Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 4345: Rest, lift up for the ladies

Chapter 4345 Rest, promote for the women

After hard work, Tang Yi's attribute panel has become very powerful.

Various skills and means, weapons and equipment, have also been greatly upgraded to the star level!

The increased power index is also terrifying and boundless.

Level, the pinnacle of the stellar realm.

Stellar lumens, there are twenty trillion.

Power index, 40 billion universes!

Of the five skills, except for the Bingpo Kingdie, which is still at the Xinghe level, all others have reached the universe level.

Even three of the martial arts have reached the level of more than 100 million universes.

Body skills, cosmic level.

Final move, cosmic level.

There are three sub-professions that have been upgraded to the universe level.

Forging props and forging hammers have also been upgraded to the universe level.

The vehicle, the Black Demon Battleship, has also been upgraded to the cosmic level.

The two weapons are also cosmic grade.

Among the armor, there are also seven pieces of equipment that have been upgraded to the universe level.

The improvement this time can be said to be very huge, and he has obtained so many cosmic-level martial arts and weapons all at once.

Of course, although Tang Yi's current panel is already very powerful, although many of the equipment, items, and martial arts on the panel have reached the star level.

But for Tang Yi, it was not enough.

Because he wants to break through, break through the pinnacle of the stellar meridian.

As long as he breaks through the star realm, he will definitely become stronger.

But it is too difficult to break through the star realm, and there are really too many conditions and requirements.

So far, Tang Yi still has many conditions and requirements that have not been met.

Thinking of this, Tang Yi couldn't help opening up the conditions needed to break through to the stellar realm.

[Condition 1: The level of mental power needs to be raised to the peak of the stellar realm, the current level: the peak of the stellar realm, has reached the standard]

[Condition 2: Stellar Lumens need to reach 10 trillion, currently: 20986.3 billion, not up to the standard]

[Condition 3: The experience value needs to reach 1 trillion, currently: 2697961 billion, not up to the standard]

[Condition 4: The power index reaches one billion, currently: 40.892856970 universes, has reached the standard]

[Condition five: Possess at least four stellar-level martial arts, currently: four, have reached the standard]

[Condition 6: Possess at least three sub-professional skills that match the Astral Realm, currently: three, have reached the standard]

[Condition 7: Possess at least one stellar-level agility, currently: one, has reached the standard]

[Condition 8: Possess at least one star-level finishing move, currently: one, has reached the standard]

[Condition Nine: Possess at least one star-level alien fire, currently: zero, not up to the standard]

[Condition 10: Possess at least two special parts of the Astral Realm, currently: zero, not up to the standard]

[Condition Eleven: Possess at least one stellar environment halo, currently: zero, not up to standard]

[Condition 12: Possess at least three stellar-level special props, currently: one, not up to standard]

[Condition thirteen: Possess at least one piece of stellar forging equipment, currently: parts, not up to standard]

[Condition Fourteen: Possess at least one stellar environment vehicle, currently: one, has reached the standard]

[Condition fifteen: Possess at least one star-level weapon, currently: two, have reached the standard]

[Condition 16: Possess at least ten pieces of stellar-level armor, currently: seven pieces, not up to standard]

[Condition seventeen: Possess at least three Astral Realm ornaments, currently: one, not up to standard]

[Condition eighteen: Own at least one stellar formation flag, currently: parts, not up to standard]

[Condition nineteen: Possess at least one stellar realm title, currently: one, has reached the standard]

Tang Yi checked the conditions for promotion, and suddenly found that there were more conditions for him to meet the standards!

When these promotion conditions first appeared, Tang Yi still had a lot of failures.


Now only a period of time has passed, and not many days have passed, and nearly half of the conditions for meeting the standard have been reached!

At this moment, there are still about ten conditions that have not been met.

As long as these conditions are fulfilled again, Tang Yi will be able to break through the Astral Realm level and reach a higher level!

After crossing the star realm, Tang Yi's strength will inevitably become stronger and more terrifying.

Breaking through the star realm has become Tang Yi's short-term goal at this moment!

"Not bad, not bad! So many conditions have been fulfilled, and there are not many remaining conditions. As long as I go to experience a few more times, I may be able to satisfy all these conditions!" Tang Yi thought so.

At this moment Tang Yi felt that he was not far from the peak of the stellar realm.

It seems that the realm above the stellar realm is already beckoning to him.

For the realm above the stellar realm, Tang Yi is looking forward to and excited, looking forward to this day coming soon.

At this moment, as Tang Yi finished checking the promotion panel, and as Tang Yi read the conditions required to break through to the star realm, Tang Yi's promotion and various operations today are all over.

All the equipment that needs to be equipped has been equipped, and all the equipment that should be unblocked and upgraded have also been upgraded.

It should be cultivated, and I also tried to cultivate it for a while. Although the Zijin Dragon King could not be hatched, the Zijin Dragon King was also cultivated by Tang Yi to be very superb.

As long as Tang Yi cultivates it again, and finally hatches it, he will definitely get an unparalleled Zijin Dragon King.

Therefore, although today's cultivation did not meet expectations, and failed to hatch the Zijin Dragon King, UU Reading www.uukanshu. But it also cultivated Zijin Dragon King to be stronger.

On the whole, it is still rewarding.

So far for today's improvement, Tang Yi tidied up the room slightly, and then removed hundreds of restrictions and shields arranged around the room.

After everything was sorted out, Tang Yi didn't do anything else, but lay directly on the bed, closed his eyes and rested.

Although Tang Yi didn't make much effort to participate in the shadow inheritance these days, it was not without consumption.

Strength, energy, etc., although they are consumed and quickly replenished, energy cannot be replenished!

For an existence like Tang Yi, even if he doesn't sleep for ten days and a half months, there will be no problem, and he can persist.

But the energy consumed virtually is enormous.

It may not be a problem for a short time, but for a long time, it will definitely cause physical damage.

even more serious consequences.

Even death is possible.

Therefore, Tang Yi would do nothing every once in a while, just lie in bed and sleep.

This is a habit Tang Yi has developed.

And this night, the girls also had a tacit understanding, and no one bothered Tang Yi.

After all, all the girls know that Tang Yi went to practice very hard this time and consumed a lot of energy. At this moment, he needs a good rest, not some dispensable things.

Anyway, this kind of thing has a long time to come.

In this way, a quiet night passed.

The next day, Tang Yi found Mu Xianling and Pei Nianyao.

The reason why he found Mu Xianling and Pei Nianyao was because he promised to forge exclusive equipment for the two women when he was in the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield.

At this moment, Tang Yi decided to build equipment for the two women before the next incident started, and while there was still a little time left.