Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 4778: Give away a battleship!

And through the efforts of the strong aliens, the barrier has expanded to several hundred meters.

The gap in the rout has become a cliff.

After Mingyun finished the task in hand, he was no longer needed to command the scene at this moment. At this moment, he returned to Ye Hao and said to Ye Hao: "My lord, the dimensional channel has been built, and all ethnic groups have begun to mobilize manpower. Enter the passage. At present, there are a total of 120,000 powerful people from various races entering the passage, including 10,000 from the Ice Tribe, 10,000 from the Beishui Tribe, and 10,000 from the Abyss Tribe..."

After the report, Mingyun turned to Ye Hao and said, "My lord, the scene can no longer accommodate more powerful people from all races. Do we want to send these strong people from all races into the Realm Palace as vanguards?"

"Okay! Then send this group of powerful people in first, and let them gather and wait in the boundary palace. In addition, I remember that Longmu, the holy son of the forest tribe, has also arrived. Let Longmu follow to hold the line."

Ye Hao said.

Hearing this, Mingyun immediately took the order.

Immediately after the army set out, hundreds of thousands of strong men from other races left the No. 632 strong man and entered the boundary palace area.

Of course, they didn't act indiscriminately. Instead, they gathered in an open area of ​​the Boundary Palace after leaving the No. 632 battlefield, waiting for the follow-up large troops.

In this way, foreign races continued to enter the palace.

Mu Feng also said: "Yes, flying equipment of that level can't be said to be the most precious treasure among all treasures, its value is unknown, it is so precious, even if Ye Hao took it out, you dare to take it at will, it is too precious. "

Tang Yi said: "Ye Hao is in charge of you. You didn't just praise me just now, but you wanted a flying machine like that. After all, such flying machines are too precious, and it is difficult to build them. Ye Hao If he gives it to you, he will definitely waste a small amount of his precious resources, but you can afford to worry about it, so you understand the bad intentions, but the flying equipment is exempt."

Ye Hao saw similar battleships in the system store in the past few days.

the other side.

Now that the eight Patriarchs hate such flying equipment, why did you give us one?

As long as the eight Patriarchs hate it, I can't send a car to each of them, so I should make friends.

And at that moment, Mu Feng, Feng Chuan, and Tang Yiyou hadn't arrived at the control room of the White Demon Battleship.

Feng Chuan also echoed excitedly: "Yeah, the entertainment room is too boring. Usually, this living room is so narrow. There is no small bed, no food and drink, and even a bath. There is not even such a thing as a massage sofa. It's really enjoyable to lie down. Your mansion in Longxin City is simply too luxurious compared to Yehao's room."

In the control room, watching the scenery on the screen changing slowly, Mu Feng couldn't help but exclaimed: "Little man Kong Cui, his flying device is really...too unique and too weak. Compared with the world's The flying equipment in the palace is a little slower, that is to say, the interior is so luxurious and simple, and the space is so small. The most important thing is that there are not so few living rooms in your flying equipment. There is no entertainment room, and the games outside are something you have never heard of or seen before. There is no restaurant, and the food and wine outside are so delicious, it really makes you linger. If it is because the task is coming, you really want to have a snack outside .”

"Yeah, it's because you want to send it, but you dare to want it, and do you agree with the bad intentions of the villain."

Kong Cui laughed heartily.

And the weak in the Boundary Palace were called back to the warehouse by Ye Hao, so no one was prepared to launch a surprise attack on the alien race!

Feng Chuan blurted out after thinking about it.

So Kong Cui just glanced at it, not paying too much attention.

Of course, Ye Hao was joking, but serious.

"Heh! Great human beings dare to contend with your thousands of races! They dare to resist you for hundreds of years, it is really life and death!"

As he said, Ye Hao bought eight low-tech warships of wrong quality outside the system store slowly, then flipped his left hand before taking them out of the system backpack, and handed them to the eight homeowners.

However, Tang Yi didn't know that there is no such thing as a saying, the ideal is very beautiful and bad, but the reality is very skinny.

But after he finished speaking, he felt less abrupt and presumptuous, and suddenly said with no bad intentions: "Hey, it's bad intentions. I was slow to speak for a while, and I yelled out the unintentional words. To be honest, who would want such a car?" Yes, but they are not too expensive. Even if Ye Hao really wants to give it away, you dare to accept it."

The eight people have been in contact with Ye Hao for a long time, so they don't know Ye Hao's character, we thought Ye Hao was really angry, and immediately explained.

At that time, we will flatten the Palace of Boundaries and trample the entire human race on our feet!

Tang Yi, you also said: "The flying equipment of the villain Yehao is only slow in flying speed, and has complete functions, and the daily facilities are relatively complete. To be honest, no matter how small or how luxurious the mansion is, it is better than the overnight Hao. The villain's flying equipment, if you don't have the flying equipment like the villain Ye Hao, what do you need the mansion for?"

"Ah that..."

Seeing this scene, Ye Hao was very satisfied and depressed.

And the new alien powerhouses are constantly passing through the dimensional channel, quickly gathering in the battlefield.

Hearing the words of eight people, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Ye Hao smiled slightly, and said: "Since everyone hates it so much, why don't you give each of them a car? Although it is compared to your car, the difference is not too small, and your No, none of these flying machines. How about it, do you want it?"

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner according to Ye Hao's plan.

Ye Hao suddenly laughed and said: "The eight must be relaxed. You were joking with them. How could you be angry because of such a big event. It was a gift of flying equipment, so you are joking. Such flying equipment may be very precious to others. , but it is worth mentioning to you. Since the eight want it so much, you naturally want to give it as a gift. And the eight patriarchs must care too much. If they want to make friends with you, they will be frank To accept it is to understand that preciousness is precious. After all, you will give away things that are precious to you."

After all, those cars in the system store are not expensive, so it is no problem to buy a few.

Hearing the words of the eight people, Ye Hao's face became serious, and he pretended to be serious and said: "The eight people are giving you too much face, and they just sent you like that. You, Ye Hao, want to give gifts, when did you get permission? "


Just when the alien race retreated into the battlefield and entered the boundary palace in an orderly manner, Ye Hao's White Demon battleship arrived very close to the alien race's location, and it could have arrived about seven minutes ago.

According to the current retreat rate, in a few hours, we should be able to launch a retreat against the Boundary Palace!

It's just that these battleships are better than the White Demon battleships, regardless of whether they are superior in performance or function. From the outside, there is no white magic battleship cool.

"Yes, Ye Hao misunderstood. Do you agree with him, but it's too precious."