Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3865: The 2nd generation of the 10th floor of

Chapter 3864 The second generation of the tenth floor of the world palace


Because Mu Xianling and Ni Shiqing wanted to buy clothes, Tang Yi had no choice but to follow.


"Wow, this one looks good, I think it will fit me well. And this one, this one is also good. The one you have in your hand, Linger, is also good."


"Sister Shiqing, there are so many beautiful ones here, come here to see. Sister Shiqing, what do you think of me wearing purple? Will it give off a mysterious atmosphere?"


"Sister Shiqing, do you think I look good in this dress? Wow, sister Shiqing, you suit white clothes."




The shop was full of the chattering voices of the two women, with some shopkeepers echoing in them.


"Oh, girl, you have such a good eye. Girl, you are so beautiful in dress, girl, you are too picky.


In short, the shopkeeper said that the two women were even more excited. They spent an hour picking out the clothes shop.


Linlin chose twenty outfits in total.


Brawl City's clothes are not cheap. Twenty sets of clothes actually require more than 30,000 contribution points.


Oh, I forgot to mention that the currency on the tenth floor of Jiegu is all contribution value.


Here, as long as you have contribution points, you can buy what you want.


Fortunately, before coming to Brawl City, Tang Yi completed the saber-toothed black dragon mission, otherwise, he would not be able to pay the fee.


Of course, even if he completed the saber-toothed black dragon mission and obtained 15 million contribution points, Tang Yi had already used 14 million contribution points before that.


At the moment, there is only one million contribution points left.


One million contribution points, this is not enough for these two prodigal ladies!


Sure enough.


As Tang Yi expected, twenty sets of clothes could not satisfy the two girls' desire to buy.


After buying 20 sets of new clothes, the two women went to another clothes shop, which was another big purchase.


Because the clothes in the brawler's clothes shop have their own style and they look valiantly, they are deeply loved by the two women.


After buying another 20 sets, they went shopping even more frantically.


And apart from clothes, what decorations, what beautiful little things, what food.


The two women both bought a lot.


Simply buy whatever you see.


It wasn't them who paid the bill anyway.


And Tang Yi could only follow quietly, neither dared to say nor ask, and could only pay the bill honestly.


After finally coming out, I can't disturb the two girls' Yaxing, right?


In this way, they went shopping with the two girls for a few hours. After buying an unknown amount of clothes, accessories, and small items, the two girls were finally satisfied and decided to stop shopping.


The group of three can finally go to the Night Demon Battle Arena for ranking.


The Night Demon Arena is in the center of Brawl City, and it is the largest building in Brawl City.


A few streets away, Tang Yi could see the huge stadium of the Night Demon Fighting Field.


After all, the venue of the Brawl Arena is thousands of meters high, and its silver appearance is like a silver moon. It is a landmark building in Brawl City, and it is very conspicuous.


So Tang Yi didn't need to ask anyone, and he found the Night Demon Fighting Field with ease.


When they arrived at the gate of the Night Demon Fighting Field, Tang Yi and the three were immediately startled by the sight of the Night Demon Fighting Field.


Since this time is the opening time of the Night Demon Fighting Field, the major talents will come from various places to participate in the ranking challenge, so at this moment, the gate of the Night Demon Fighting Field is very lively.


Some Tianjiao had a pompous face, their nostrils turned up, and they entered the arena of Night Demons proudly as if no one was allowed to enter.


Some arrogant arrogances entered in groups of three or five.


What's more, they enter in the company of their elders.


What's more, there are groups of three or five standing at the gate of the Night Demon Fighting Field, watching the Tianjiao who is looking at a famous entry.

In short, at this moment, the gate of the Night Demon Battle Arena is crowded with people.


"Liu Yue, who is ranked 16th, actually came. He usually doesn't come. Only after someone else challenges him, he will come to the Night Demon Arena to fight. I didn't expect him to come this time."


"The eighteenth-ranked Qian Hong is here too."


"I just saw Long Yu, who was ranked 12th, go in."


"What is this, I heard that Situ Taguchi, who will be ranked seventh, is coming too!"


"This time, the Night Demon Brawl Field is really a big brawl! I don't know if the top ten rankings will change!"


"The ranking of the top ten should not change, but not necessarily the top twenty."


"Yes, this time, the Night Demon Brawl Arena is very lively, and there are many top-ranked talents. It is conceivable that this time the rankings will definitely change dramatically. At least the top 100 talents will change."


"It seems that this time the Night Demon Battlefield is very exciting, I'm starting to look forward to it."




The people standing in front of the gate kept talking and seemed extremely lively.


But this is not the reason why Tang Yi was surprised.


The reason why Tang Yi and the others were surprised was that in front of the gate of the Night Demon Fighting Arena, there were rows of extraordinary-looking animal carriages.


The carriages are different.


There are gorgeous, high-end, atmospheric, large, small, extravagant in appearance, and more impressive.


In short, these carriages are not for ordinary people to use.


Seeing such a row of carriages, Tang Yi couldn't help but be surprised: "Isn't the mad beast chariot parked in the parking lot? Why..."


Tang Yi, Mu Xianling and Ni Shiqing had never seen such a scene.


It's as if rows of luxury cars are parked in front of you. That feeling is really shocking.


It seemed that he saw the surprise of Tang Yi and the others. At this time, a passerby who was closer to Tang Yi asked with a smile, "Young man, this is your first time here?"


Tang Yi nodded and replied, "Yes, I just came to the tenth floor of the Jiegong. It's my first time here at Night Demon Fighting Field."


"I see. Your performance is exactly the same as when I first came to the Night Demon Battle Arena."


The passerby said with a smile: "I'm surprised to see so many beast cars here, right? Do you think the carriages of the wild beast chariots are only parked in the parking lot?"


Tang Yi nodded.


"Of course not!"


The uncle of the passerby shook his head and explained: "The carriage of the wild beast chariot is only parked in the parking lot, which is true, but it is only for ordinary people. For some strong people, and for some in the palace The old strong family on the tenth floor is not like this. The strong people, as well as the old strong family, have their own travel tools, and these tools are also allowed by the tenth floor of the world palace in any city on the tenth floor of the world palace. Use, so naturally you don't need to park in the parking lot. The exquisite carriages you see now are from these powerhouses and these powerhouse families."


At this moment, a mad beast chariot happened not far away. This mad beast chariot was completely different from the mad beast chariot that Tang Yi rode in the parking lot before.


The mad beast pulling the cart was actually a nine-headed dragon, very majestic.


Although he is a little smaller in size, he is also very imposing, and no one dares to approach him in action.


And the carriage of this mad beast chariot is also extremely gorgeous. The carriage is golden and full of inscriptions.


I saw this beast car stopped and stopped at the position where the row of carriages was placed.


At this moment, an arrogant young man in a Chinese robe who looked twenty-five or six years old slowly walked out of the carriage.


That gesture, that honor, very much resembles a certain big man.


The uncle of the passerby looked at the young man in Huapao and said to Tang Yi: "Have you seen that person? He is from the Jiulong family, a strong family on the tenth floor of the world palace. That mad beast chariot is their Jiulong family. A unique nine-dragon beast car."


(End of this chapter)
