Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3826: eat and drink, persuade

Chapter 3825 Eat and drink, persuade

I don't know if I don't eat it, I was shocked when I ate it.

Although Tang Yi prepared hundreds of dishes, the bald Zhang and his party didn't have any expectations, they just thought they were ordinary dishes.

But after eating it, his big copper bell-like eyes suddenly widened, and he was shocked by the delicious taste in his mouth.

"This... what kind of dish is this? It's delicious, really delicious!"

"I went, I thought it was an ordinary dish, but I didn't expect it to be so delicious. I have lived for decades, and I have never eaten such a delicious food."

"What kind of dish is this piece of meat wrapped in bones? It tastes so good!"

"Originally, I didn't have any expectations for this table, but I didn't expect this table to exceed my expectations."

"The tiger was right before. We really caught up with the good time to enjoy these delicacies. If it was later, I'm afraid we would miss it."

While eating, several old friends of the Tigers commented.

And the tigers, lions and cranes were also stunned.

Originally, they saw that Tang Yi prepared so many dishes, but they were just surprised by the number of these dishes. They didn't have any expectations for the taste of these dishes.

But I didn't expect the taste of these dishes to be absolutely beautiful!

Full of color and flavor!

When I eat it, I can't wait to swallow the plate!

Knowing that these dishes are delicious, the three palace masters and their old friends also feasted on them and devoured all kinds of food.

With that appearance, that madness, how can there be the consciousness of being a palace master.

Seeing this scene, Mu Xianling's girls laughed.

Because they can often eat these dishes and know how delicious these dishes are, they guessed early on that these dishes would be very popular, so they were very happy when they heard people praise their delicious food and their expressions of satisfaction.

Tang Yi looked at the three palace masters and their old friends, and said with a smile: "Seniors, don't patronize the food, drink! My wine is not easy."

Of course, it is not simple. It is a modern drink, and it is produced intelligently. There is no problem with the quality, and the taste is extremely pure.

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Tiger was the first to react. He picked up a glass bottle of wine at random, opened the lid, raised his head and drank it directly.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Tiger, who is used to drinking spirits, actually choked on the drink at this moment.


The tiger took a breath and lit up, the spicy taste in his mouth lingered for a long time, and exclaimed: "This wine is so strong!"

After exclaiming, the tiger's eyes lit up and he said, "Good wine, this wine is delicious! Mellow and strong!"

After speaking, enduring the strong, the tiger started drinking.

Like a hungry beast.

Seeing the appearance of the tiger, the lions, the cranes, and the old friends all took a suspicious look and picked up the glass bottles with spirits one after another, opened the lids and started to try.

And their performance is the same as that of the Tigers.

After taking a sip first, he was choked by the strong drink, and then they all started drinking with their eyes shining.

Showed great joy.

"Delicious, delicious, I have never had such a good wine in my life!"

"What kind of wine is this? In such a transparent glass bottle?"

"Even if this dish is delicious, even the drinks are so mellow, this meal is worth it!"

"There are so many fine wines here. It's great. For someone like me who is addicted to alcohol, it's a gift!"

"Hey, hey, don't drink so fast, is that how you drink wine? You have to taste it carefully, understand? You're bald, you're the only one who drinks the most outrageous."


Seeing that the three palace masters and friends were very satisfied, Tang Yi was also very happy, and at the same time, he was even more determined to keep the Black Demon Battleship.

"Even if I encounter a better delivery vehicle in the future, I will never replace the Dark Demon ship."

After some eating and drinking, everyone ate and drank and gathered to chat.

Tang Yi asked Mu Xianling's girls to clean up the table, put away all the dishes, and then replaced them with several side dishes for drinking.

Putting a few bottles of white wine and some side dishes for drinking, Tang Yi sat down with the three palace masters and their old friends and chatted.

And after Mu Xianling's daughters finished packing, they found a place beside them and sat quietly without speaking.

"Tang Yi, Tiger said that you want to participate in the competition for the place in the Wild Dragon Realm? Is this true?"

Canglong asked Tang Yi.

Hearing this, Tang Yi nodded and said, "It's true. Originally, the head of the Tiger Palace said that he wanted to give his place to me, but I didn't agree. I think I have to fight for my chance, so I plan to Participate in the battle for places."

Hearing Tang Yi's confirmation, Canglong said again: "It's good to be motivated, but do you know how difficult it is to compete for a place in the Wild Dragon Realm? If you participate with your strength at the level of the God Realm, you will be abused. "

Jiuyue also said: "Yeah, Tang Yi, you have to think about it carefully. There are very few places in the Wild Dragon Realm, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as having more monks and less flesh. Many geniuses are waiting for the opportunity, and it is said that there are some super evildoers too. To participate. Tang Yi, you have to think about it."

The bald Zhang also said: "Tang Yi, my bald Zhang is not a nosy person, if it is not for the sake of the tiger Laohe and the old lion, if it is not for the meal just now, I am I really won't open my mouth to persuade you. And at this moment, I need to persuade you, so don't participate in this year's Wild Dragon Realm. You are in the realm of the gods, and participating in UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is self-inflicted. Being abused is a trivial matter. If you are ridiculed by countless people on the stage, it will be a fatal blow to the heart of the strong, and it will affect your future cultivation. True God Realm, it will not be too late to participate again.”

Hedgehog Chen also said: "They are right, Tang Yi, you can reach the level of the gods at such an age, it proves that you are talented, give you a little more time, you will definitely be able to hit the real gods. Before you reach the gods. , don't do such a risky move. The competition for places in the realm of crazy dragons is really not that simple. In addition, there are indeed many opportunities in the realm of crazy dragons, but dangers are everywhere. , there will still be huge risks, let alone the realm of the gods. So I don't recommend Tang Yi to compete for this spot, let alone enter the realm of wild dragons."

Sadly said: "I don't say anything anymore, they have said everything that should be said. Tang Yi, I hope you can listen to it, everyone is for your own good. If you are not the arrogance brought by the tigers, we will not have much at all. What to say. That is, because you were brought up by the tigers and they are also juniors to us, so we persuaded us. "

Hearing the persuasion of Tiger's old friends, Tang Yi nodded and said: "Tang Yi naturally understands the kindness of the seniors, but I must participate in the competition for this title. In addition, I also agreed to the three palaces. Lord, I want to enter the realm of wild dragons with them. Since I have agreed, I cannot lose my trust in them. Therefore, the good intentions of the seniors are taken by my heart."

(End of this chapter)