in Tang Yi's eyes now.

This is just like when the Tang Yi war king level was able to challenge countless fifth-level monsters. Now Tang Yi has been upgraded to the war emperor level. The sixth-level monster is for him, just like the original fifth-level monster.

I remember that when Tang Yi faced the sixth-level monster Chiyou King Snake, he still played dimly, almost all the means were exhausted, and he also ate the attribute pill and advanced to the Warlord, which killed the Chiyou King Snake. It's really painful, laborious, and extremely dangerous.

But now?

In the face of level 6 monsters, Tang Yi only needs one blow, and one blow can kill in seconds!


After Fengguan three-eyed tiger escaped Tang Yi's sword spirit, one stood up and rushed to Tang Yi again.

Seeing Tang Yi's eyes dull, it seemed a bit dazed. The Fengguan three-eyed tiger swelled up and accelerated the speed, and flew towards Tang Yi from the side.

Sneak attack!

Yes, a sneak attack while taking advantage of Tang Yi's daze, and a sneak attack of a level 6 monster!

How terrible is the strength of Level 6 monsters? For ordinary people ~lightnovelpub.net~ It is already difficult to deal with the light, and it is a sneak attack at the moment. How can we resist it?

Can't stop it!

But is Tang Yi an ordinary person?

of course not!

Tang Yi, who was in a daze, suddenly felt a breath of danger. He turned his head slightly, and saw the Phoenix Crowned Three-eyed Tiger preparing for a sneak attack.

"Oh, sneak attack on me? It's you alone?"

Seeing that the Fengguan three-eyed tiger actually wanted to attack himself, Tang Yi sneered, showing a disdainful look. Then, in the face of the menacing sneak attack of the Fengguan three-eyed tiger, he did not retreat. Eye tiger rushed over.

"Colorful Liuliquan!"


A huge fist burst out and hit the face of Fengguan three-eyed tiger straight.

Fengguan three-eyed tiger was surprised when he saw Tang Yi actually found himself and rushed in.

However, there is no panic in it, nor does a monster beast know what panic is!

Relying on the instinct of the monster and the powerful physical strength, the three-eyed phoenix of the Phoenix Crown changed into a bite. His body slightly shifted away from Tang Yi's huge fist, and he directly bite at Tang Yi's neck.

In this attack, the action is unpleasant, the reaction is not agile, and the angle of attack is not tricky. If you are an ordinary war emperor, you might be in the way of the three-eyed tiger.

This is why the monsters of the same level are more powerful than the warriors.

In addition to the monsters' physique is higher than the warriors, the strength is stronger than the warriors, monsters fight all the year round, live in battle, in the fight between life and death, they have countless combat experience, can often find the counterattack opponent through the reaction on the spot The perfect time, just like now.

The battle experience of monsters, this is not the ordinary warrior can match!