Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 542: Purchase materials, forging soon!

For example, after Tang Yi had a gold sore medicine, fighting with others, Tang Yi could not be beaten. The strength of others is stronger than Tang Yi, and he can win Tang Yi casually.

However, Tang Yi has medicines, but every time he fails to fight, every time he is beaten to death by someone else, he knocks a bottle of medicine, so he repeatedly fights and takes the medicine repeatedly. Who will win in the end?

Of course, Tang Yi won!

Tang Yi can also kill his opponent by eating a medicine mill!

A bottle of red medicine has such great power, so what is the equivalent of a device that can add blood?

That is equivalent to money, money spent in vain!

With such a piece of equipment, how much medicine can save money!

If Tang Yi has such a piece of equipment, every time he uses it, he can save 2oo points of God of War, so over time, how much God of War can he save!

Although it can only be owned once a day, it is also very practical.

So, this blood-adding skill is simply perfect!

Even Tang Yi, who is full of top-grade middle-class equipment, saw the attributes of this Bellmar Star necklace, and couldn’t help but feel very excited. All right!

Of course, it is impossible not to send it, but it is still necessary to send it. After all, it is too selfish to gossip about a necklace.

Moreover, with the growth of Tang Yi's strength, he will definitely get better equipment, why bother to speak for a necklace?

Therefore, at this moment, Tang Yi wants to forge the necklace drawing for Mu Xianling, which is also a good choice. This is the Bellmar star necklace!

Such a necklace with good attributes, beautiful appearance, is suitable for giving away!

After the selection was completed, Tang Yi purchased the necklace drawings. Suddenly, the necklace drawings entered Tang Yi's system backpack.

Open the necklace drawing in the system backpack. As Tang Yi thought, the missing materials in the drawings are available in the system store. After purchasing the necklace drawings, these materials also appear to be missing the prompt to buy, and ask Tang Yi whether Need to buy.

Immediately, Tang Yi did not hesitate and followed the prompts of the system to start purchasing materials.

However, with the prompts one after another in the system, Tang Yi bought the same materials, the darker the complexion, the more ugly.

Even halfway through the purchase, he stopped and began to consider whether to continue buying!

But in the end, Tang Yi still had Ti Qingqing's face, and continued to buy, with all the materials.

Tianyao Crystal needs 7 pieces, each with 1oo God of War value, for a total of 7oo God of War value.

Ten Thousand Years Mysterious Iron requires five hundred. Although Tang Yi does not know what unit it is, it also costs 5oo points of God of War, which is equivalent to one unit of one point of God of War.

The curing crystal also requires five hundred, and also costs 5oo God of War value, 1 unit of God of War value.

Queen Bellmar’s seal requires 1o, costing 1oo God of War.

Bright spars need 1o, 1 3o God of War value, a total of 3oo God of War value.

One bright dragon eye is required. Although the demand is the least, it is the most expensive material among all materials. Actually, it needs 15oo God of War value, which is equivalent to the price of a top-grade middle-class equipment. Sky-high price!

After purchasing the materials, Tang Yi spent a total of 36oo points of God of War, plus 8oo points of drawings of God of War, that is to say, Tang Yi wanted to forge the cost of this necklace, not counting manpower, reaching 44oo points The price of God of War!

In the system store, a piece of jewelry of the lower rank is only 8oo points of God of War, middle rank of middle rank is 16oo points of God of War, and top rank is 32oo points of God of War.

And now, if you want to forge a necklace of inferior order, it will cost 44oo points of the God of War value, which is five times that of similar products in the system store, which makes Tang Yi stunned!

44oo points of God of War value, can buy a piece of low-grade equipment plus a high-grade equipment, a total of two pieces of equipment, and even left!

It is equivalent to saying that Tang Yi bought a piece of top-grade equipment, in addition to its own price, it also cost an extra price of top-grade finished products! !

This made Tang Yi a little regretful, wasting so much God of War value to forge a necklace of inferior rank, which is worth it.

Even if the properties of this Belmar Star Necklace are as good as it is, it is just a necklace of inferior quality, but no matter how good it is, it is a necklace of inferior quality. After all, there is a difference of two grades, and the quality is simply not the same.

If he had known for a long time, he might as well buy a necklace of the same grade directly from the system store and give it to Mu Xianling instead of personally forging it, which would save 36oo points of God of War! !

Otherwise, it is better to use this God of War value to buy a top-grade necklace, which is more direct, so that there is no feeling of loss, and Tang Yi feels better.

However, regret regret, buy drawings and materials have been bought, it is useless to regret it.

After having the experience of purchasing drawings and materials, Tang Yi now has the bottom of his heart. He knows the prices of these things and understands the truth.

Forging is really not something ordinary people can afford...

Tossing out his happy thoughts, Tang Yi entered the system backpack after purchasing the materials, and then went to open the drawing of the Belmar Star necklace, and at this time, a system prompt also popped up.

"The material for forging the Bellmar Star necklace is already sufficient. UU reading www.uukanshu.com asks if the player wants to start forging."

Two options pop up on the interface, yes or no.

After Tang Yi chose Yes, a few more prompts popped up.

"Ding! The environmental scan begins..."

"Ding! The environment scan is qualified and meets the forgeable environment, ready to enter the forging prop scan."

"Ding! Scanning of forged props begins..."

"Ding! Forged props are qualified for scanning, and there are props for forging nearby."

"Ding! After judgment, the player is in an environment where forging is possible, and the system allows forging."

"Ding! Prompt, once the forging is started, it cannot be interrupted and cannot be stopped. If it is forcibly interrupted, the forged items will likely be extremely flawed or directly damaged. Please ask the player if you want to forge now."

Two more options popped up on the interface, yes or no.

I have to say that if you want to perform a forging, it is really quite cumbersome. It seems that in order to avoid any accidents during the forging process of the player, or to avoid the player’s brain damage and use the wrong things, the system is very careful about whether to forge Determine how many times, and meet the conditions, so as to start forging.

But too.

Forging is not the same as buying equipment. It is equipment that is created by the player. It is called forging and cannot appear out of thin air. In this case, you really need to confirm the environment and confirm the tool. Forged, this is too buggy, and what is the same as buying items in the system? There is no difference at all!

So the system is so set up, it is understandable.

After seeing the prompt, Tang Yi thought about it and chose ‘Yes’ again.

(End of this chapter)

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