Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 4213: guess

Hearing the players' questions, Chu Qing didn't know how to answer.

After all, she didn't even know why she did this!

The moment she saw Tang Yi, she instinctively wanted to contact him in the past, and instinctively wanted to befriend him.

At the same time, he instinctively told Tang Yi everything.

Chu Qing didn't know why she was talking so much to a five- or six-star True God Realm.

But there is a faint feeling in my heart that I must tell this person, and telling him this will have a huge effect.

Although Chu Qing didn't know why he felt this way, this feeling was extremely clear and was not an illusion.

"I don't know why I said this to him, but I think it's good for us to say this to him!"

Chu Qing said.

"It's good for our realm?"

"A six-star true **** realm, with two supreme levels, what can they do? How can it be beneficial to our realm?"

The team member asked in confusion.

"Yeah, captain, how can a six-star true **** realm, and two dragging oil bottles be beneficial to our world palace? This kind of strength can't even beat an alien."

"Let's not talk about the alien race at the peak of the True God Realm, even if it is an alien race on the same level as him, he may not be able to fight."

"With such strength, on such a battlefield, you really can't do it. Sister Chu, you are afraid that your efforts will be in vain."

"Give him time to explain, it might be better to rest a few minutes more, which may be more useful."


The players spoke up.

"Although he is only a six-star true god, and even carries two supreme-level oil bottles, such strength is really nothing in the battlefield of ten thousand races, and maybe even the same-level alien race can't compare. But... you don't Do you find it strange?"

Chu Qing asked.

"Strange? What's so strange?"

The team members asked puzzled.

The other team members also looked at Chu Qing, wondering what was strange.

"You saw it just now, the three of them came alone. And this location is not the place where our palace often operates. There are a large number of foreign races around here, and at this time, there will be a steady stream of The aliens are approaching here. The density of the surrounding alien teams will be even more amazing. Tell me, how did a six-star true **** realm, plus two supremes, avoid the alien team and get here?"

Chu Qing asked.

Hearing this, the team members were all stunned and looked at Chu Qing with surprise, as if they had never thought about this issue.

Also can't think of an answer to this question!

As Chu Qing said, there are many alien races around this location, and it is a place where alien races often move.

And because of the spirit curtain, a large number of alien races will gather here.

Because of this relationship, there will be a large number of alien races rushing here on various routes around, and the density of alien teams will also be very fearful. If you want to come and gather, you will definitely encounter aliens.

Under such circumstances, how did the other three, one Six-Star True God Realm and two Supreme Beings come here?

Why were the three of them able to arrive here unharmed?

This question was full of doubts, and all of a sudden, the members of the Yuanque team were stumped.

"Could it be... Could it be because the three of them were so lucky that they came here unharmed?"

A player said.

"Look at the density around, will you be lucky?"

Chu Qing asked.

Hearing this, the players all fell silent.

Then another team member guessed: "They may have followed other World Palace teams, and they are sheltered by other World Palace teams, so they can be safe and sound."

"But didn't you see it? There were only three of them when they came, and they didn't follow the other world palace teams. And when they first arrived, everyone was full of doubts when they looked at them. So this reason doesn't make sense."

Chu Qing said.

Hearing this, the team members fell silent again.

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Bandit Suppression Butcher

[Level]: 96 (Six-star True God Realm)

[Shinto Passive Effects]: Shinto Barrier

[Shinto Point]: 0/999999 trillion points

[God coin]: 21994956110

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

[merit]: 96635600

[Xinghe]: 1,075,490,680 Xinghe 71022 points of star power!

[Galaxy Technology]:

Supreme Magical Skill 1: Flying Star (10,000 Galaxy)

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Jiuyou Divine Light (Er Xinghe)

Supreme Divine Skill 3: Mysterious Crystal Barrier (Samsung River)

Supreme Divine Skill 4: Ice Soul King Butterfly (Samsung River 10,000 points)

Supreme Divine Skill 5: Nine Kills (One Thousand Galaxy)

[Movement method]: Yulongtianqingshu (Ten Xinghe).

[Ending Technique]: Eye of God (10000000)

[Sub-professional]: Shinto-level alchemy (alchemy quasi-god), Shinto-level blacksmithing (forging mythology), Shinto-level puppet technique (puppet quasi-god)…

[Special column]: Jiuyou Endless Boundless Fire (10000000), Tianmu Purple Phoenix Bottle

【Special parts】:

Eye part: Eye of the Galaxy (One Hundred Galaxy)

Body: Legendary Body (One Hundred Galaxy)

Hand: Deified Hand (---)

[Halo]: Galaxy Halo (One Hundred and Fifty Galaxy)

[Special item column 5/5]:

Special Item Column 1: Heaven and Earth Promise Hand Card (5000)

Special Item 2: Fairy Ball (Ten Xinghe)

Special Item Slot 3: Universal Amulet (5000000)

Special item column 4: Power Amulet (5000 points of the power of the Five Galaxy)

Special item column 5: Qinglong Talisman (one million galaxy +5% increase)

[Forging column]: Shen Gong Tianzheng Hammer (200000), UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Ye Huotian Furnace (200000)

[Vehicle]: Dark Demon Battleship (One Million Galaxy)

[Weapon column]:

Main Weapon: Tai'a Black Devourer (10 Billion Galaxy)

Secondary weapon: Qinghong Xiaojian (1500 Xinghe)

【Armor Bar】:

Helmet: Spiritual Helmet (Samsung River 5000 points)

Mask: Phantom God Mask (Ten Xinghe)

Armor: Source of Darkness (10 points per galaxy)

Cloak: Tianxuan Cloak (Samsung River 3000 points)

Gauntlets: Thousand Shadow Gauntlets (Five Star Rivers) Nine Star Hand Beads (Five Thousand Star Rivers)

Armguards: Dragon Armguards (Eight Star River)

Gloves: Saber-toothed Black Dragon Power Gloves (One Hundred Galaxy)

Belt: Giant's Belt (Six Galaxy)

Ornament: Ultimate Power Jade Pendant (One Hundred and Fifty Galaxy)

Pants: Kowloon trousers (two thousand stars)

Leggings: Dragon Head Leggings (Five Star River)

Shoes: Boots of Full Power (Two Thousand Galaxy)

【Accessory column】

Necklace: Pure Heart Necklace (Thirteen Star River)

Ring 1: Like a Fish Ring (Ten Xinghe),

Ring 2: Heavenly Star Ring (---)

Ring 3: Ring of the Heavens (Samsung River 8000 points)

Ring 4: Eternal Diamond (---)

Ring 5: Ring of the Black Rider (60,000 Galaxy)

[Array flag 3/3]:

Array Flag One: Five Elements Tiangong Flag (---)

Array of Flags II: The Flag of Truth (---)

Array flag three: Fengshen flag (---)


Special Items: Earth Spirit Beads, Wind Spirit Beads, Water Spirit Beads.

Materials: One hundred and sixty-six kinds of star-enhancing stones…

Temporary items: Battlefield Coins X33006252, Dark Soul Stone X104, Shadow Soul Stone X4214