Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 4397: I am very optimistic about Ling Tianyang

Chapter 4397 I am very optimistic about Ling Tianyang

"What do you say? What did those two full kings do, and why should they be driven away?"

"What did they do? They broke their promises! Do you know why Palace Master Ling Tianyang drove them away? Because of a star-level warrior? Don't be kidding. How can it be possible that the dignified Palace Master doesn't have the guts? Realm warriors abandoning the two Quan Kings? This is of course impossible. The reason why Palace Master Ling Tianyang wanted to drive those two Quan Kings away was because the two Quan Kings betrayed their trust and betrayed Palace Master Ling Tianyang. On the surface, he still supports Palace Master Ling Tian Yang, but secretly he has contacted other Quan Kings, and has been in contact with other Quan Kings. He even discussed and found an excuse to leave Palace Master Ling Tian Yang. Palace Master Ling Tian Yang also knew about this. Then he fulfilled them and drove them away."

"I've heard about it too. It's just that I wasn't sure if it was true before, so I didn't dare to say it. Now that someone has said it, I can be sure before I dare to say it. Someone told me the same way before, saying that the two kings Betrayal, Palace Master Ling Tian Yang betrayed first, and then Palace Master Ling Tian Yang drove the two Quan Wangs away. Otherwise, Palace Master Ling Tian Yang is not a fool, how could he send a martial artist of Quan Wang's level? Drive away? This is a high-end combat power. With such a strong man, Palace Master Ling Tianyang's power will at least expand several times. But Palace Master Ling Tianyang still did this, and still gave the two full kings to him. Driven away. From this we can see how angry Palace Master Ling Tianyang is."

"If this is the case, then these two full kings are indeed impossible, and they really deserve it. Although they are full kings and have a high status, I still look down on them."

"That's right! I look down on them too! What I hate the most is treachery. Since you support Palace Master Ling Tianyang, then you should be with Palace Master Ling Tianyang. What's the matter with going to other Palace Masters in private? If you want to find other Palace Masters, you have to draw a clear line with Palace Master Ling Tianyang first, and then go to other Palace Masters after you have nothing to do with them."

"Doing this is indeed a huge problem with character. Even if it is a strong king, I will not sympathize with it."

"No wonder you were driven away, you deserve it!"

"Palace Master Ling Tianyang is truly pitiful, to be betrayed like this. Hey, I hope Palace Master Ling Tianyang can hold on and not be overwhelmed by this difficulty."

"After this incident, I hope there will be more neutral kings to support Palace Master Ling Tianyang. If such a Palace Master doesn't support it, who else will he support!"

"Justice may be late, but it will never be absent. The ugly faces of these two kings have finally been exposed."

"Hmph, don't let me see these two full kings in the future, I see these two full kings... Although I can't beat them, I will still spit a few times to express my own attitude!"

"me too!"

"Me too, I despise this kind of person."

"And me and me."


There were many discussions on the tenth floor of the Boundary Palace.

Not to mention ordinary warriors, even the leaders of some forces and some people with high status are discussing this matter.

The shadow guards meet.

Black shadows emerged one by one.

The black shadows stepped on a disc, all wrapped in black robes, their figures were indistinct and indistinct.

"If I remember correctly, the third supporter of Ling Tianyang is Tang Yi, the peerless arrogance who has been in the limelight recently, right? It is said that he defeated the existence of the fifth or even sixth level of the Astral Realm. His strength is close to The pinnacle of the stellar realm. I don’t know if it’s true or not. And Ling Tianyang actually gave Tang Yi the third place, which is really beyond my expectation. This time Ling Tianyang drove away two full kings Or, presumably it is because of this Tang Yi."

A black shadow with the number eight tattooed on his chest spoke.

"No, you are wrong on the eighth. As far as I know, Tang Yi is just an excuse for the two all-king powerhouses. Even without Tang Yi, those two all-kings would try their best to leave Ling Tianyang and then invest in other all-kings." The embrace of Wang Qiang. This is a doomed thing, so it has nothing to do with Tang Yi. He is not the main reason for the conflict between the two sides."

Number Four spoke.

No. 10 Huanqing also knew some details, and said: "That's true! It's really not because of Tang Yi that Ling Tianyang drove away the two Quanwangs. The real reason is that the two Quanwangs had a different heart and contacted them a long time ago. The other Quan Kings took refuge in other Quan Kings. This is the real reason why Ling Tianyang drove these two Quan Kings away, and it is also the core reason."

"So that's it! It seems that the two Quan Kings wanted to leave Ling Tianyang a long time ago. Even if Ling Tianyang didn't drive them away, they would try their best to get out of Ling Tianyang's camp. It's just that they didn't expect that they would be killed by Ling Tianyang. Drive away instead of letting Ling Tianyang be forced to leave helplessly. They didn't expect Ling Tianyang to be so decisive and so cruel! They didn't expect Ling Tianyang to give up their two king-level powerhouses. "

Number six also spoke.

"These two all-kings made a good plan and got the result they wanted, but this result is not the result they thought before. It can be said that they are self-inflicted. And Ling Tianyang... lost two Quan Wang, I am afraid that UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will be devastated because of this, and will no longer have the strength to compete with other palace masters. It can be said that both sides will lose, and both have suffered huge losses."

No. 5 analyzed.


"I am very optimistic about Ling Tianyang, and think that after this experience, he will rise completely and surpass the other two Palace Masters."

No. 10's Huan Qing said very confidently.

Why would he say that.

Because of Tang Yi!

Knowing that the third supporter Ling Tianyang recruited was Tang Yi, he felt that Ling Tianyang's future would be limitless.

With Tang Yi's help, Ling Tianyang must crush the other two Quanwangs.

after all!

Who is Tang Yi?

That is an existence that can crush the king-level, but it can easily defeat the existence of the king-level powerhouse.

With the help of this kind of existence, it is difficult for Ling Tianyang not to rise up.

Compared with Tang Yi, the losses of those two full kings are nothing.

Not to mention the two Quan Wangs are gone, even if all the warriors are gone, as long as Tang Yi is there, Ling Tianyang will never decline, and he will never be crushed by the other two Quan Kings!

As long as Tang Yi is around, Ling Tianyang will continue to obtain resources, his status will rise steadily, and his power will become monstrous!

Therefore, Huanqing is very optimistic about Ling Tianyang.

In other words, he is very optimistic about the object Tang Yi supports.

"Huh? No. 10? Why do you think so? As far as I know, Ling Tianyang is supported by these two all-king powerhouses. Without these two all-kings, he has no absolute high-end combat power. Without all-kings With the fighting power of a king-level powerhouse, there are many things Ling Tianyang can't fight for. In addition..."