Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 381: 3 heavy hits!

Of course, monsters of the same level crush warriors. This is for ordinary people, and monsters have more fighting experience than martial arts. That is also for ordinary people, but Tang Yi is not an ordinary person.

Moreover, under the squeeze of absolute strength, how rich is the combat experience?

Tang Yi's speed is faster than level 6 monsters, and his strength is stronger than level 6 monsters, so how could he be limited by his combat experience!

Seeing Fengguan's three-eyed tiger move, biting towards his neck, Tang Yi didn't panic. Using his powerful strength, he stopped his body slightly, and suddenly stopped his forward body. , Did not take the initiative to enter the tiger's mouth of the three-eyed phoenix!

Then, using the flexibility of his waist again, he leaned back and bent his head and body backwards, avoiding the bite of the phoenix three-eyed tiger, and letting the phoenix three-eyed tiger's big mouth flicker past him. .

The extremely tricky bite of the Fengguan three-eyed tiger was suddenly hid by Tang Yi.

Of course, Tang Yi is also a very arrogant person. He was attacked by the monster with weak combat experience. How could he not use his powerful strength to fight back?

So, just after he stooped and backed away from the phoenix's three-eyed tiger's bite, his left hand propped on the ground, and his right hand became a fist, lifting it slightly!

Tang Yi threw a punch with the three-eyed phoenix tiger in the air at this time, when he could not avoid it!

"Colorful Liuliquan!"


The punch that had not been punched just now burst into endless power.

This punch hit the belly of the Fengguan three-eyed tiger from the bottom to the top. Immediately, the belly of the Fengguan three-eyed tiger was hollowed out, and the huge impact force gave the Fengguan three-eyed tiger all at once. Rushed into the air! !

With a scream, the sturdy body of the Phoenix Crowned Three-eyed Tiger flew up to a height of seven or eight meters, and at the same time, a yellow light illuminated on its body!

This is the light that triggers the special effects of the colorful colored fist fist! !

Chromosome of life: If the color of the enemy's body turns yellow, the player's next normal attack will cause 250% damage to the enemy.

Although the Fengguan three-eyed tiger looked extremely miserable, and was suddenly hit by Tang Yi into the sky, and suffered huge damage, but Tang Yi knew that with only twice the damage of the colorful Liuli fist, it was impossible to hit the Fengguan three-eyed tiger in one blow. The one who gave the spike, at most, caused it to be seriously injured!

After it comes down from the air, with the powerful body of the monster, it will still restore its not low combat power, and it will still pose a certain threat to Tang Yi!

Therefore, taking advantage of the special effects of the colorful chromatic fist, the Tang Yi jumped up from the ground, followed the body of the three-eyed tiger with the Phoenix Crown, and flew into the sky!

Colorful Liuliquan is a martial art of the rank of rank, not to mention its power does not seem to be superior to the sword skill of the top rank. But in fact, its most powerful place is not the damage caused by the punch, but the trigger of the chromosome of life. After the special effect, the damage bonus of the next attack!

Tang Yi, with his super-strong martial arts and martial arts skills, immediately caught up with the three-eyed phoenix tiger in the air, and overcame the past to the top of the three-eyed phoenix tiger.

Feng Guan's three-eyed tiger saw Tang Yi coming to the top of his head, and seemed to feel something. His eyes revealed a panic, the tiger's claws kept flying, and he wanted to struggle desperately to obstruct Tang Yi's attack.

And, its third eye, lit up at this time, seems to be preparing to display a special animal skill!

However, where would Tang Yi give it a chance to perform? How can it be given a chance to resist?

Tang Yi surpassed the Fengguan three-eyed tiger by about seven or eight meters, and stopped in the air, waiting for the arrival of the Fengguan three-eyed tiger. When the body of the Fengguan three-eyed tiger came to the midair where Tang Yi was, Tang Yi Then he swayed and walked to the side of the Phoenix Crowned Three-eyed Tiger.

In this way, no matter whether it is the attack of the tiger's claws or the attack of the third eye of the three-eyed tiger's forehead of the phoenix crown, Tang Yi can't attack the side!

Then, I saw Tang Yi squeezed his fist and slammed his head toward Fengguan's three-eyed tiger's head.


With a loud noise, the three-eyed phoenix tiger, who had just been punched into the sky by Tang Yi's colorful Liuli fist, was suddenly hit by Tang Yi with a punch from the sky. His body fell like a bullet and fell quickly.

After suffering huge damage and falling to the ground, the Phoenix Crowned Three-Eyed Tiger seemed to have lost control of the body. A white light from the third eye of the forehead shot out aimlessly.

The head of the three-eyed tiger with the phoenix crown is facing downwards. Of course, this white light cannot hit Tang Yi in the air, but falls into the hundreds of monsters of the fourth and fifth ranks.

Suddenly, dozens of monster beasts were shot by the white light of the Phoenix Crowned Three-eyed Tiger. Each head was like a watermelon, exploded, and the dead body was spotted with blood on the spot.

Suddenly, another monster was dead!

The Phoenix Crowned Three-eyed Tiger...


There was another loud noise, and the sturdy body of the Phoenix Crowned Three-eyed Tiger hit the ground heavily, hitting an extremely huge pothole on the ground, and some of the fourth and fifth level monsters staying there The body that was also smashed by the Phoenix Crowned Three-eyed Tiger~lightnovelpub.net~ was killed by life and death, and it was really invincible.

The Phoenix Crowned Three-Eyed Tiger was attacked this time, not only did he suffer tremendous harm, but also harmed others and himself, causing many monsters and beasts to be implicated.

However, this is not over yet!

After punching the three-eyed phoenix tiger with a punch, Tang Yi's legs stretched straight, his hands raised to the top of his head, and a body leaned towards the three-eyed tiger with phoenix.

After running the Xingxing Feihuo body method, thanks to the speed of gravity, Tang Yi's falling speed was unparalleled. The whole person was like a'guide egg', and he stepped straight on the Phoenix Crown Three Eyed Tiger.

next moment.


There was a loud noise again in the venue.

I saw that at this time, Tang Yi's figure fell towards the hole before the Fengguan three-eyed tiger fell, and his feet were ruthlessly and heavily rubbed on the body of the Fengguan three-eyed tiger, and stepped into his body. The earth.

On this foot, Tang Yi directly trampled the three-eyed phoenix tiger with **** flesh, half of the body was sinking into the mud, and the hole became deeper because of Tang Yi's air trampling.

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for killing the sixth-level monster beast Fengguan three-eyed tiger, gaining 7852315 experience points and 10 gods of war."

At this time, there was a hint in Tang Yi's mind. After seeing the hint, Tang Yi knew that after a triple blow, even if it was as strong as a six-level monster beast, the Phoenix Crowned Three-eyed Tiger, it would have to die on the spot and turn into experience!

Of course, this is not the time for Tang Yi to be happy.

With a slight jump, his body left the pit and came to the hundreds of fourth- and fifth-level monsters and the remaining three sixth-level monsters.

Before waiting for the monster to react, Tang Yi was shocked in vain, and his body burst into an unparalleled momentum.

"Blood gas burst!"

Tang Yi shouted loudly.