Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3815: The 10th floor is actually a battlefield

Chapter 3814 The tenth floor is actually a battlefield?


On the other hand, Tang Yi and the others didn't know how Lu Bai and his party were talking about them.


Because at this moment they have passed through the portal on the ninth floor and came to the tenth floor!


The tenth floor is no longer a vast expanse of loess.


There is no starry sky that illuminates the earth.


What Tang Yi and his party could see when they came to the tenth floor was a barren desert shrouded in darkness.


Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was stunned for a moment, while the tiger on the side explained: "Yes, Tang Yi, you read that right, the tenth floor of the Jiegong Palace is completely shrouded in the night, there is no sunlight, it is barren, this That's why I don't recommend you bring your family. The living conditions here are no better than the lower floors."


"Are the living conditions here very difficult?"


Tang Yi asked.


"No. It just can't compare to the lower layers."


Tiger Road.


Hearing this, Tang Yi hesitated.


Although he really wanted Mu Xianling and others to follow him, he didn't want them to suffer. It would be too selfish to make his wife suffer because of his own affairs.


Seemingly seeing Tang Yi's hesitation, Mu Xianling smiled and said, "Husband, it's alright, don't worry about us."


"That's right, we're not big ladies."


"Wherever husband goes, we will go there, husband, you don't need to hesitate."


"As long as I can be with my husband, a little bit of hardship is nothing."




All the women expressed their opinions.


Seeing that the girls were so determined, Tiger nodded and said, "Don't worry, it's worse than the next few floors, but it won't be much worse. The suffering is actually not enough."


"That's good."


Tang Yi nodded, then asked, "Where should we go now?"


"follow me!"


Tiger said: "Because the teleportation array on the ninth floor is a random teleportation array, we will teleport to any place on the tenth floor. At this moment, we are located at..."


While speaking, Tiger took out a compass. There was no pointer in the compass, but there was a miniature map.


On the map, there are more than a dozen bright spots.


Looking at the compass, the tiger continued: "Oh, this time we are a little far from the Night Demon City. It is actually in the northeast of the Night Demon City, and it is a full 6 million kilometers away from the Night Demon City. Such a distance, even if we It will take two days to hurry with all our strength.”


"Night Demon City?"


Tang Yi asked: "Six million kilometers? It takes two days to travel with all your strength?"


Tang Yi said with some doubts: "Master Palace Master, I am very confused about how many cities are there on the tenth floor of the World Palace? And why do the teleportation arrays from the ninth to tenth floors need to set up random teleportation arrays, so you can't directly set the teleportation array on the In the city? In this way, as long as we climb to the tenth floor, can we not directly appear in the city?"


Tiger said: "Tang Yi, even if you don't ask these two questions, I will explain them. First of all, there is only one city on the tenth floor of the Jie Palace. That is Night Demon City! Although there is only one city, Night Demon City is extremely The size of the city is ten times, hundreds of times, or even a thousand times larger than that of our lower-level cities. It is not an exaggeration to say that Night Demon City is a world of its own. Second, the reason why the teleportation array was not set up in the city is because… The teleportation array set up in the city was destroyed."


"The teleportation array set up in the city was destroyed? Why?"


Tang Yi just finished asking, and then he thought of something, and there was some kind of guess in his heart: "Could it be..."


"That's right! Because of the traitors! Dark Alliance, Earth God Gate! There are members of these forces among the warriors on the tenth floor of the Jiegong, and they destroyed the teleportation array we set up in the city, so we don't have a direct teleportation array. !"


"And the teleportation array we are passing through at the moment is the ancient teleportation array in the ancient times. This teleportation array has unparalleled protection measures, and no one can destroy it, so it was retained. But unfortunately, this teleportation array is a random teleportation array. ."

Tiger explained.


"I see!"


Tang Yi nodded and said: "That is to say, we originally had a teleportation formation, but it was destroyed by traitors. They couldn't destroy this ancient formation, so we were able to climb to the tenth floor through the ancient formation. Otherwise, we won't even be able to get up to the tenth floor."


"That's the truth."


Tiger nodded.


"No wonder the teleportation arrays from the first to eighth floors are all in the city, and only the teleportation array from the ninth floor to the tenth floor is in the wild. That's why."


Tang Yi suddenly came over.


After Tiger's explanation, everything became clear.


But he still had some doubts.


Why is the tenth floor so desolate?


Why are there ruins everywhere?


Can't it be built like the nine floors below, with cities everywhere?


Seemingly seeing Tang Yi's doubts, Tiger explained again: "Tang Yi, are you wondering why the tenth floor is different from the ninth floor below, why is this place so desolate, why are there so many ruins here?"




Tang Yi nodded.


"Actually, the reason why the tenth floor is different from the nine floors below is because the tenth floor is a battlefield."


The tiger's words were astonishing.


Hearing this, Tang Yi was shocked, and the girls behind Mu Xianling were also shocked.


Is the tenth floor of the Jiegong a battlefield?


"Surprise, right? Unbelievable, right?"


Tiger continued to explain: "But this is a fact! The tenth floor of the Jiegong is a battlefield. One of the most terrifying battlefields of mankind, at the same time, it is also the entrance to the human world, the last line of defense for mankind. This is the tenth floor of the Jiegong! "


"The most terrifying battlefield? The entrance to the world of mankind? The last line of defense for mankind?" Tang Yi's eyes widened, very surprised.


These things are things he has never heard of.


He never knew that the tenth floor of the World Palace was actually a battlefield.


Not to mention, this is actually the entrance to the human world, the last line of defense for human beings!


These things are too amazing. UU reading www. uukanshu.com


"Aren't you surprised!"


the tiger asked.


Tang Yi nodded.


Tiger smiled and said, "It was the same when I climbed the tenth floor for the first time!"


Tang Yidao: "No one has told me about these things, so I was a little surprised when I heard it for the first time."


After a pause, Tang Yi suddenly thought of something and said, "That is to say, we may encounter aliens at any time now? After all, this is a battlefield."




"Is such that!"


Tiger said: "This is why we have the three palace masters to **** you together. Because we will encounter danger at any time, this is what I told you in the palace! But generally, as long as there are three of us The guards will not encounter any danger, unless the aliens send a large army to encircle and suppress, otherwise there will be no problems. Of course, Tang Yi, not to mention you, with your strength, you will definitely not encounter any danger. , even if the random teleportation is a little farther this time, there will be no problem."


"Well! I hope so."


Tang Yi nodded.


"Then let's go now. If we leave earlier, we will arrive at Night Demon City earlier!"


Tiger Road.


(End of this chapter)
