Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 3951: unexpected dinner

Chapter 3950 Unexpected dinner party


Hearing Chu Nianwei's words, Pei Nianyao smiled helplessly: "Sister Wei, you are really bad! If your husband knew that you designed him, he would definitely not be able to spare you."


"Just say whether to do it or not."


Chu Nianwei said: "Usually this kind of thing is done by Lian'er, and all the benefits are taken away by Lian'er. Look at the attitude of my husband towards Lian'er, that's a good one! If I were my husband, I would meet someone like this. Be considerate of yourself, and introduce yourself to the beautiful lady, and I will always be nice to her. So, this kind of thing can't be left to Lian'er alone, and she can't be left alone to gain the love of her husband, we must also !"


Hearing this, Pei Nianyao thought for a while, then gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, then we'll do it!"


"That's right."


Chu Nianwei laughed.


After the two women discussed it, they returned to the front door.


Chu Nianwei said to Long Suyu, "Captain Long, you can go in now."


"Ah? Can we really come in?"


When they heard that their team could enter, Long Suyu and others seemed very surprised.


After all, they were just here to try their luck, and they simply felt that they could enter the mansion.


But I didn't expect it to go in?


Didn't you say you need a treasure?


Doesn't it mean that you need power and high status?




"Yeah! You can go in! We feel sincerity in you, so we will not refuse you to enter the mansion."


Chu Nianwei laughed.


"You feel sincerity?"


Long Suyu was slightly taken aback.


Then he cupped his hands and thanked: "Then I would like to thank the two Mrs. Tang. Let's go in then."


Having said that, he entered the mansion.


And Yu Tian and the others bowed their hands to the two girls, Chu Nianwei, and entered the mansion.


In this scene, let alone the Long Suyu team, the people watching outside were also stunned.


"What's going on? They went in... went in?"


"Aren't they just a team of True God Realm? Can they enter in this way?"


"Also, I seem to hear that they didn't bring any treasures, not even gifts!"


"Long Suyu said just now that their sincerity is to go in and recruit Tang Yi. A true **** team recruits a genius like Tang Yi, this is called sincerity? This is to degrade Tang Yi. Tang Yi's strength, when will it be Has it fallen to the point of joining the True God Realm team?"


"What is sincerity! How come some people can't get in without doing anything, and some people get in without doing anything."


"Yeah, before I saw that some people not only prepared gifts, but even promised to give treasures, but they still failed to enter Tang Yi's mansion. Now, some people don't give anything, even gifts are not prepared, so empty-handed Came here, and went in. That's outrageous."


"There is absolutely no standard at all!"


"Indeed, it seems that the decision-making power is in the hands of Tang Yi's two ladies. They let whoever they like to let in, and whoever they don't like to let in, and whoever they don't like to let in, they won't let anyone in."


"Hey, who made Tang Yi's wife. They do have such rights, after all, we are here to have the banquet."


"Then what do we do now? Just watch from the outside? Or try and be turned away?"


"What else can I do? Go up and try if you are confident, and leave if you don't. With so many people here, Tang Yi can't possibly let everyone in, so he has to be screened."


"That's right. Tang Yi is so talented, it is impossible to make friends with everyone, and he has to filter who to make friends with. And those who can enter, naturally can make friends with him, and those who can't enter, then it means that Tang Yi does not want to make friends. At this moment, it seems that Tang Yi's two wives are making the decision, but in fact, Tang Yi has made a set of rules, who can enter and who can't enter, it has been arranged in advance. As for sincerity... how can there be sincerity, The so-called sincerity is nothing more than a reason.”

"That's right! There is no so-called sincerity at all. Who can visit and who can't visit, Tang Yi has arranged it in advance! That's why this situation occurs. Tang Yi's two wives are not random, let alone random. To keep people out, everything is instructed by Tang Yi! Therefore, now that we guess too much is meaningless, it is better to try it directly! Try it if you are confident, and give up if you are not confident."


"Just try it! I don't believe it anymore. With the strength of our family, we still can't get in!"


"Tang Yi probably doesn't want to make friends with us. I'll try it too."




Just like that, outside the gate, everyone tried.


And as before, some people can enter the mansion, but some people cannot.


Of course, even so, a large number of people still entered the mansion, and a large number of people were turned away.


This screening did not end until nightfall.


Until nightfall, there were still a large number of strong men and powerful men who wanted to visit and feast in front of Tang Yi's gate.




After nightfall, Chu Nianwei and Pei Nianyao hung up the words refusing visitors outside the gate.


He also informed everyone that the banquet has started and that the mansion is no longer receiving guests. Those who have not been invited into the mansion should go back first.


This farce of welcoming guests has come to an end!


Those who were not invited and who did not try, could only leave helplessly.


At this moment, those who were invited into the mansion were stunned by the banquet prepared by Tang Yi.


They thought that the banquet prepared by Tang Yi was the same as what was prepared on the tenth floor of the usual world palace.


Ordinary dishes, ordinary drinks, ordinary arrangements.


But they didn't expect that the banquet prepared by Tang Yi was beyond their expectations.


Generally, it is the local dishes of Jiegong, while the other half are dishes that they have never seen or heard of.


The same is true for drinks. Tang Yi has prepared two types of drinks. One is the local drink of Jiegong, and the other is the drink that no one has ever seen before!


in addition!


The layout is also different!


It is no longer a small table for a few people, and everyone sits around.


It was a huge long table, and everyone sat at the long table.


Of course, this is not the point of UU reading www.uukanshu.com.


The point is!


There is a crawler in the middle of the long table, and the crawler is constantly moving, and the food is placed on the crawler, and it keeps moving with the movement of the crawler.


This crawler wraps around the long table, from one end to the other, passing in front of everyone.


In other words, the food will move with the movement of the crawler, and at the same time, it will pass in front of everyone, so that everyone can enjoy the food!


Don't be too far away to eat delicious food!


Such an arrangement greatly shocked the people on the tenth floor of the world palace.


They had never seen such an arrangement.


It can be said that it is unheard of and unseen!


No one has ever set up the Jiegong like this before!


From the food, to the drinks, to the layout, it can be said that it is beyond everyone's expectations, and it is very insightful.


Even more shocking.


Everyone who entered the mansion was shocked by Tang Yi's banquet.


Everyone has a sense of long-term knowledge.


Everyone looked at the dishes, drinks and arrangements, and they were filled with a sense of wonder.


(End of this chapter)
