Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 4352: Ice parachutes and red spider thorns

4352--Andrew Ice parachute and red spider thorn

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

"Husband, I want it too!"

"My husband and I too, I want a beautiful and powerful exclusive!"

"And me, and me!"

"Woo, husband, you are the best, give me such an exclusive."


After seeing the power displayed by Mu Xianling, who doesn't envy Mu Xianling at this moment, and who doesn't like to get an exclusive handle like a flower fairy?

Everyone wants to get it!

Including Binglian.

Among all the girls, Binglian has always had no desires or desires, neither any equipment nor any cultivation resources.

She even gave good cultivation resources to other sisters unconditionally.

After all, for Binglian, these weapons and equipment, these resources are not of much significance to her.

She doesn't need these things to improve her strength at all.

With her talent, even if she doesn't have these things to improve her strength, she can still improve herself.

But at this moment, Binglian spoke.

She also wanted something exclusive like Huaxian.

This is the first time she has voluntarily expressed her needs, and this is the first time she has asked for a piece of equipment so earnestly!

It can be seen how shocked Huaxian just gave her, and how much she wanted this exclusive item.

Huaxian has already deeply moved her, completely tempted her.

Seeing the appearance of the girls, seeing the girls acting like a baby with him, and constantly looking forward to getting a flower fairy-like exclusive for himself, Tang Yi smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, there are all of them! I just said Well, I have created an exclusive for each of you according to your characteristics! And these exclusives are very powerful and very beautiful!"

"Then husband, give it to us quickly."

"Husband, I'm curious, what kind of exclusive you have created for me."

"My request is not high, my husband, you only need to create an exclusive item similar to the Flower Fairy."

"According to our characteristics? I am really curious now, what kind of exclusive husband have you created for me."

"Husband, does the exclusive one you made for me look good? Oh, take it out quickly, it makes our hearts itch, we are so curious."


All the girls said one after another.

"Okay, okay! I'll take out your exclusive right now! Keep your eyes open and see if your husband's methods are strong, and by the way, let's see if your husband's aesthetics are good!"

Tang Yi smiled slightly, and then with a move with his right hand, he took out several pieces of equipment.

In addition to the flower fairy in Mu Xianling's hand, Tang Yi created a total of nine exclusive items, which were presented to his nine wives.

The first is Mu Xianling's Flower Fairy.

And the exclusive gift for Binglian is an umbrella named Bingluo.

Using umbrellas as weapons is very rare in the Boundary Palace, almost no one uses umbrellas as weapons.

After all, as a weapon, an umbrella has no advantage.

But the Bingluo that Tang Yi gave to Binglian was different.

Bingluo was specially modified by Tang Yi.

The head of the umbrella is sharpened and can be used as a spear or the tip of a long sword to stab the enemy and cause fatal damage to the enemy.

The umbrella stand of the umbrella is also specially modified. When there is an umbrella cloth, it can stretch out the sharp parts, and the user can use these sharp parts to attack the enemy.

It can also be rotated to turn the umbrella into a terrifying meat grinder.

In addition, these umbrella stands can also fold the umbrella cloth directly into the umbrella stand, revealing a completely metal umbrella skeleton.

These skeletons can be assembled and folded.

When folded, it can become a spear weapon, and when assembled, the umbrella can also be turned into a double-edged sword, or even a long knife, or a whirling multi-edged sword.

Can be turned into a variety of weapons, suitable for every scene.

Of course, these are not the most critical!

The key is!

Icefall is an ice attribute weapon.

Not only can it add ice attribute effects when attacking, but it can even use ice attribute methods!

The most important thing is that when Bingluo is used to attack, it can release the illusion of snowflakes like Mu Xianlin's flower fairy, which is very beautiful.

More importantly, Bingluo's shape is also very beautiful.

The umbrella surface is a low-key color of blue and white, and there are some snowflake patterns carved on the umbrella surface, which are distributed everywhere on the umbrella surface.

The skeleton of the umbrella and so on are all crystal clear special metals, so the skeleton of the umbrella is crystal clear, just like crystal.

In some places, a blue light, or a golden light, or a bright red light will appear from time to time.

The reason why it lights up is because Tang Yi inlaid tiny gems everywhere on the umbrella stand.

These gemstones are integrated into the umbrella stand, and nothing can be seen from the front.

But from certain angles, it is possible to see the light of these gems.

What color gemstones will emit what color light.

In order to make the light released by the ice parachute more shining and colorful, Tang Yi embedded a large number of precious gems into the skeleton.

Each of these gemstones is incomparably shining, UU Reading www. Each of uukanshu.com is the best of the best, and each of them is hard to find, and they are all priceless treasures.

It can be said that the cost of ice parachute is very high.

Compared with Mu Xianling's Flower Fairy before, the cost is several times higher.

Whether it's the details, the whole, or the concept and shape, Bingluo has reached the level of perfection.

At the same time, the most crucial point is that it fits perfectly with Binglian!

Not only the matching of attributes, but also the shape of the umbrella, as well as the umbrella itself, are very suitable for Binglian.

As if Binglian was born to be a weapon, as if Binglian was born to use umbrellas.

When he got Bingluo, Binglian was also very excited. He kept dancing and attacking, releasing pieces of snowflakes, turning the whole living room into a world of ice and snow.

For Bingluo, Binglian can be said to be fond of it, very fond of it.

In Binglian's hands, the Bingluo Umbrella seemed to be integrated into one body, as if Binglian was born with such an umbrella.

The fit between the two is so high that it's unbelievable.

And the exclusive gift given to Yuwen Jinyu is also very impressive!

It's a claw thorn, it's called the red spider.

Blood red claws!

The blood red was supposed to be ferocious and terrifying, but when it landed on this claw thorn, it didn't have such a ferocious and terrifying feeling.

It has the feel of a work of art.

Every line, every skeleton, every detail is incomparably perfect.

Exquisite, textured, tall, and even a sense of elegance that is vivid and dripping.

It seems that the person wearing this claw is a born queen!

Yuwen Jinyu wears such a set of claws, which instantly presents a sense of nobility and elegance!

This is also very in line with her status as a former princess.