Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 499: Mu Xianling was stared at

Tang Yi and his entourage walked around to the shops operated by Xifu.

But when Tang Yi and his party entered Tianya Market and headed for the Xifu shop, two thief-eyed youths glanced at Tang Yi and the others, and then fixed their eyes on Mu Xianling.

Seeing Mu Xianling, these two thieves' eyes suddenly turned to heaven and earth, and their eyes were drooling, and their eyes exuded light.

After all, Mu Xianling is too beautiful, and no one can move without seeing her man.

"Huo Laoliu, this... this is a super-good thing, Jingqi City hasn't come to this kind of thing for a long time? My Huo Wuwu hasn't seen such a great thing for a long time! Remember the last time I saw it, it was a year ago And the woman I saw last time was not as good as the one in front of me. I didn't know how many times the grade was worse." The young man named Huo Wuwu exclaimed.

Aside, the young man, who was called Huo Laoliu, was also fierce. He agreed: "It is indeed the best, and the best among the best. It is so beautiful. How beautiful is it. This is what I have seen. The most beautiful woman, her temperament is almost absolute, there is a smell of a fairy, I can't bear the impulse in my heart, if such a woman let me sleep for a night, it is worth it!"

"Me too, if you let me last time, I would like to die ten times!" Huo Laowu nodded in agreement.


Huo Laoliu glanced at Tang Yi and his colleagues again, and hesitated slightly: "These people accompanying the woman are not easy. They don't look very provoking. Seeing that the leading teenager doesn't have it, the temperament is very bad. Vulgar, although there is no breath, and the clothes are ordinary, but I'm sure that his identity is definitely not ordinary, maybe there is unimaginable power behind him, it is estimated that it is a brother of a big family and the like The character, and the stunning woman, it is estimated that it is also the daughter of this son-in-law, etc., such an identity, we can only see can not touch it, it is a pity."

"Ah? What should I do? After I saw her, my heart was tickling, and my anger was hard to get rid of. If I couldn't get it, I wouldn't be able to fall asleep for a few days."


"Otherwise, will we tell the young master this news? Let the young master take this girl down? With the identity and strength of the young master, even if this group of people has extraordinary origins, it will never escape the palm of the young master, and this woman is so beautiful. The young master will definitely be excited. After the young master has been here, we have made such a great contribution, maybe let us be the last one if we are happy?" Huo Liuli thought about it and proposed.

After all, they didn't do this kind of thing less, and their young masters once shot many people with extraordinary identities and status, and all succeeded. They haven't failed once, nor have they ever been avenged.

Once others knew the identity of their young master, even if there were thousands of grievances, they would endure it, and they would not dare to mention it again, let alone come to the door to ask for an argument.

So they and their young masters are still safe and happy.

After all, in Thrilling City, no, it should be said that in the Western District, who dares to provoke their young master?

No one dares!

Even the people of Xifu, the overlord of the Western Regions, have to be treated with three points in the face of their young masters, not to mention others?

Hearing the words, Huo Laowu's eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands, praised: "Miao, wonderful! The young master usually likes beauty too. If he is so beautiful, he will definitely not let go. Then we will This matter tells the young master that he will take the shot. Like you said, the young master will be happy, maybe it will also allow us to kiss Fang Ze. Such a big beauty, even if it is second-hand, it is worth it! It is also cool enough !"

Huo Laowu and Huo Laoli were more and more excited, their eyes were full of kinky/evil, the body had reacted, the body was hot, the blood flow accelerated, and the lower body propped up the tent.

At this moment, both of them had begun to imagine how to turn the cloud and rain with the beauty, and began to imagine countless poses and tens of millions of different scenes and locations with the beauty.

The two looked at each other very excitedly, and then discussed one or two. Huo Laoliu stayed and followed, Huo Laiwu left quickly to report to the young master they said.

Huo Laowu, who had left, walked straight out of Tianya Market, and then came to a large and magnificent mansion.

The plaque on the plaque of this mansion is written with the word "Huo", and two three-meter-high stone lions are placed at the door, which is very powerful.

Regardless of the layout or the scale of the mansion, you can see at a glance that this is not an ordinary family.

That's right, this mansion is indeed not an ordinary family, but Huo Mansion, one of the twenty-six refining families in Jingqi City.

Among the twenty-six refining families, Huofu ranks among the top and belongs to the top three families.

Not only are there many forge masters, the level of forge masters is high, but also extremely wealthy, and they are extremely powerful in Jingqi City.

Generally speaking, it’s the ‘rich and wealthy family’!

After coming to Huofu, Huo Laowu walked straight in. ~lightnovelpub.net~ Huofu's bodyguard also clearly recognized the dogleg of Huo Laowu, so he didn't stop it, just let him In and out.

After entering the Huo Mansion, Huo Laowu made a few more turns and came to a delicate and elegant garden.

This garden is very beautifully furnished, with pavilions, lofts, rockery, and pools, which are very elegant.

At this time, in the attic of this garden, a young man in luxurious clothes is playing with two beautiful women in cool and infinite spring.

Seeing this luxurious young man, Huo Laowu swept the two'cool' beautiful women again, swallowed a few saliva, and lingered, before quickly walking into the attic, facing The respectable salute of the luxurious young man: "Huo Wu, a minion, has seen the young master."


Huagui Youth was having fun with the two beauties. Suddenly being disturbed, she felt a little uncomfortable, frowned, and asked, "What's the matter? Didn't I say that I don't want to disturb Master Ben? Didn't see Master Ben being Do you do'business'?"

He is indeed doing ‘right things’ at the moment. He is about to delve deeper into the mysteries of the human body and enjoy the wonderful feeling of the supremacy of human beings. When this time is interrupted by others, it’s strange to be in a good mood.

"Young Master forgiving sins, Young Master forgiving sins, it's really wrong for Huo Wu to come and disturb, but Huo Wu is here to tell the young master that there is good news. When he hears this news, he will be happy." Huo Wu said.

"Oh? What news? If this news does not satisfy me...hehe, you should know the consequences." Huagui Youth said with a sneer.


Huo Wuwen said that he knelt down suddenly, fearful and sincere, and said: "Guarantee the satisfaction of the young master, this news must guarantee the satisfaction of the young master!"

(End of this chapter)

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