Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 541: Belmar Star Necklace

Tang Yi not only had to buy the drawings, but also the good ones, not only forging, he also had to forge an excellent necklace for Mu Xianling.

After all, who is Tang Yi, he is the owner of the system, but the Son of Heaven, how is it possible to send something ordinary?

To send, of course, to send the best!

Therefore, Tang Yi turned off the interface of the drawing of the deep sea star necklace, and began to select it on the interface of the necklace drawing.

The selected necklace drawings are not only of high grade, but also of appropriate price. Otherwise, Tang Yi can't afford the drawings, can't afford the materials, and can't forge, which is embarrassing.

In this way, Tang Yi looked at the icons one by one, selected them, and finally, Tang Yi picked a good necklace drawing.

The name of this necklace is called Belmar Star, and its grade is inferior. The price is the same as the price of the finished product in the system store, which is 8oo points.

8oo God of War value is still affordable for Tang Yi, who has more than 79oo God of War value.

And Tang Yi estimated that the drawing of 8oo points of God of War value, then even if its material is expensive, it should not be possible to exceed the value of 7ooo points of God of War.

As long as the materials and drawings add up to 79oo God of War, Tang Yi can forge the necklace.

The reason why I chose this Bellmar Star necklace drawing is not only because Tang Yi can afford it, but also one of the most important reasons, because Tang Yi saw the appearance of this necklace.

In the icon of the system, this necklace is very beautiful, the low-key beauty, the smooth lines, the simple and fashionable shape, which has brought wave after wave of impact to Tang Yi's vision.

Although Tang Yi is not a woman, he is a man who understands aesthetics. From his point of view, this necklace is so beautiful and beautiful!

And the most important point is that this necklace fully complies with Mu Xianling's temperament!

Tang Yi was completely impressed by the beautiful appearance of this necklace, and his impulsive desire to buy was in his heart.

If the beauty of the crystal glass earrings is 1oo points, then this Bellmar Star necklace is 2oo points.

If the matching degree between the crystal glazed earrings and Mu Xianling is 90%, then this Belmar star necklace is 100%, which is a perfect fit with Mu Xianling's temperament!

This Belmar Star Necklace is not a finished product, just an icon, just a picture, it gives Tang Yi such a strong sense of beauty. If it is created, how good will it be?

It's hard to imagine.

Regardless of the attributes, Tang Yi has been impressed just by this appearance, and Tang Yi has the desire to buy enough!

If such a necklace is created and worn on Mu Xianling, what kind of picture would it be?



I am afraid that the term fairy is not enough to describe Mu Xianling, right?

Of course, the icon is so beautiful, Tang Yi does not believe that this Bellmar Star necklace will look bad!

In this way, first select the icon of the Bellmar Star necklace drawing to view the detailed information of this necklace. If the attributes are also good, then Tang Yi does not need to hesitate.

[Drawing name]: Belmar star necklace

[Item level]: inferior order

[Purchase price]: 8oo God of War value


Weight: o.4kg

Attributes: Increase defense by 5%, intelligence by 5%, spirit by 5%, mental resistance by 1oo points, and life recovery by 5%

Special Attributes: Immune to mental attacks below 2o, and protect against mental attacks above 2o and below 3o.

Additional Skill: Bright Shine

Shining light: exerting the power of light, instantly recovering 4o% of blood, this skill can be released to others, the effect is only half, and can restore 2o% of others' blood. (Can only be used once per day)

(Hint: The above attributes are standard values, and the actual items will change according to the quality of the created)

[Forging material requirements]:

Tianyao Crystal (o/7)

Ten Thousand Years Black Iron (o/5oo)

Solidified crystal (o/5oo)

Seal of Queen Belmar (o/1o)

Bright spar (o/1o)

Eye of the Bright Dragon (o/1)

[Forging level requirements]: Intermediate forging



Sure enough, it is a necklace of inferior quality, this attribute is awesome!

This Belmar Star necklace not only looks good, but also makes Tang Yi extremely satisfied with its attributes.

The attributes and various effects of the Belmar Star Necklace are better than some of the top-grade middle-class equipment on Tang Yi!

Compared to Tang Yi’s previous Deep Sea Shooting Star Necklace, not only has its attributes doubled, but it also has a special effect.

It is immune to mental attacks!

Immune to mental attacks, this is a very practical attribute!

Moreover, it is immune to mental attacks below 2o!

You know ~lightnovelpub.net~ Tang Yi's mental strength is already strong enough, but it has only reached level 32!

Even Tang Yi is like this, so how many levels can others reach?

Immune to the 2o level, which means that you can already be immune to a large number of people's attacks!

Moreover, even if it is a mental attack above 2o level, as long as you wear this necklace, it will also have a defensive effect. With the mental defense of the necklace plus your own mental defense, there will be another group of mental attacks , Helpless to the person wearing this necklace.

If such a necklace is created to be worn by Mu Xianling, it means that she is already invincible in front of some warriors majoring in spiritual power!

Who can get her a warrior who cultivates spiritual power?

This special attribute is invincible!

It's so useful!

In addition, the additional skill is also invincible!

Can actually add blood!

This blood-adding skill also made Tang Yi very inspiring.

Recover 4o% of your own blood volume, which is equivalent to being able to recover half a life instantly when dying, which is equivalent to eating a bottle of medium-sized gold sore medicine!

A bottle of medium-sized gold sore medicine can only be purchased for 2oo points of God of War, and this Bellmar Star necklace can be used once a day, which is equivalent to saving 2oo points of God of War!

Not only that, this skill can also be used on others and can heal others!


Anyone who has played online games knows that there is a difference in combat effectiveness between red medicine and no red medicine.

People with red medicines, even the more powerful and powerful Boss, will only die if they grind slowly.

Red medicine is equal to life and strength!

(End of this chapter)

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