Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 511: Heavenly emblem

Seeing Mu Xianling not answering, Huo Sihua was very thick-skinned, and he was not embarrassed. He said, "Oh, yes, the sentences that Sihua said just now are true. If you can have a meal with the girl, get acquainted. One or two, if the girl wants this'Floor Red', then buy it down and give it to the girl. If the girl can't look at the'Floor Red', then the treasure of the town shop of our Tianya Huojia jewelry store' 'Daughter Red' can also be given to the girl. 1357924? 6810ggggggggggd"

Seeing that Mu Xianling still didn't seem to have any interest, Huo Sihua added: "Of course, Sihua has no intentions, but after seeing the girl, she feels that the girl is very similar to the old friend underneath, so she just wanted to get acquainted ."

"No interest, don't want to know." Mu Xianling said coldly.

Tang Yi was next to her. Someone came up and talked about it. What if she didn't behave coldly? Misunderstanding can be suffered.

"You! What to say! Didn't you just tell us our young master's identity? Dare to talk to our young master like this, don't want to live? My young master sincerely wants to know you, you are so ignorant!"

Huo Sihua had not spoken yet, Huo Liu jumped out and accused.

As the first dogleg, it is still very necessary to jump out like this to stand on the street.

"Oh. Huo Liu withdrew!"

Huo Sihua smiled slightly and stopped Huo Liu, the dog, to continue.

He doesn't care too. In fact, the colder Mu Xianling is, the more he conquers. Conquering such an icy beauty will give him a very refreshing sense of accomplishment.

If such a cold beauty, in the future Cheng Chenghuan under his crotch, but also obediently obedient, let him do whatever he wants, that is not cool enough?

Huo Sihua thought of this, how did he mind Mu Xianling's attitude? He also wanted Mu Xianling to be cold, the colder the better, the colder the cooler!

Immediately, Huo Sihua said again: "Girl, didn't you want this'Floor Red' necklace before? Since I want it, I will give it to you!"

"I wanted it before, but I don't want it now." Mu Xianling still said coldly, not giving Huo Sihua a face.

"That girl wanted the treasure "Daughter Red" from my town store in Huojia Jewelry Store? I heard from the shopkeeper in our store that you just went to see "Daughter Red", how about it, "Daughter Red" Can you still be satisfied?" Huo Sihua said again. Very unyielding.

"That kind of garbage, also known as the treasure of the town shop? Still satisfied, not disappointed, it's good, no interest."

Mu Xianling still said no to face.

Hearing Mu Xianling's words, the two female disciples behind Tang Yi nodded in agreement.

For them, that kind of thing is indeed garbage, that is, it doesn't look good, and it's useless. It's not what garbage is, and there is nothing wrong with it.


"What to say!"

"Dare to say that our Huo family's baby is garbage, it is really impatient to live!"

When the Huo family heard Mu Xianling's words, they were all furious, glaring at Mu Xianling, his eyes spitting fire.

Even Huo Sihua couldn't help but frown, a little dissatisfied.

Their family is a refining family, specializing in refining, and the'plants' they practiced are said to be garbage. Even if Huo Sihua has a good temper, even if he wants to get Mu Xianling again, he can't help getting angry.

It's like being a man and being told by a woman that you are a man ‘no way’.

What can men say the least?

Of course it's "no"!

It was said at the moment that Huo Sihua, as a gatekeeper of the refinery family, is of course in a bad mood.

However, in the end he endured it. Since he wants to eat swan meat, he must of course learn to be patient.

"Since the girl said she didn't like the "Floor Red" from Tianya's official jewelry store, and said that she didn't like the "Daughter Red" from my Tianya Huojia jewelry store, then there is one more thing below, I think the girl will definitely like it."

"This piece of jewelry is higher than the "Daughter Red" grade of our Tianya Huojia jewelry store. It has reached the level of inferior grade, and the value is even greater. If the girl sees it, if you like it, just promise me to go to Tianhu When you have a meal in the building, you will give it to the girl when you are down." Huo Sihua said sincerely, even now the accessories of the world-class inferior products were taken out.

However, when hearing Huo Sihua's words, Mu Xianling didn't say anything at all, and still ignored it. She didn't expect anything about the jewelry that Huo Sihua said.

Even if it's a low-end product, it has no interest at all.

For her, even an artifact, can't compare with the smile of Tang Yi next to him.

Seeing that Mu Xianling didn't respond, Huo Sihua didn't care. He smiled slightly and took out the so-called inferior jewelry from his stored items.

I saw that Huo Sihua's hand shook slightly, and in his hand, there was an extra little box made of unknown materials. The box was boxy, about two fists so big, black, and engraved all around. Some complicated inscriptions.

After taking this box out, Huo Sihua said: "My piece of jewelry, called the Tianyu badge, will be improved by two to three times according to your personal cultivation qualifications after wearing it, and like other jewelry, it has It is about five meters of storage space. In addition, it also has a defensive effect. It can provide a protective shield for the wearer. As long as it is below the level of the war emperor, and the martial arts used do not exceed the middle grade of the ground, it is impossible to break this. Shield defense."

After finishing speaking, Huo Sihua went to see Mu Xianling's reaction. However, when Mu Xianling heard his words, he didn't respond at all. He didn't care about his words or the things in his hands.

"Hehe~lightnovelpub.net~ Seeing this, Huo Sihua smiled coldly, and she was really an iceberg beauty. Okay, no response, no response now, wait for the box in her hand to open, let her I saw the ornament in the box, and then I will see if she still responds!

The ornament in the box in Huo Sihua's hand is called the Tianyu badge, and the effect is as he said, and the quality has indeed reached the level of heaven, not a blow.

However, Huo Sihua still has an effect that has not been mentioned, and this effect is the same as the effect of'Daughter Red', which can make women very crazy.

The woman who sees the "Tianyu Badge" will immediately like the "Tianyu Badge" and will become very crazy. She will very much want to occupy the Tianyu Badge without giving up.

This effect is exactly the same as the'Daughter Red' necklace.

However, the effect of the "Sky Yu Badge" must be more powerful, and the power of confusion must be more intense!

Of course, the side effects are also very serious!
