Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 4433: encounter

"That is to say, the higher the level of the monster killed, the more eternal crystals I get, and the more eternal power energy clusters each eternal crystal brings me?"

"Perhaps it is true."

Tang Yi analyzed a sentence, although he said calmly: "Anyway, this is a good thing."

Thinking about it, Tang Yi jumped up and flew back to where the kamikaze people were.

After falling down, Tang Yi walked to the side of the eldest prince Feng Jiarong, handed the Eternal Crystal to the eldest prince, and then said: "You wait for me here."

"Okay." The First Prince Feng Jiarong nodded.

Seeing the eldest prince nodding, Tang Yi immediately jumped up and flew towards the ice and snow castle.

The ice and snow castle in front of Tang Yi's eyes is really huge.

The entire castle soars into the sky, like a high mountain. The area of ​​the castle is also extremely huge, and it is boundless at a glance.

Just a single gate has reached a size of 100 meters, it looks extremely huge, and at the same time it is also extremely magnificent.

It was this gate that was guarded by the Eternal Lion King before.

If you want to enter the ice and snow castle of the Eternal Palace, you must pass through this gate to enter.

Tang Yi came to the gate, looking at the magnificent and huge gate of the castle, with emotion on his face.

Only the fantasy world can create such a magnificent spectacle. If it is the earth world, no matter how much manpower and material resources are spent, no matter how powerful the technology is, it may not be possible to create such a magnificent castle.

"Ding, the gate of the ban has been detected, may I ask if the player has unlocked the ban?"

While feeling emotional, a reminder sounded in Tang Yi's mind.

Seeing the prompt in his mind, Tang Yi couldn't help thinking: "Fortunately, I have an all-around gold finger like the God of War system. If I change someone else, or change to another gold finger, I'm afraid I won't be able to open the gate of the Eternal Shrine at all. .”

But it is.

Right now, this door is so thick and towering, and there are still some restrictions. It is impossible to enter or open it by force.

There is no need to try this at all.

In other words, if Tang Yi didn't have the God of War system, he wouldn't be able to open the door at all without this prompt right now.

but now.

"Unlock the ban."

Tang Yi thought to himself.

"Ding, it takes 1,000,000 holy points to unblock the ban, please ask the player if you agree."

Another reminder came from the system.

Seeing the prompt, Tang Yi thought for a while, and then said silently: "Agree."

For the current Tang Yi, a million holy value is nothing at all.

Moreover, it is still a good deal to use one million holy points to unlock the ban on the shrine.

After all, once the ban is lifted, one can enter the shrine.

And entering the shrine, you can explore the shrine and get everything in the shrine.

Is it worthwhile to exchange one million holy points for the treasures in the shrine?

What a bargain.

And at the moment when Tang Yi was meditating in his heart, he saw a ray of light shoot out from his body and hit the gate of the shrine.

In the next moment, the gate seemed to be activated, and a dazzling light bloomed.

And at this time, visible to the naked eye, a translucent energy film emerged on the gate.

Immediately afterwards, it shattered like a spider's web.

Then, with a bang, it shattered.

And at the moment when an energy film shattered.


The huge stone gate hundreds of meters high suddenly opened inward. As if to welcome Tang Yi, he displayed the passage inside the entire shrine in front of Tang Yi.

Tang Yi glanced slightly, then entered the gate, and entered the Eternal Palace along the passage.

It has to be said that the Eternal Shrine is really huge. The passage alone is extremely spacious, like a huge square, even wider than ordinary squares.

This is completely different from the several palaces that Tang Yi explored before.

Those palaces are all long and narrow passages, and each passage can accommodate at most two or three people. It is not like it is now, and each passage is like a square.

This is enough to see how wide the area of ​​the Eternal Palace is and how grand it is built.

Tang Yi walked slowly along this atmospheric passage, and after a while, he heard a slight noise coming from the front.

But because of light and lighting problems, Tang Yi didn't know what was ahead.

After he walked for another ten minutes, he suddenly saw things in front of him.

Go to the thing that makes a slight sound, it is nothing but a monster.

Moreover, the monster is still a monster that Tang Yi is familiar with, the eternal six-armed ape!

It's just that there is not only one eternal six-armed ape in front of him, but hundreds of them!

Yes, hundreds of them, occupying the entire passage in front of Tang Yi's eyes!

There are countless eternal six-armed **** apes all over the wide square-like passage.

However, the difference is that these eternal six-armed apes are all small six-armed apes.

The eternal six-armed ape that Tang Yi killed outside the Eternal Shrine before was as large as 50 meters.

And these eternal six-armed apes in front of them are only five or six meters high, which is ten times smaller.

Of course, their size is smaller, but their level and strength have not changed. They are still holy beasts, and their attributes are exactly the same.

"so much."

Seeing so many eternal six-armed apes appear, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Tang Yi was slightly surprised.

However, he was not afraid.

After all, to him, monsters like the eternal six-armed ape are nothing but ants.

No matter how many ants there are, they are just ants, so why be afraid?

With a slight shake of his hand, Tang Yi took out the magic sword Apophis from the system backpack.

After holding the magic sword Apophis in his hand, Tang Yi slowly moved towards the group of eternal six-armed apes.

At this time, the eternal six-armed ape also discovered that humans had come to their area.

The eternal six-armed apes are all extremely intelligent, and they are also extremely surprised when they see humans.

However, after being slightly surprised, they immediately swarmed towards Tang Yi.

Although they don't understand why humans appear in the shrine, they are ordered to guard the shrine and prevent anyone or any creature from entering the shrine, so after seeing Tang Yi, they rushed to Tang Yi immediately Yi wanted to tear Tang Yi into pieces.

It has to be said that countless gorillas with six arms are rushing towards you. The scene is still extremely terrifying. If you don't have a huge heart and strong strength, you will be scared to death seeing such a scene.

And Tang Yi, who has great strength and has reached the level of a holy emperor, will certainly not be frightened by the scene in front of him at this time.

Seeing countless eternal six-armed apes rushing towards him, the corners of Tang Yi's mouth curled slightly, revealing a bright smile.

These eternal six-armed apes are all giving him experience at this time!

Tang Yi hasn't killed monsters for a long time.

It's been a long time... I haven't used that skill.

Thinking of this, his consciousness sank into the supernatural power column of the personal panel, and looked at a certain skill on the supernatural power column.