Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 521: Lu Yan, a disciple of the inner governme

Although at the moment there are more and more crowds of people eating melons that are not too big to worry about, and everyone is talking about it, but Tang Yi does not care about the eyes around him, nor does he care about what strength Huo Sihua has in front of him, from what forces Tang Yi's identity and strength, are they afraid that Huo Sihua will not succeed?

of course not!

Therefore, in the face of Huo Sihua, he didn't have any fear, but instead was full of disdain. The old **** was there and he was calm.

At this moment, I saw Tang Yi sneered, and said to Huo Sihua politely: "What am I? Am I saying something wrong, what are you doing, why do we want to make friends with you. People like you, actually Dare to stop our way? Want to make friends with me? Are you worthy?"

"you you you!"

"I'm so mad! I have never been looked down on by Huo Sihua, and no one dared to insult me, and today, you are the first! To tell you the truth, stink boy, today you are dead, anyone will save I can’t reach you, I’m angry now, and the consequences of my anger are very serious!”

Huo Sihua said viciously. He was shaking with anger at the moment, his eyes almost burst into flames.

"Oh? The consequences are serious? What are the consequences? Let me see?" Tang Yi provoked indifferently.


Provoked, Huo Sihua snorted coldly, then glanced at Tang Yi viciously, then turned his head to a dog behind him and said: "Huo Wu, go, let him know to insult me ​​and look down on my end!"


The dog leg named Huo Wu heard the words and responded, and then stood forward, a pair of round eyes glaring fiercely at Tang Yi and his party.

Huo Wu is a guard of Huo Sihua, and his strength has reached the level of a five-star warlord. In the world, he is also a very powerful strongman.

After Huo Wu was ordered by Huo Sihua, he squeezed his fists and walked towards Tang Yi aggressively, trying to teach Tang Yi.

On the other side, in the face of Huo Wu's aggressive approach, Tang Yi stood still and waited in situ. He didn't care at all. He did not take Huo Wu in his eyes at all. Wang Qiang, but just an ant.

Of course, with Tang Yi's strength, how could a warrior-level warrior be regarded in the eyes? Even the war emperor, in Tang Yi's eyes, is like a ant, let alone a war king.

So, how could Tang Yi care?

Now in Jingqi City, there is really no one who can make Tang Yi care, even if it is the owner of the Western Division of Jingqi City.


Why don't Tang Yi come for a role like Huo Wu?

It can be completely resolved by handing it to the disciples of Xifu Neifu behind him.

At the moment, there are four disciples of Xifu Neifu who play the guards of Tang Yi. They are not vegetarians. Fortunately, they are also the elite of Xifu Neifu. How could it be possible for a ants to attempt to shoot Tang Yi, the envoy of Xifu?

Of course, although knowing that Tang Yi will definitely not take Huo Wu in his eyes, Huo Wu can't help Tang Yi at all, but anyway Tang Yi is also the special envoy of Xifu!

The special envoy of Xifu, representing Xifu's face, shot against Tang Yi, that is, against Xifu. Even if Tangyi could not be threatened, they could not let a ants challenge the authority of Xifu!

Therefore, at this moment, without Tang Yi's orders, the four inner disciples of the Western House stood consciously in front of Tang Yi, guarding Tang Yi behind him firmly, preventing the ants from challenging Tang Yi and the Western House. authority!


Seeing the four disciples in the inner house of Xifu stand up and protect Tang Yi, Huo Wu chuckled, and his movements remained unchanged, still coming straight towards Tang Yi.

Where does Huo Wu know the strength of those disciples in Xifu? I just thought they were ordinary guards around Tang Yi. Although Huo Wu couldn't feel their breath and could not see their level, but since they were guards, where could they be stronger no matter how strong they were?

Therefore, Huo Wu does not take those Xifu Neifu disciples in his eyes, and still walks towards Tang Yi. After all, he is quite confident in his strength and feels that he has the ability to cope.

However, when Huo Wu had just arrived in front of Tang Yi and others and wanted to teach Tang Yi, he saw the female disciple, Yan Yan, who was guarding Tang Yi's first four disciples, and took the first step.

6 As a woman, Yan is very thin, with thin arms and thin legs. It seems that there is no deterrence at all. However, the thin arms and thin legs surprised everyone present.

I saw that Huo Wu had just arrived in front of Tang Yi and others, but hadn't shot yet, but 6 Yan started the attack first, and his jade hand stood up, and he slammed into Huo Wu.

This palm does not use any martial arts, nor does it have any breath of terror. It does not look fierce. Plus 6 Yan Nai is a female. I don't feel any strength.

Faced with such a palm, how could Huo Wu, who is the five-star warlord, put it in his eyes?

Not only do not look in the eyes, UU reading books www.uukanshu. com and there is also a funny feeling in my heart. I feel that a woman with such strength is also embarrassed to stand up and shoot herself. It's so ridiculous, it's a child's play.

Faced with a palm-like split, Huo Wu raised the corner of his mouth and showed a disdainful smile.

At the same time, his right hand was also stretched out, five fingers spread out, and he reached out very casually to pick up the palm of 6 faces with a fleshy palm.

At the moment, Huo Wu is also useless of any martial arts, and there is no means. He just simply reached out to pick up. In his opinion, the palm of 6 Yan can be taken by the palm of the flesh alone. There is no need to use any means at all, nor to use martial arts.

However, what Huo Wu did not know is that 6 Yan... Although she is a female, although she seems to be only Tang Yi's escort, she is also a warlord anyway!

A war emperor, even if he doesn't use any martial arts, is it so easy to pick up with ordinary hands?

Is it possible for a war king to come next?

Moreover, what means or martial arts are not needed, just want to rely on the flesh palm to take over the emperor's palm?

How can this be?

Isn't this death?

Therefore, Huo Wu of course had a miserable end, and he regretted it afterwards. He felt that the most idiot thing he had done in his life was to take the palm of the 6 faces with the flesh palm. And, the most stupid thing is to follow Huo Sihua and teach Tang Yi for Huo Sihua.

If he were given another chance, he would never do such a foolish/stupid/coercive thing.

Of course, these regrets are too late, and Huo Wu is not aware of it.

(End of this chapter)

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