Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 4246: test

Chapter 4178 Just because of a very ordinary test

Tang Yi shot a powerful force, which directly enveloped the affected area and blocked the entire area.

Then, I saw that the raging energy was immediately blocked inside, and it could no longer cause any impact on the surroundings.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the end, all these energies exploded in the area blocked by Tang Yi, without causing any impact on the surrounding area, and without any chain reaction.

The loss, eventually reduced to four rooms, did not expand any further!


Seeing this scene, Huan Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, if the loss is further expanded, then he is really finished.

He can still accept and bear the losses of the four small worlds of Sumeru now.

Fortunately, fortunately, Tang Yi took action and helped him control the loss!

"No. 11, thank you, this time thanks to you, if it wasn't for you, I might have been miserable. The entire martial arts field was destroyed, this is not a loss I can afford."

Fantastic smiled bitterly.

"Sir, what did you say thank you to me? It's right to help you, and this is where the Shadow Guards reside. As a member of the Shadow Guards, I naturally want to reduce the losses of the Shadow Guards. This is what I should do. Do what must be done, why say thank you." Tang Yi said.

Hearing this, Huan Qing said: "No. 11, you joined Shadow Guard not long ago. I am very pleased to have such a sense of belonging and responsibility to Shadow Guard. As expected of the genius I value, you have done a great job!"

While Huan Qing and Tang Yi were talking to themselves, Lonely Destiny and Huan Wu looked at Tang Yi in shock.

They were all stunned.

Does this work too?

The collapse of time and space just produced such a terrifying power of space, and such a terrifying power of destruction, how could such a power be intercepted?

With such power, let alone interception, as long as they get a little closer, they will be torn to shreds.

Even the extremely powerful King of Heavenly Eyes cannot resist such a force.

But now!

This mysterious No. 11 was intercepted with ease!

At that moment, it wasn't because they didn't want to make a move, or because they didn't want to help Huan Qing reduce losses, but because they were completely incapable and had no effect if they made a move, so they didn't make a move and could only watch.

However, I didn't expect that the black robe No. 11 in front of me solved the problem easily!

This is... amazing.

Both Huanwu and Lonely Destiny were stunned.

At this moment, not only Lonely Destiny and Huanwu, but also the two Quanwangs floating in the air outside the martial arts field, and more than 20 strong shadow guards.

At this moment, they were also stunned.

Looking at the subdued martial arts field, the more than 30 shadow guard powerhouses floating in the air all widened their eyes, and their faces were full of incredible.

In particular, the two full kings.

Site 1 collapsed just now. The incident happened very suddenly. Neither of the two Quan Wangs was ready, nor did they react at all.

When they reacted, they saw a terrifying energy enveloped the surrounding of the No. 1 venue, shrouding all the raging energy inside.

And quickly calmed down the chaotic energy and brought the situation under control!

too fast.

As soon as the two Quan Wangs reacted, things subsided.

Seeing this scene, the two Quan Wangs stared at each other, not understanding what was going on.

"Did you see clearly?"

The national character face Quan Dynasty asked the phantom surname Quan Wang.

The surnamed Quan Wang shook his head and asked, "How about you?"

"I do not have either!"

King Quan Wang with a national character face said: "I only felt a burst of energy, and then the dazzling energy subsided. As for how he did it, and what means he used, I didn't see it at all."

"It seems that there is a remarkable presence in the martial arts field."

The surnamed Quan Wang frowned and said, "The dazzling energy like just now, even if it is you and me, it is not easy to intercept it. I am afraid that it will take the two of them to join forces and go all out to intercept it before they can be intercepted. And At that moment, the extent of the loss is definitely not just what it is now, but at least doubled. At least half of the martial arts field will be destroyed! Or even more. If we don't cooperate properly, let alone. But now! The person in the martial arts field was intercepted so easily. It's incredible!"

The national character face Quanwang said: "I don't know which one did it. Let's go in and have a look."

"Go in and have a look."

The surnamed Quan Wang thought for a while and said.

With that said, the group entered the martial arts field.

However, after entering the martial arts field, more than 30 strong people saw Tang Yi and the others.

Tang Yi and the others also saw the influx of more than 30 strong men.

Seeing the two powerhouses at the head, Huan Qing was slightly taken aback, but then suddenly realized.

After all, there was such a big commotion, and it was a matter of course for these two to come to investigate.

"Number 10? Number 11? Magic Martial Arts? Lonely Destiny?"

The national character face and the phantom surname Quan Wang brought everyone to the front of Tang Yi and the four.

Huan Qing took the crowd and hurriedly gave a slight salute to the national character face and the surname Quan Wang.

After all, King Quan's status is very high, even if it is a high-level shadow guard, it is not as lofty as King Quan's status.

In the shadow guard, the shadow guard black robe is responsible for decision-making, and the strong is responsible for the task.

Although the black robe makes decisions and has a huge right to speak, high-level warriors belong to the shadow guards who are like the sea **** needle. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Without their presence, Shadowguard cannot function.

Therefore, the king's status is very high.

In addition to King Quan, King Tianmu's status is also extremely high.

This is also the reason why Lonely Destiny dared to reject Huan Qing and Tang Yi before.

It is also the reason why Lonely Destiny can talk to Huan Qing and Tang Yiping.

Because their status is also extremely high, even if it is because of the high-level, they cannot point fingers at them.

Therefore, in the face of the existence of King Quan, it is still necessary for everyone to bow slightly.

And the strong men behind the national character face Quanwang and the Huan surname Quanwang also saluted slightly towards Huan Qing and Tang Yi.

After the two sides met, the surnamed Quan Dynasty said with a phantom Qing: "No. 10, is there only the four of you here? What happened just now? What happened to the No. 1 venue? Who was competing there? Why did it cause a collapse? ?"

Seeing Huan Qing, the surnamed Quan Wang asked several questions in a row.

In fact, King Huan's name is Huan Dian, and he is Huan Qing's elder brother.

The two are brothers and are very close.

This is also the reason why so many questions will be thrown when the Magic Code comes up.

If facing other black-robed shadow guards, he would not be so direct.

That would offend people.

Even King Quan can't offend people for no reason.

"This question...I think about how to answer it."

Fantastic said embarrassedly.

"Think about how to answer?"

The phantom and the national character face Quanwang, as well as a group of strong men, were all slightly stunned when they heard the words.

However, when everyone was stunned by Huan Qing's words, Huan Qing gave an even more startling answer: "Actually, if I say that the reason for all this is just because of a very ordinary competition, Do you believe it?"