Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3841: Strength gap

Chapter 3543 The strength gap is too big

Things were beyond the expectations of the top ten contestants in the Nine World Children's Contest.

They didn't expect it.

All their attacks have no effect?

Falling on the player named Tang Yi, it didn't have any effect!

The player named Tang Yi just stood there and did nothing, blocking all their attacks!

All their momentum and all their attacks just now seemed to hit a ball of cotton without any effect!

"What's the matter? Why is he nothing?"

"I don't know either. I clearly saw that my attack had already landed on him, but it was as if it had landed in the water, with a few ripples and then disappeared. It didn't work at all!"

"That's what happened to me too!"

"mine too!"

"My exaggeration is a little bit, my attack falls, and even the ripples don't appear."


The top ten contestants of the Nine World Children's Contest looked at this scene with disbelief.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Tian's face darkened for a moment, and after he frowned slightly, he said, "There's something wrong with him! Let's show what we can do! Don't worry about hurting him."

Hearing this, the other eight players nodded slightly.

The nine people cheered up and attacked again!

I saw that all the top ten contestants in the Nine World Children's Contest became extremely serious.

They gathered momentum, gathered strength, and became extremely violent.

As the top ten of the World's Son Competition, and as quasi-god-level players, their strength is naturally not weak!

Compared with ordinary quasi-gods, it is naturally many times stronger.

So at this moment they broke out and looked very powerful.

Those Jiegong warriors who had not watched Tang Yi's competition were immediately amazed when they saw this scene.

"As expected of the top ten players in the Jiezi Contest, it just broke out, and this strength is simply unparalleled. Compared with some warriors in our Jiegong, it's even stronger. I don't know how many times."

"Even if these people enter the family, they can become elite members of the family."

"It's really strong! It seems that the quality of the top ten of this World Child Contest is still very high!"

"High quality is high, that's the name"

"If the first name is not boasted by so many people, if the first name is not so arrogant, I think it will be fine."

"Indeed, the boasting is too much, and it is too arrogant, to actually say that he will fight nine! If he doesn't do that, if no one brags about him, I think his strength is not bad. Judging from his performance just now, At least not weak. He is not too much for the first name."

"Yeah! I think so too. Judging from his performance just now that he was able to knock nine players to the ground in an instant, and that he was able to use some means to block the attacks of nine players, he is indeed not weak. This first name is also true. He deserves the name. It's just too arrogant. If it weren't so arrogant, there should be many people who accept him, and there will be fewer people who question him."


These are the words discussed by warriors who have not seen Tang Yi's performance.

And the martial artist who has seen Tang Yi's strength has a completely different style of painting.

"I have to say that the top ten players in the World's Son Competition are really good. It's just a pity that they are facing Tang Yi."

"Yeah! The strength is strong. In the previous World Children's Competition, it also belongs to the upper-middle level. But compared with Tang Yi, it is still a lot worse."

"Tang Yi is indeed not on the same level as them."

"Their attack of this level is indeed very powerful, but it is estimated that it is still a lot worse to hurt Tang Yi."

"I hope that their self-confidence will not be affected too much after their attack falls on Tang Yi and has no effect."

"I'm looking forward to the scene where they attack Tang Yi later and find that it doesn't help at all."

"Tang Yi is really the most talented and most powerful being in the World's Son Competition in history."

"This year's Children of the World Competition, if he doesn't have Tang Yi, the overall quality should be at the mid-to-high level. After all, the top ten are very strong. But if you add Tang Yi, it will be at the top level!"

"The strength shown by that Zhou Tian has already reached the level of the first name. If it was the last session, he should have won the first title. It's just a pity that he appeared in this session and met Tang Yi."


within the venue.

Facing the attack of the nine contestants of the World's Son Competition, Tang Yi stood there unmoved, with the same smile on his face as always, a bright smile.

The nine players went all out and launched a fierce attack.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

One after another energy, like brilliant fireworks, blasted towards Tang Yi.

At this moment, there were bursts of broken air, and the violent power surged, drowning Tang Yi like a wave.


This surging force could only drown Tang Yi for a second, and then disappeared.

It was like falling into a quagmire, sinking deep into it.

There was no splash of any kind.

All the attacks fell on Tang Yi, but failed to produce any effect.

Tang Yi is like a quagmire. Anything that falls will sink deeply and will not have any effect.

Just like that, after a bang, everything disappeared.

Tang Yi still stood in place, and the nine players still stood in front of Tang Yi with disbelief.

"How can it be!"

Zhou Tian looked at Tang Yi, a little unbelievable and a little unacceptable.

If his attack was simply blocked, he could believe it and accept it.


At this moment, his attack was not simply blocked by someone!

But the opponent did nothing and blocked his attack!

And while blocking his attack, the opponent also blocked the attacks of the other eight warriors.

There was no movement from start to finish, let alone hands-on from start to finish, not even the slightest movement of footsteps!

This is too exaggerated!

How can people believe and accept such an exaggerated scene?

From Zhou Tian's point of view, no matter how strong the enemy is, there are limits.

No matter how strong he is, with his strength, he can still shake it!

After all, he can even shake a martial artist at the level of the **** body. He is also a player in the World Child Competition, so why can't he shake it?

But now, he can't see any hope of victory at all!

He had absolutely no idea how to shake the mountain in front of him. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Yes, the guy named Tang Yi in front of him is like a mountain, pressing on top of their heads, making them unable to breathe, and making them unable to shake half a point!

"Why! Why didn't our attack work, why didn't our attack land to hurt him? What the **** is going on? What tactics did he use?"

"Yeah, it's so strange, what happened to this man? Why didn't our attack work? It's clear that none of us kept our hands, and our attack also hit him accurately, but why?"

"This person named Tang Yi is too weird. I have never encountered such a weird existence."

"He's putting a lot of pressure on me now, and facing him, I feel like I can't breathe."

"Me too, facing him, I don't feel any hope of victory!"


(End of this chapter)