Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 384: Tang Family Tragedy!

The cute and lively appearance of Xiao Huzi had disappeared completely, replaced by a tired and exhausted face, very embarrassed, very miserable.


Seeing Tang Yi, Xiao Huzi grinned and yelled at Tang Yi.

Originally, Tang Yi thought he was wrong, but he was just a similar-looking monster. The little tiger was in the Tang family, and Tang Yi also ordered it to protect the Tang family. Why did he appear here, and Also find yourself.

But now hearing the familiar screams, Tang Yi can be sure that this is Xiaohuzi no doubt.

Seeing that Xiao Huzi was wounded all over, his footsteps were vain, and he looked like he was dying. Tang Yi was very distressed and hurriedly turned into two steps in three steps. He came to Xiao Huzi in front of him and hugged it.

Suffering from such a serious injury, Xiao Huzi wanted to go through all kinds of hardships and dangers. With the persistence in his heart, he came to Tang Yi.

"In the end what happened!"

Tang Yi took a small gold sore medicine that burst out of these days from the system backpack and fed it into Xiao Huzi's mouth, thinking about why Xiao Huzi appeared here.

He had explicitly instructed Xiaohuzi to stay in the Tang family and protect the Tang family. He didn’t dare to violate the order when he wanted to come to Xiaohuzi, but now he was wounded all over, and he came here to frighten and take risks in search of Tang. Yi, there must be a reason for this!

It is very likely that something happened to the Tang family, so Xiaohuzi was forced to leave the Tang family and came to the barren valley to find himself!

The more you think, the more likely Tang Yi feels!

Heart could not help sinking.

After a small golden sore medicine was fed into Xiao Huzi's mouth, Xiao Huzi's mental state suddenly improved a lot, and the wounds on his body gradually began to heal, which was no big deal.

You know, the small gold sore medicine is a magic medicine that can restore 30% of the blood. Even if Xiaohuzi is dying, this magic medicine can make Xiaohuzi pull back from the edge of death!

It is not strange to be able to heal Xiao Huzi instantly.

"Xiao Huzi, why are you here, and who beat you to serious injury?"

Tang Yi asked when he saw that Xiao Huzi was fine.


Hearing Tang Yi's inquiry, Xiao Huzi, who was already a lot better, suddenly wrinkled his face, and looked very wronged and very anxious.

It broke free from Tang Yi's arms, jumped down, and then began to call "Miao Woo Woo" to Tang Yi. The short limbs, and cute back and forth gestures, seemed to tell Tang Yi.

"What? You said something happened to the Tang family? The family members of the Tang family were chased and killed, and then you were beaten and seriously injured?"

From the call of Xiao Huzi and the movement of his body, Tang Yi understood what Xiao Huzi meant to express. Hearing that the Tang family had an accident, he immediately glared his eyes, a little horrified and a little unbelievable!

Xiao Huzi nodded, confirming the authenticity of the news.

Although Tang Yi already had speculations in his mind, but he really heard the news, but his heart inevitably uttered, and he sank, and his mood became very low.

Moreover, an angry emotion burst into Tang Yi's heart at this moment!

Tang's family is Tang Yi's home. It is the only home after Tang Yi came to this world. In his mind, it is very important.

At this moment, there are unknown people who dare to attack the Tang family, and still chase down the Tang family, how can Tang Yi not be angry!

Dragons have reverse scales, and when touched, they die!

In addition to the most important people, the Tang family is also one of Tang Yi's counter-scales!


After hearing the news, he picked up the little tiger and Tang Yi immediately turned to Xingxingfeihuo. He originally wanted to go deep to challenge the seventh-level monster, and he immediately gave up, and he left the barren valley!

After leaving the Barren Valley, Tang Yi did not stop, and immediately returned to Xifu Dui Palace, and then exchanged the repaired Jushen Ju in the system store, and then gave it to Mu Xianling, let her transfer it to Master of the Six Palaces of Murong.

Immediately, with Mu Xianling's face ignorant, Tang Yi did not greet anyone other than Mu Xianling and did not explain to Mu Xianling where he was going, so he held Xiaohu Zi quickly left Xifu Dugong and headed towards Fengyue City.

Tang Yi was able to fly. Although the flight was costly, the flight speed of a war emperor was still faster than that of a warship, so after three days of sleepless flight, Tang Yi rushed to Fengyue City!


Flying all the way, in the blink of an eye, Tang's familiar mansion appeared in front of Tang Yi.

The Tang family at this moment looks depressed and run-down, without any previous noisy scene.

There was no guard at the door, and the mansion was quiet. The plaque at the door was tilted to the side. There were many scratches on the two characters of the Tang family, which were extremely fierce.

Seeing this, Tang Yi's heart was corrected, and he hurried into the Tang family.


Compared to the depression outside the Tang family mansion~lightnovelpub.net~ the inside of the Tang family is extremely messy and miserable. Tang Yi was stunned, and his heart was about to bleed!

Rockery, bonsai, flowers and plants were all ruined. Some of the original pavilions and pavilions were now in ruins, and the original appearance could not be seen. The main living room of the Tang family that Tang Yi often visited was collapsed in half The beams and columns that came to support were lying directly on the ground, and the scene was extremely messy.

However, this is not the worst!

The most serious thing is that at this moment, the entire Tang family, there is no breath of a stranger, the bodies of countless Tang families fell into the pool of blood like that, and a breath of death permeated the Tang family!

The bodies of these Tang family members have shriveled, and it seems that they have been dead for some time. Many of them have grown worms and emit a burst of sour smell!

Of course, when I found Tang Yi from Xiao Huzi, Tang Yi came back here again and again, and it took about ten days. These Tang family members also died for more than ten days!

Seeing the entire Tang family covered with corpses of the Tang family, Tang Yi gritted his silver teeth and tried his utmost to suppress the burning anger in his heart!

At the same time, he was nervous, rummaging through the body over and over again.

Yes, he did not see the body of his father Tang Haotian!

Those elders and other bodies were found by Tang Yi, but Tang Haotian's body was not found!

I found it three times, and all the bodies were turned over. Tang Yi still didn't see Tang Haotian's body!

People's patience has its limits. At this time, you can't find the person you care about over and over again. Even an iron man will consume all your patience and will not be able to restrain your anger!

Tang Yi couldn't bear it anymore, the anger in his heart spewed out, his eyes were bloodshot and turned red!

"Who is it, who did it!!!" Tang Yi roared into the sky.